God Knew That I Needed You

Sunday, April 21, 2024


Holland went to Longview this morning - I opted to stay home; there would just be too much testosterone bouncing back and forth, and I need some time apart from the alpha man syndrome - these people can be very annoyingput them all together in the same space with me, and that would not be a good thing.

Holland's alpha attitude is enough, any more and it would become a war zone: his, I have to tolerate: theirs, I do not.

I was like, "Go - get it out of your system … don't bring it home with you."

I'll have my away Day, this coming Thursday :-)

While he was gone I enjoyed the sunshine, listened to the birdsong, tried a new recipe, and finished a portion of the design I started on March 23rd while in Kingsburg-CA.

Birdsong on the breeze.
Carrot-Apple Smoothie; a little heat, but otherwise tasty ;-)
Carrot-Apple Smoothie Recipe:

Since I started working up this new design, we've been constantly in motion, and I haven't been able to get back to it - until today.

I finished up this part of the pattern I am designing …

I drank my smoothie and happily worked my new project into being … while watching this movie:

Jesus of Nazareth Full Movie HD English: 

Tomorrow kicks off Resurrection Week (aka Passover Week); I celebrate this Biblical Festival - I do not recognize Constantine's religious observance of the popular Spring festival, called easter.

I watch this movie every year around this time :-)

Holland came home as I was finishing - and tying off the last rows.

I'm happy with the way it is shaping up, so far.

Alone time can be balancing; both our interests were tapped today.

And the alpha attitude coals were banked ;-)


We pulled into Long Beach last night, set up … and crashed, enjoying a welcome rest period.

This morning, I shot a text to David to let him know we'd arrived; then we planned to drive to Warrenton-OR to grab a few groceries.

But first - a drive along the beach :-)

Holland loves the beach; we are thankful to have a friend like David.

Springtime display on Cranberry Rd.
Holland was feeling a little of the Spring Spirit too - and indulged in a 'doughnut' :-)

I generally avoid driving across the Astoria-Megler Bridge … Holland loves driving over that monstrosity; and it's the only way to get across the Columbia River to Warrenton's huge shopping Mall Complex.

So, off we went … with me grousing, and Holland laughingly teasing me.

Warrenton's location …
Crossing the Astoria-Megler Bridge; on our way to Wal*Mart, in Warrenton-OR
Astoria-Megler Bridge
I don't mind the Warrenton Bridge, crossing Young's Bay-OR
Youngs Bay-OR
Warrenton-OR from Long Beach-WA; 33 min (21.7 mi) via US-101 S
White Pelicans ;-) ~Young's Bay-OR
White Pelican
Back home - again over the Astoria-Megler Bridge.

The day was so nice, and the drive was so pleasant, I had thought about asking my husband to take the long way home (I was also thinking about my late friend David Hargrove, whose resting place is not far from where we park when in Long Beach); so I was happily surprised when Holland - of his own inclination - decided to treat me … by taking the long way home, via Sandridge Road (where I pointed out to Holland the place my biker friend David's cremains, rest) - looping through Ocean Park to Home Base.

Ocean Park's  Big Ben ;-)

Super Tramp was playing on the radio station …

We both enjoy this band's music - and we were 'taking the long way home' :-)

Super Tramp - 'Take The Long Way Home' song: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8C_g_IZASPM)

Back home, and groceries put away, I decided to engage in some  'Susie Homemaker' activities … Holland normally claims the kitchen, but tonight I'm giving him the night off.

I was hungering for meatloaf and baked potatoes.

And it makes me happy to have someone in my life to make a Home for, again.

It feels good that my Life has purpose again - instead of simply surviving.

We are going to be enjoying a couple months of flat-footed-domesticity ;-)
My favorite Meatloaf Recipe~2017 Blog Posting ;-)
YES! Allowable in my self-imposed Slim-down Plan.

After Supper, I thought I'd go online and find out if the girls were still meeting for weekly Bible Study in Rosburg-WA … and maybe I'd be able to squeeze a Kelso-WA Fellowship in, too; while we are in WA

Kelso is a lot further away, which means fuel costs will be higher. But I'd like to get there, if possible.

This is closer; and probably more attainable.
Making Plans ;-)
FB's {Memories} Feed tonight, had me reflecting on last year's 'TODAY'S DREAMS~TOMORROW'S REALITY' Blog Post:
Picking up where I left off a few weeks ago; I hope to have this completed soon.
I love my big guy - he is literally 'God's Gift to me'.
~Holland; Long Beach-WA

Spring Vibe is definitely in the air :-)

Elohim has been very good to me.


