God Knew That I Needed You

Thursday, August 22, 2024


Hmmm …

I don't notice the obama THIEVES "giving up" ANY of their  STOLEN "pie"!

Instead, they are back at the DC table FOR THE FOURTH TIME grabbing for MORE 🤬 and forcefully slapping at anyone who tells them they have enough.


I was finishing up the book, 'Colorado Gold', when I asked Holland, "Do you remember the afternoon at Oak Point, when we were all sitting around talking in the kitchen - sharing testimonies, and you asked me if I had every considered writing a book?" He said he remembered. I continued: "My Blog is my story, Holland - my testimony; and you are part of my story now. I know you get upset when I include some things you would rather I didn't … but that is all part of it, Holland. And some day, when your {becoming} has matured into your butterfly stage, this story of US will be beautiful. There will be a beautiful unfolding, Holland. Change is never easy; but it is required as life evolves. My Life includes you, now. Our Life Story is evolving." He said, "It's not the kind of story I had in mind; but you do what you have to do, Baby. Obey God, no matter what."

We may be going through a hard time right now, and Holland may not like that I share our hard struggles with the world … and some may think "too much drama!": but the Scriptures are FULL of people like us - and worse … that had their lives healed, turned around, and their testimonies of victorious overcoming used, to highlight Elohim's never-ending love, compassion, and healing.

The Bible does not spin the flaws, or weaknesses, of the people Elohim called to purpose for His glory.

And we dare not keep our life stories of struggles or victories silent,  because they may very well be what someone else needs to read, or hear, to help them get over their life's hurdles ;-)

Abraham was old

Sarah was impatient

Noah got drunk

Leah was unattractive

Joseph was abused

Jacob was a liar

Moses stuttered

Miriam was a gossip

David was a murderous adulterer

Gideon was insecure

Rahab was a prostitute

Naomi was a widow

Samson was a womanizer

Elijah was moody

Jonah ran from Elohim

Job was bankrupt

Jeremiah was depressed

Esther was an orphan

John the Baptist was eccentric

Zacchaeus was short

The Samaritan woman was an adulteress

Mathew was a cheater

Lazarus was dead

Martha was a worrier

Thomas was a doubter

Peter denied Christ out of fear

Paul murdered Christians

Timothy had poor health

Elohim specializes in using imperfect people to do extraordinary, and wonderous things - when they acknowledge Him, repent, and follow Yeshua's Salvation Plan :-)

Yeshua has impressed this Scripture passage on my heart many times over the past 2 years; and although the Hebrew word to “stand still” in each case is slightly different (“yatsab” in Exodus 14: 13 and “amad” in 2 Chronicles 20: 17), both have a very similar meanings in English – to abidestand faststand firmcontinueendurebe employed by Elohim and to establish His purposes. And so, I WILL STAND & trust in Elohim's Plan :-)