God Knew That I Needed You

Saturday, August 3, 2024

EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED~Broken Roads Shabbat; Woodland-WA

July 2nd: This morning, we went to see how Independence is coming along; the fella at RV PRO says repairs are still 4 weeks out; the roof is being tended to now, and they are waiting for the axles to arrive.

Independence becoming 'road ready' again, following her broken roads venturing …

Word is, that as soon as the axles arrive (2 weeks from now), "things should move along rather quickly."

We are hoping and praying.

The RV PRO fellas also discovered that there were more damages to be taken care of: some were manufactory snafu's … but the other was the livingroom & upper bedroom walls: we knew that the kitchen wall needed to be restructured and reattached, but the other walls were surprises.

More damages were discovered; basically ALL roads are brokenly treacherous.
Elohim knows - and He will direct the ways we will go.

Basically the whole shebang is being rebuilt; insurance should have totaled Independence - instead they will be forking out the BIG bucks they thought to skip, between assessed repairs costs already agreed to, the additional repair costs recently discovered, and our motel expenses that have been racking up for the past 7 weeks.

For the time being, while we wait: I pray for guidance, Holland researches for the job he is angling for. When disappointment rears it's head, I encourage my husband by hugging him and saying, "Hon, our plans are not always in line with Elohim's Plan - we need to leave a little wiggle room for the Right Plan. Everything works out for the best, in the end."

I know Elohim has everything worked out … and waits for us to line up with His Plan. I recently read something that I shared with Holland because I like to leave personal options open-ended, to allow for Elohim's Plan to redirect if necessary - Holland having been a fishing junkie will understand what I was sharing: "Let your hook always be cast, for in the stream where you least expect it, there will be a fish"  ;-)

We are in agreement to seek Elohim on walking in the steps He has planned for our Life together. We know we are called to ministry - we just don't know how to dove-tail that with the life we are currently living.

But Elohim knows where He wants us to be; and He has everything under control.

Even our personal broken road experiences that brought us together - and keeps us together through the good, the bad, and the ugly moments.

Since we began our life together, Holland has said three times now, "I really hate the cold weather in WA … but I believe God has a Plan for joint ministry in the PNW - maybe not right now, but eventually we will be coming back to WA, permanently … and you will be in the pulpit, in our own church building."

Holland told me this once after we began our road gypsy life; once in Yuma-AZ; and just the other day while waiting for a forward crawl in freeway traffic back to Woodland.

He always tells me this same thing in an apologetic tone, because he knows it will end our road tripping. The other day when he said it, I replied, "Hon, I'm okay with that, if that's Elohim's Plan for us - really, I am. I always want to be where He wants me to be."

I had a dream a couple months ago (in color, which is an indicator more like a vision), that Holland was preaching in a little country church - don't know were, but it was a surety. I told him about it when he woke up.

I'm okay with sinking roots if that is Elohim's Call on our lives.

Holland was raised to be in ministry; that I will be involved in ministry has never been an issue (a prophetic word was spoken over Bob & me in 1988 … Bob fulfilled his ministry many times over; the prophetic word was spoken over me personally, June 2022: verbatim, from a total stranger to the first speaking: so I know it's where my life is headed); I've been waiting for the opening for decades … and throughout this past year, with everything Holland has been putting me through, I honestly considered that Holland would be my "it", ministry, because there has certainly been many "personality conflicts to overcome" ;-)

A verbatim pronouncement of a previous prophetic word over me; spoken June 17th, 2022-WA

And the Ruach HaKo'desh is refining us by using each of us to rub each other's rough edge's smooth (not always an enjoyable process!); but necessary for harmonious ministry.

Rascal Flatts Bless the Broken Road w/Lyrics: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZp6pmgbZyU)

Both of us have already been ordained for ministry purposes; the Ruach HaKo'desh will have to bring us into alignment … and perhaps that will have to be totally overhauled, too, so we can begin to join hands and purpose in harmony: a house divided cannot stand.

Discussing the broken roads that led both of us to each other, as well as the personal prophecies and visions that dove-tail with those broken roads … we know we both have to allow for divine changes to take place in our lives to fulfil the purpose of our merged Life.

A marriage with a hairline fracture is one thing - but a ministry has got to be built on a stable foundation & practically {earthquake safe; no broken roads}, because people will be judgmental people … always looking for juicy gossip tidbits that will shade the Gospel message. It would break my heart if I caused pain to Elohim's heart.

So, if our rambling road gypsy days are coming to a close (and we aren't sure about anything in that regard, yet), I'm okay with setting roots wherever Elohim wants to plant us: His Ways are always the best ways :-)