April 14th: Last night we nipped into a Rest Stop in Corning-CA, and slept a couple hours; it was a cold and wet night.

This morning, we checked into an RV Park in Redding for the night - basically so we would have heat; neither of us can afford to come down with a cold; we left Betsy hooked to Independence, because we were not staying more than a few hours.

The roads were so bad Saturday; that we had pulled over at sundown, and spent the night in a Rest Stop, in Corning-CA
Corning-CA from Barstow-CA8 hr. 2 min (524 miles) via CA-99 N and I-5 N
Choosing to look on the 'positive side' of things, when we woke up; Corning-CA

I pulled my Tablet out, and did a local RV Park search: Holland called the closest one to our immediate location, and we were registered on the spot … no online registration required, and no 45-minute background grilling :-)

We were thanking Elohim that we had been able to find an RV Park that could accommodate us on such short notice - the Park Hostess was very friendly, and secured a space for us without grilling us like we are criminals on the run.

It was a very nice Park: Elohim had lovingly blessed us :-)

JGW RV Park; #6612 Riverland Dr, Redding, CA
This was a very nice RV Park ;-)

We settled in for the night: the furnace was turned on, I cooked Supper, and Holland went online to plan our route westward …

Temperature today; the rain and winds made it feel like 35-degrees!
The 6 Passes we'll be crossing, tomorrow morning.


April 15th: This morning, we pulled stakes and aimed to be in WA by nightfall.

Heading Westward …
Long Beach-WA from Redding-CA; 8 hrs. 26 min (525.6 mi) via I-5 N

It was a nice, colorful drive to view Mt. Shasta - lots of new green growth on trees and bushes, patches of california poppies, and pretty purple flowering bushes the color of old-fashioned lilacs. The air was crisp, but I didn't mind. I like the feel, and refreshing smell, of mountain air :-)

Lake Shasta
Holland remembers when Lake Shasta was severely depleted.
Lake Shasta Drought
Pretty, colorful bush along the highway.
Holland says we drove thru here, before; I must have been sleeping.

I laughed when Holland quipped, "This is the first time I've driven through here, in the day time."

I laughed because I know he prefers (as most men do) to travel quickly and more relaxed, in the early morning hours; or the evening hours: there isn't much to see but the white lines on the highway, when daylight fades to twilight … or before the cock crows before sunrise.

Plus, he was jetting from job site to job site: sight-seeing wasn't a high priority with him until we married in 2023 ;-)
I also laughed because he mentioned that we'd been over this same stretch of road together 5 times with Betsy & Independence - and I don't remember a single time, because he drove in the evening hours, and during those times I was either sleeping … or it was pitch black and I couldn't see a thing beyond the dash light glow; so, I'm glad we are passing through here in daylight hours - and I will finally get to see Holland's favorite; Mt. Shasta :-)

There she is! Holland's favorite mountain; Mt. Shasta-CA ;-)
Poking her head out from the creeping cloud shroud …
Mount Shasta-CA
Mount Eddy-CA
A little bit of snow …
The weekend 'chain up!' mandate was totally unnecessary …
This was eye-catching … Holland says this is called 'Black Butte' -  another view of Mount Shasta.
Black Butte: (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Butte_(Siskiyou_County,_California))

Dierks Bentley - 'Gold' Lyric Video: 

I noticed as we drove along, that there were markers placed along the shoulders that read "Historic Highway #99"; I know what Historic Route #66 is, but Highway #99 is something new to me … so, I asked Holland about the sign ;-)

When he told me that his mother would pile all the kids - and luggage - into the car and drive from Kelso-WA to Texas (of course his father would fly the skies, free as a bird :-( ); or wherever his Father decided to eventually abandon his wife and kids … my respect for Ruth grew.

I wish I had been able to meet her; she sounds like a worthy woman. Everyone Holland knows & I have met, speak very highly of her. On the other hand … they have nothing good or kind, to say about his Father, Jerry.

And that is why Holland did not reveal his paternal sir name to me, even though I repeatedly asked: I literally did not know his actual last name until we were in Reno-NV getting married ;-)

Holland and I have a lot in common when it comes to fathers, malicious relatives, and sketchy childhoods: I don't talk a lot about my family branches, either - and the only people on my side of the aisle that Holland has ever met, is my SIL Merry … and my Granddaughter, Alyna. That will probably never change.

