Tonight is our last night here, enjoying the soothing effects of the coastal PNW. I'm not a water person … but Holland is, and David has been kind and generous in allowing us to spend a relaxing month on his beach property - I've known David most of my life in WA State (a 57-year friendship); and it makes me happy that he has also accepted my husband Holland in open-handed friendship :-)
All week long we've been getting ready to pull stakes and hit the road: we have two destinations in mind to set up over the winter months - if one place gets too busy with full-time RVr's doing what we are doing (or the weather dips lower in temperature than we want it to be) … we'll hook Liberty to Betsy, and move to the next destination where the temperature will be guaranteed much warmer ;-)
We have pretty much done what needed to get done before heading South for the next 6 months.
This morning, holding tanks were pumped.
And I've been working on handcraft designs all month, too. I like working with my hands. I like creating with my hands and yarn what I envision in my thoughts. I like sharing some of my designs - one way I like to share, is doing Blog Hops; I've been doing & enjoying the Hops for decades.
I am not doing Craft Bazaars anymore, and this is one way other's can enjoy my designs.
This afternoon, I saw that one of my designs had been featured halfway around the world, on a crafter's Blog :-)
It's been a relaxing month.
It's been a friendly month.
It's been a creative month.
It's been a rewarding month.
But it's time now to go find the sun ;-)