God Knew That I Needed You

Sunday, July 9, 2023


July 8: To me, the most beautiful people are the people with beautiful hearts/souls.

Genuine beauty … not the fakers who parrot what they think people want to hear, or those who talk a good talk but walk an ugly walk.

Beautiful people occasionally lose their tempers (they are still people, after all ;-)) - but their love-light always shines; they are always thoughtful, generous, compassionate, and 100% real when dealing with you. And that is what makes them beautiful :-)

I surround myself with beautiful people: I don't keep fake people around me - if their walk doesn't match their talk, they are history in short order.

I recently married a beautiful soul. I met Holland last October, and he became a fast friend; and was a tremendous help in helping me get over the heartache/heartbreak of Bob's death and absence in my life. I wasn't even thinking of a love interest … and then Elohim opened my eyes - and my heart, to Holland and the love he was open-handedly gifting me with.

And the other beautiful soul in my life, has been a part of my life for 57 years. A lifetime. David has been on my life pretty much through every stage of my life - with, and without Bob (before and after), in it.

My heart is happy to know these two special people in my life enjoy each other's company :-)

This morning David came knocking, ready for breakfast. Holland had let me sleep in; but as soon as I woke up … off we went.

David is still trying to get me out of the house before 9 AM; LOL
Good time with good guys ;-)

After we got back from downtown, the guys went to work on their various projects - I did laundry, and rode herd on the boys.

Bumper Rack revision … Holland patiently explained to me what he was doing to strengthen the support system.
Reinforcement activity.
Holland says the yappers are 'expressing their rights'. LOL
This activity is basically for my comfort & peace of mind; Holland always goes the extra mile for me. He's a good man - he's a good Husband.
And the Bike Rack was shortened up to fit the Bumper Rack.
David also went to work - clearing more of his property.
Looking good …
4:30 PM knock-off time; it was a peaceful, accomplished day on the Homefront ;-)

After tomorrow, "the boys" will no longer be a term used: Sonny will be going home with David.

It's a good home he'll be going to; David treats his dogs very well … and Sonny will have a good quality of life. Bleu is just too much of a bully to Sonny. I had hoped that would change, but it hasn't/won't. Blue Heelers are good companions and family protectors, but they become so devoted to their family that they get intensely jealous of other pets who also get attention. Bleu is jealous of any attention we give Sonny. So, when David said his dog Jackson, had died - and he mentioned he had been looking for an Australian Shepherd, I said, "If you want Sonny, you can have him." I know David, I've seen how he handles his dogs. We've only had Sonny for 25 days; and I knew Sonny's life would be enriched away from Bleu's bully tactics.

David is a long-standing friend: we'll see him … and Sonny again, again, and again.