Historic #99 - Holland explained it to me ;-)
Kudos to Holland's Mother, who drove this highway for years - with 6 kids!
Holland telling me about Highway #99 - before the freeway was laid.
Ford LTD Station Wagon similar to what Holland remembers.
1970 Lincoln Continental Town Car; similar to the one Ruth drove.
Remembering both vehicles …
Holland didn't care much for the 1973 Chevy Caprice … nor for the way his Mother was treated.
1973 Chevy Caprice; similar to what Ruth drove.
My promise to my husband - and everything marriage vows entail.
The sting of a father's rejection - and malicious lies gossiped about among relatives, hurts for a lifetime; Elohim brought us together to heal each other, with love - agape love, when other love is struggling.
'Lakewood' says it all; Holland's family religion is definitely Vineyard ;-( Holland and I do not share the same outlook on Christianity; we agree to disagree - and studiously avoid vineyard arguments.

Holland is able to provide background insights about places, that most people do not have knowledge of: he has worked in, lived in … and horsed around in … most of the States from Louisiana & Oklahoma across ALL the States, from Texas straight up to Canada (and once across the border to work in Canadian oil fields) - and across half of America to the West Coast; 18 States that I know of, and probably more.

I enjoy hearing him talk about these places we travel through; his remembrances are enlightening background information - he has first-hand & 1-on-1 personal experience of things you can't learn from books, political leanings, or tourist brochures.

Holland literally makes the best traveling companion: a few years ago, when I seriously decided to start this traveling journey - I had petitioned Elohim for someone to tour the USA with … and He delivered :-)

I am thankful that Elohim gives ear to me.

I am thankful that Holland is in my Life.

I'm glad Holland is agreeing to take the time to relax, and see all the beautiful scenery with me - that he previously missed when he drove through these places as a solo lobo :-)

Holland pointed this metal sculpture out to me, as we drove by; Montague-CA
Siskiyou Summit-OR
Siskiyou Summit
I like this little rocky hill, in Dunbar Gulch-OR; the rocky top looks like it has been crowned with a natural ornamental diadem. LOL

I have been faithful to use my Peak Flow Meter Reader - and my emergency inhaler when needed (I don't want to put Holland through another harrowing and intense situation); before we hit the road this morning, it read 350 … so, I sucked down 4 puffs, to be repeated every 4 hours if the reading was still in the cautionary zone.

It was a little after noon when we drove through Dunbar Gulch, and I noticed that we had dropped below 2,000 ft. in elevation: I was breathing well, but blew into the Meter Reader anyway to assure my husband.

WHOPPIE! 600, on the nose (a good reading) - no need to use the inhaler :-)

Coming into Portland-OR & the Portland Aerial Tram.
Portland Aerial Tram: 
I do not like concrete jungle cities … Portland-OR
Light Rail MAX/Portland-OR
Downtown skyline; Portland-OR
Holland worked on that gray building; he had to walk a mile EA way from a parking garage to the work site.

Holland worked on this building for 9 months - this building is situated on a steep incline; Holland had to walk a half a mile EA way, from the parking garage to the work site … carrying his tools, lunch cooler, ect. up and down that steep incline. Holland parked at PSU Parking Lot (his Union paid for his Work Pass).

I can't even imagine: his tools are heavy; the street is steep.

Campus Apartments.
People living in the City, like canned sardines … I do not like Portland-OR; I feel about Portland, as Holland does about CA ;-)
This Victorian era house sits on it's own corner island, with roadways surrounding it.
Leaving Portland - and rush hour traffic behind …
Instant relief.
Long Beach-WA from Portland-OR; 2 hr. 14 min (111.2 mi) via US-26 W, US-26 W and US-101 N
We both like seeing the St. John's Bridge, come into view ;-)
St. Johns Bridge-OR: 

Then, we were in Long Beach-WA, setting up and relaxing :-)

Enjoying the 'Good Life'.

Decisions for future journeys, will be made here; physical abilities concerning both of us will be major points considered - Holland will be getting 2 more cortisone knee injections soon, and possibly a mini oxygenizer he can use at high altitudes.

I have an upcoming eye exam scheduled; and I'm considering a visit to my Dr. about asthma flareups, and angina frequency (basically for Holland's benefit). Neither are curable conditions, and I've come to peaceful mindset about both conditions - but I am no longer a solo lobo, and my husband's concerns must be considered.

We'll be WA at least until the middle of June; the rest is in Elohim's hands - and right now, it looks like a crap shoot.

Proverbs 16:33 = "The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the LORD" (a) We may throw the dice, but the LORD determines how they fall (bMake your motions and cast your votes, but God has the final say.