God Knew That I Needed You

Thursday, July 6, 2023


Today started out with promise.

I got up early to let the boys out - fed them, and let them burn off some energy for about 45 minutes while I drank a cup of morning blend coffee before going back to bed.

The boys were rambunctious this morning.

We were laying there for about an hour cuddling and talking sleepy pillow talk, when the phone rang: Holland's teeth were ready. So, he got up and got ready to go fetch them.

While he was gone, I vacuum-packed a couple food packets; and got ready for a day in town after he got back. We have a few more things that need doing before we pull stakes - and doing those things was what was planned for the remainder of the day.

But those things never got done :-(

I had just finished putting my lipstick on, and was walking back through the livingroom-kitchen area … when I saw we had gotten neighbors while I was in my bathroom getting dolled up for Holland's return … and they had three big doberman's!

I was not happy to see what I was seeing.

Killer dogs make me very nervous.

From January to April, Holland and I argued about acceptable dog breeds: Holland insisted we needed a dog "for protection", and named off several breeds he was partial to (german shepherd's/rottweilers/pit bulls/dobermans …) - I said, "We have a band of Angels that surround us 24/7/365; we do not need killer dogs to protect us. I'm not even sure I want another dog, Holland."

He was insistent, and went online to see what he could find that would be acceptable to me. We came across Bleu's profile, and I said, "If you insist … that's the One: look at his cute little face! And Blue Heeler's are good protectors." Holland called the phone number listed - and we had a fur-baby before you could say, 'GO!' ;-)

But Holland had really wanted a killer dog: it took him a while to warm up to a {cute} puppy that would only grow to about 35 pounds of lovable energy, instead of 120 pounds of angry muscle.

Until this afternoon, he was still angling for a killer breed.

And I am still firmly saying, "Not in this lifetime!"

I do not like mentally challenged killer dog breeds that are bred to be mean spirited {guard dogs}: these animals are mentally unstable, and will eventfully turn on those who think they have mastered the unruly beasts.

NO. None of the breeds Holland prefers will ever be in the Life we are building.

I was not happy to see those dobermans - that were dragging their {master} all over the fricking Park.

NOT HAPPY; this makes me extremely nervous - and they were basically right in our "front yard" where my fur-babies wanted to be, to relieve themselves.

My phone rang, and Holland said he had his teeth and was happy with them; and he was waiting on a pizza to bring home. I told him about the neighbors and that I did not like "those killer dogs being so close to us". Holland said, "You have a misconception about those dogs, Baby; I used to have a doberman …": and I cut him off, saying that he was the "one with a  misconception, and I don't want to fight anymore about killer dog breeds!" And before I hung up the phone, I told Holland "the boys will be your responsibility until we pull out of here, Friday afternoon. I.d.o.n.o.t.l.i.k.e.t.h.e.s.e.d.o.g.s! My heart rate is accelerating just looking at them through the window. I do not want to hear anyone sing their praises to me: I DO NOT LIKE THEM. End of story 🤬 And this woman cannot control them - they yank her around like a rag doll. There is NO WAY IN HELL I am opening the door to let the boys out - they can wait until you get home."

In all honesty I cannot fault Holland for his flippant attitude: he really doesn't know much about me - he only knows what he saw of me, and heard from me, at Oak Point; and the 5 months we've been married and sharing tidbits of our Past. He doesn't know all my past experiences.

My youngest brother Sam, was bitten pretty badly in the face by a german shepherd.

My youngest sister Carla, had great Dane-doberman mixes that were the size of horses - those dogs could look straight into my eyes, and I am 5'2" tall.

My hellish BIL David had a german shepherd named Kojo, that was full of pure hatred … and he would force my sister Ramona to take food to that killing brute that would shake the entire kennel lunging at anyone who got near … David could have fed his own damned dog, but he got a kick out of knowing she was terrified of that Hell dog. Kojo mimicked David's character.

My biker friend Dave, had four rottweilers.

Bob's niece had a pit bull.

I am not {ignorant} of killer breed dogs.

I will never have warm and fuzzy feelings about killer dogs!
I do not have a 'misconception' about killer dogs … I understand the reality of them.
They are unstable breeds, and should not be allowed in Public places. Period.

Holland finally got home with the pizza and saw me literally shaking before I burst into tears seeing the continued activity next door (that stupid woman next door, put all three of those devil dogs in a worthless open-top-dog cage - basically a chicken wire enclosure; WTF???) - I was so stressed out, I couldn't eat a bite.

My little fur-babies wouldn't stand a chance if that woman lost control of her hell dogs.

And I hate feeling helpless, and crying out of frustration.

My slices of pizza went into the 'fridge.

Bacon-Ranch Pizza; Papa Pete's Pizza-Longview, WA

Holland finished his pizza, then got on the phone and secured another RV Site faaaaaar away from the hell dog packing morons.

Holland is SO good to me; it was 90-degrees this afternoon, and Holland was hurting - but motivated by love for me, he gamely tied a bandana around his forehead and got busy getting ready to move the RV. Elohim gifted me real good when he placed Holland in my life 😁

Holland did not have to do this for me; and most husband's would not; most husband would tell their wives to suck it up and stop being ridiculous. I am glad my husband is not like most husbands. I am appreciative of my Husband's compassionate love towards me. I am highly favored and greatly blessed: I never forget that Elohim gifted me with this second chance at true love.

I forgave Holland's lack of understanding.

Holland forgave my sharp tongue and short temper.

He's wearing that bandana 🥰 I'm going to be REAL GOOD to Holland, tonight 😉😘😁💗

When we found our new site, I said to Holland, "You and the boys stay in the truck and enjoy the AC - I'll set the RV up for you." Holland said, "Let me get the steps down for you, Baby; they're heavy." I said, "Yes, they are - but I can do this. I'll get everything ready; and you just relax. You've done enough working through pain - I can do this."

And I did :-)

I've lived in RV's before, when I was married to Bob and he was working in far-flung places; setting one up isn't too challenging. And the stairs weren't that heavy to let down ;-)

We'll be in this new site until Friday afternoon - after that, it will be anyone's guess where we'll be ;-)

Our new site; until Friday afternoon.

Nothing we had planned to do got done today; but there is always tomorrow …