God Knew That I Needed You

Thursday, September 14, 2023


The day dawned beautifully - and warmly, so we ditched the Plans we had made for today, and played hooky :-)

A beautiful day at the Pacific Coast; view from open front door, around 7 A.M.

I made contact with a dear friend around 8:30 A.M., while Holland shook the cobwebs from his sleepy thoughts:

I hope to see Karen when we pass through Tennessee; we are sticking to the goal of seeing every State … but we aren't going to be ridged about schedules ;-)
The GOAL is to have fun while we are road gypsies.
Elohim had blessed me greatly with the friends He has graced me with.

Holland's shoulder was on fire, so we decided to spend some time at the beach - I drove.

The ocean breeze was pleasantly warm, and blew gently over our skin; the day was a perfect day on the beach :-)

I love my big guy :-)
Bleu enjoyed the day's freedom, too.
The waves were lazy gentle rolls, this afternoon …
We watched a big, long-tailed kite wave it's lazy tail ;-)
Nat King Cole - 'Those Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days Of Summer' song:
We had to keep an eye on Bleu, around stuff like this …
Time to go home after a few hours …
We finished off the last of the tuna steaks; Holland breaded them, tonight. Very tasty.

Tomorrow, we can get back to chores and tasks that need doing - but tonight, we are just going to enjoy being ;-)


We drove to Warrenton-OR yesterday afternoon to get a Costco Card:

Drove to Warrenton-OR to get a Membership Card … and came home quite a bit poorer ;-)

And we had fresh tuna steaks for supper when we got back home; this is the leftover fresh tuna from Tuesday's canning. It was delish!

This is definitely a new experience that will be repeated in the future.

Tuna steaks for Supper - YUM! I'd never had them, before; they are definitely a repeat!

Holland says canned tuna is better … so, we are going to be getting an electric canner (smaller than the outdoor propane burner we used Tuesday; and easy to carry with us as we journey along ;-)) so we can keep the Larder stocked with fresh canned tuna.

The Slippery Slope to Tyranny – Bill Koenig

Jan Markell speaks with author and journalist Bill Koenig. A tsunami of liberalism, Socialism and Marxism is wanting to drown all conservatives and Christians. All righteous people could soon be criminalized. Are you prepared for the battle and for the slippery slope to tyranny?

The Olive Tree Ministries~
The Slippery Slope to Tyranny – Bill Koenig: