God Knew That I Needed You

Monday, January 20, 2025

"DADDY'S HOME"~President Trump Is Back In DC 👍

Last week, House Speaker Mike Johnson, ordered flags in the U.S. Capitol to be raised to full staff for the inauguration - “The flags at the Capitol will fly at full staff to celebrate our country coming together behind the inauguration of our 47th President, Donald Trump.,” Johnson said in a statement released Jan. 14. “The flags will be lowered back to half-staff the following day to continue honoring President Jimmy Carter.”

I remember the peanut farmer years: MPO is that since carter was a weak man, a bumbler as president, and a terrorist sympathizer; the Flag Controversy should be pretty simple: FULL STAFF for an actual President, and a true American - no flag at all for a cowardly traitor.

If I had my way, there would be no National Mourning or raised flags for the clintons (shameless, perverted grifters), bushes (self-serving morons), obama (shameless, godless, perverted flim-flam man), or biden (shameless, perverted, vindictive demoniac, and a criminally motivated scammer): these wickedly lawless, dictator-minded men … and their unscrupulous, media whore,  "wives", have been an embarrassment and a blight on our great Nation.

GOODBYE - and good riddance to bad pennies; they stayed in power through brainless biden.
The last of the obamanites to ever sit in the Oval Office … and the end to the obamanite tyrannical/terrorist era.

It galls me that we will have to support these shameless, self-worshipping morons for the rest of their lives - I refuse to pay homage to their wickedness when they finally die.

If that makes me a {hater}: so be it.

Governors in these States, also ordered their Flags to fly at full staff for the Inauguration of President Donald Trump: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wyoming … flags will be lowered to half-staff again, tomorrow, until January 28th.

We made a trip into Yuma-AZ to visit the fruit stand there: the veggies are fresh and the fruits are delightfully juicy = perfect for the tasty juices Holland whips up 😁

As we were leaving the driveway, I was happy to see that the flags in our neighborhood, were also raised to full staff 👍

Flags were flown at FULL MAST, in our neighborhood today ;-D

I like the patriotism here 👏

After some controversy over whether flags should fly at full-staff on Inauguration Day, President Donald Trump issued an executive order on the topic Monday.
In one of his first actions as president, Trump signed an order requiring flags to fly at full-staff on Inauguration Day, superseding any previous orders to lower flags.

Tom MacDonald & Roseanne Barr - 'Daddy's Home': (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nb7fAEQaJwE)

“By the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in honor of Inauguration Day and everything good and noble that it represents about our Nation, our people, and our form of Government, I hereby order that, on this and all future Inauguration Days, the flag of the United States shall be flown at full-staff,” Trump said in his order.

Still standing & working for The People despite all the evilness directed towards him; the outright attempts to steal his wealth, destroy his character, and 4 publicly confirmed assassination attempts on his life during the 2024 Campaign Trail.

Top News: NY Times Poll: Americans Trust Trump on Key Issues: Voters say they trust former President Donald Trump to handle the issues they are most concerned about, mainly the economy and ... continue reading at https://www.newsmax.com/

More news at CPAC.org/topnews at https://www.cpac.org/us/topnews

When we got downtown Fortuna-AZ, Holland ran into a quick mart for a Red Bull - and I saw that ugly Cybertruck truck. Holland thinks it's the bomb, but I think it's ugly.

I like Elon … his vehicles, not so much.

Holland is a guy; he's into technical things.

I think these things are so ugly.

We got our veggies and fruits; and picked up a pizza on the way home.

Where, after eating my share of the pizza … I got busy with what interests me: I repotted my Thanksgiving Cactus - and watched a vintage black & white; relaxed and glad that "Daddy's Home" and things will be great and fantastic, again 😉

MOD Plant Pot Cover potted ;-)
MOD RUFFLED PLANT POT COVER; Fortuna-AZ:  (https://roadgypsiesvalandholland.blogspot.com/2025/01/mod-ruffled-plant-pot-cover-fortuna-az.html)


MOD Ruffled Plant Pot Cover; crochet.

