God Knew That I Needed You

Monday, July 15, 2024


July 14th: Today was a beautiful day; literally and figuratively.

We had plans to do laundry before driving to Kelso to meet up with Tim, and Jake, there.

We loaded the laundry into Betsy and drove to the local laundromat … and seeing how busy it was, we meandered down to the river to sit a while hoping we'd be able to secure a parking spot as well as a few washers and dryers in an hour or two.

While waiting and watching river activities, we enjoyed the warmth of the river breeze; and discussed some more the plans we will be embarking upon sometime in the the near future as soon as the repair business concerning Independence is square away.

The day was unfolding like a beautiful day :-)

AM River visit; kayaker's … and a sailboat coming around the bend upriver, around Kalama; Austin Point~Woodland-WA

Backtracking through Main Street, we saw that the laundromat parking lot was still packed … so we decided to do laundry in the evening after returning from Kelso.

On our way to Kelso, Holland nipped into U-Neek RV's to grab an amp we'll need for the generator: our baby generator is housed in Tim's garage at the moment, and we need to pick it up so we would have it when we hit the road again sometime this month. We already have a pigtail too, but it's somewhere buried under the tipsy pyramid of boxes Holland heaved into a local storage unit.

Before we left Kalama, we stopped at the little burger bar there, to chow down on lunch burgers before continuing on to Kelso.

Both of us have eaten here over the years … but this is the first time for us here, together ;-)

Burgers in Kalama on our way to Kelso.

A beautiful day was unfolding.

Tim's place in on the way to Holland's brother & SIL's house - I read some pages of my latest read while Holland and Tim spent some time catching up on each other's lives since they last visited.

I read a bit while Holland & Tim schmoozed …

At Scott and Lana's - while waiting for Jake to pop in, Holland pointed out Mark's signature work on one of the house's ceilings (Holland talks about it, and I've been curious): I liked it, so I took a picture of it. I also like the livingroom ceiling design that Holland & Scott did in this house. I particularly like the sunburst :-)

Mark's Fan Work; his personal signature.
Scott & Holland did this Sunburst design - their personal signature work; I love the way it radiates outward from the center.

The visit with Jake, when he arrived, was fun. He asked me how I was feeling, said he'd been worried when Holland told him I'd been in ER a few days ago: I told him the ER episode was very frustrating because no one was focusing on why I had gone there … they were more concerned about making sure my social security account was charged for geriatric tests I've been avoiding, so I just unplugged and walked out.

What frustrates me more is that all the medical minions popping in and out of my ER cell KNEW I was using an emergency inhaler (I told them - and showed it to them) and not a one of them connected the dots: the breathlessness, racing heart, red rash and swollen ankle was an allergic reaction to my emergency inhaler! I could die without the inhaler … and apparently I can also die from using the inhaler (I've been commenting for months that I'm just as breathless using the inhaler, as not using it: I never considered I'd be allergic to my life-saving device); so, I've opted to halt using the inhaler.

Prayer Warriors have been contacted and will pray continually about this new development.

My life is in Elohim's hands - and I'm okay with that.

I'm expecting many beautiful days to be birthed as I move forward in my evolving life ;-)

Sulfa Allergies: https://www.webmd.com/allergies/sulfa-allergies

We visited in Kelso (with Jake, Scott, Lana, & Bleu) for about 4 hours before returning to Woodland.

The laundromat was still very busy; so we drove back down to the river where the evening breezes were balmy, the gentle lapping waves were soothing, and the beach activities were pleasant.

Back to the river for a bit while waiting for an opening at the laundromat.
Daredevils braving the ify wet sand …
Mama Osprey feeding her 2 youngsters.

As the sun was sliding down behind the hilly skyline of the evening sky, we drove back to town and were grateful to find a parking spot as well as the needed washers and dryers.

The laundromat started filling up again. Very quickly.

We waited in Betsy's cool cab during the 2-1/2 hour wash, dry, & fold laundry cycle …

Our last laundry load had been dried, folded, and packed for transport back to the motel room 5 minutes before the doors closed for the night.

Today was a truly beautiful day.

Tomorrow we go to RV PRO to take care of business, there. Hopefully, it will go well.