I had bought this Holiday Cactus around Thanksgiving in 2024; it was time to get it out of it's red foiled wrap, and into something else 🤔

We are full-time RVr's, so space is limited; since it's placed near the kitchen sink, I wanted a cover that wouldn't mold, or fall apart if wetted now and then; I had some mason twine … so, I used that in my design. My design turned out 2-tone because I had small spools, and 1 spool was not enough to complete the project. I also put a ruffled edging around the top to add a little softness to the farmhouse décor of our home - I like the farmhouse theme … but I also like gentle, cozy vibes in our living space, to defuse a bit of the manly testosterone Holland vibrates with 🤠

Materials: 2 spools Twisted Mason Twine - #18 x 250 ft.; small amount of cotton yarn to match pot cover (maybe 24"); #G aluminum crochet hook; scissors; tapestry needle; plastic shopping bag (for lining); empty & clean, plastic, rectangular margarine container; small headed screwdriver; Bic lighter

Terms used:

ch = chain

st = stitch

inc = increase

sc = single crochet

r = row

sl st = sl st

tr = treble crochet


With twine, ch 10; make 1 sc in each st to last st: 3 sc in end st - work 1 sc in each of next sc & make 2 sc in end st. Sl st in next st & ch 1: Turn

Next Row (inc r): *1 sc, ch 1, 1 sc in first st (inc made); sc in next 10 sts*; rpt around - end with 1 sc, ch 1, 1 sc in last st: DO NOT JOIN, you will be working in rounds now.

Work each row in sc & continue to work inc's in each of the 4 corner sts.

Under bottom shaping.

Periodically place the plastic margarine container inside the worked piece to gauge how many more rows you need to work: when your work reaches the rim of the container, begin the Ruffle Row.

Gauging the progress …

RUFFLE ROW: Ch 4 & work 2 tr sts in same space; *2 tr next st; 3 tr next st* - work in this manner along the entire top edge - join with a sl st at last st.

Ruffled edging.

Then, attach twine under the inside of ruffle edging, and work 1 row of sl st chain design around cover. EO

Backstitch ch st; used to attach plastic lining to pot cover.

LINING: Cut plastic bag open along bottom edge - and under the handles at top end. Conform plastic bag material to fit the plastic margarine container and tack down along upper edge (you will use this tacking string to attach pot over to lining):

Joining plastic lining with crochet pot cover.

That's it 😁

Ready to slip plant inside ;-)

Slip your plant inside and enjoy 👍

HE'S BACK~Inaugeration Day 2025

HE'S BACK - out with the old & In with the New; thank God!

As President Trump takes office for the second time, the pledge at the center of his Inauguration is one of wisdom - instead of the previous parties twisted fantasies. And those anxious about what is coming can be glad that on Aug. 27, 1787, the convention delegates decided to broaden their original version of the President’s oath from a simple promise to ‘faithfully execute the duties’ of the office to a further commitment to ‘preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.’ It is on Trump, and America, to ensure that oath is kept … NO MORE BITTER LAWFARE.

President Trump loves this great Nation. He loves Americans, and does what he can to include LEGAL immigrants. Unlike the obama minions that were taken from the underbelly of society to deliberately create chaos & wreak havoc … Donald J. Trump was schooled at a Military institution: HE UNDERSTANDS what The Constitution of the USA, the Bill of Rights, the President's Oath, and the Military's Creed ACTUALLY IS. That why he is surrounding himself with the hand-picked administration team he is surrounding himself with.

President Trump, Family & Vice President Vance & Wife - 2025

The carters, the clintons, the bushes, the obamas, the bidens were a blight on America and a grave disservice to Americans - and placed America and Americans on the cusp of a societal grave; obama & bidens sole purpose for occupying the Oval Office was to "even things up" and catapult America into a 3rd world country; and they shamelessly behaved as 3rd world dictators: grabbing "more than their fair share of the $$$$$$$$ pie"; stealing wealth from the working people while hoarding ill-gotten gains for themselves; living like royalty while catapulting the working class into poverty; worshipping people, animals, and sacred places instead of Almighty God; outright killing babies and the elderly; criminalizing their political enemies & pardoning true criminals (carter's love affair with that murderous muslim terrorist arafat, & his ass-kissing with rabid muslim terrorists holding American's hostage; obama's cuban muslim terrorist pardon, who became the blm founder - and his infiltration of Congressional seats with rabid muslim sympathizers; biden's infatuation with obama's muslim agenda, the self-serving pardon of his criminal son … and the snarky finger-flipping pardon of that destructive, weasel-faced fauci, who practically single-handedly destroyed America's economy with his covid invention and continual lies concerning covid).

These shameless, GREEDY, homosexuals … squatted in  the White House, preached hate, & bilked The People. Rumor today has it that they are splitting the silky sheets: they did the devil's work, got what they wanted - now, they no longer need each other.

The carters, the clintons, the bushes, the obamas, the bidens have left scars on America & Americans that may never totally heal.

The People want a sweeping change 👊

The anti-God, communist campaigner, socialist propagandist, downright wicked obama era was a dismal disaster, as that snaky devil and his horde of political demons did all they could to undermine our Constitution and employ evil intentions 🤬


Thank the Lord, the shackles are being removed today 😁👏