God Knew That I Needed You

Sunday, June 25, 2023


The 'To Do List' seems endless.

So does the waiting.

And the chronic pain.

There is stuff that needs to get done … and a limited time-frame in which to accomplish everything.

We were sitting around drinking our coffee and discussing the things each of us needed to get done - at least by Friday. We will be moving again Friday morning.

We don't mind being on the move; we mind being held hostage by someone else's scheduling, and by the pain that enflames Holland's shoulders/arms by mid-day. I want him to get an X-ray next time he sees his disability doctor … and he says, "No. If I get an X-ray and need surgery, that could upset our travel plans for at least 6 months - maybe longer." I say, "Wouldn't it be prudent to know what we're dealing with? I think it's severe arthritis, but it is possible you have torn something with all the heavy lifting you've been doing. Please: you are in severe pain - find out. At least then we'll know how to pray effectively. And if we end up sitting in an RV Park for months while you heal, that's what we'll do. We won't like it, and it will be spendy: but we'll do it. I am your wife Holland, you aren't alone anymore - I'll support you in your decision one way, or the other."

We looked at The List: there were five {necessary} stops we needed to make before Supper time. It was 10 AM, and Holland's shoulders start burning like fire around noon. So, I said, "All this needs to get done today - I'll drive, and that will take some of the pressure off your arms. But, I can't listen to big hair bands from the '90's today, Holland (that's all he listens to when he drives). I don't want those depressing lyrics running through my mind, and I don't want to hear falsetto screeching today (that includes my preferred 70's rock and roll). The babies kept me hopping all night long; I barely got any sleep - I need low-key music today." KUKN was the music channel agreed to: Holland hates country music, but he was going to be the passenger today - the driver chooses the music ;-)

First order of the day was to stop at Scott & Lana's, and see if there were any packages delivered for us; we have been waiting for a food shipment, and anticipate it arriving before we pull stakes, here.

Then we would steadily work our way through the listed items as we drove from one end of town, to the other; and up over Delameter back to Home.

Thankfully KUKN played decent modern country songs, and Holland was okay with it (though he did switch stations while I was in WinCo buying groceries - I heard it booming out the open windows as I exited the store ;-)); but for the majority of the day, KUKN was burning up the airwaves. And at one point, when it was announced that Diamond Rio would be playing at the Cowlitz Fairgrounds and I expressed disappointment that I'd miss them a.g.a.i.n. … Holland said, "Why don't you look up their itinerary online when we get home, and if they happen to be where we are at any given moment on the road, we'll go see them." I just stared at him for about a heartbeat before saying, "You don't country music, Holland; I couldn't put you through that - you'd be miserable." He said, "I could sit through it Baby, if it means that much to you."


Diamond Rio - 'Love A Little Stronger' song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubMxuhkBdeo

Diamond Rio - 'Beautiful Mess' song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4oZ90_24_M

Diamond Rio - 'I Was Meant To Be With You' song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJxSMcrVaSI

Diamond Rio - 'I Believe' song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcgb1xS6OLw

It was an enjoyable day out.

Elohim showered us with grace all day long: Holland's pain wasn't sending him to his knees with sharp groans, and e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. on The List got done … both fur-babies behaved, and Sonny did not get car-sick :-)

The dehydrated food packages arrived; long-term food storage in an RV is very limited, this seems the wisest choice to eat healthy.
It all looks good. I think this will work for a while; ALL packages say "8 serv.", which realistically is 3 or 4 servings for adult portions.
The boys got new leash halters - Holland hates the color, but there was no black available in their size.
They do look sissified, but they are growing fast; they will soon be wearing black … or camo - if available … halters ;-)

This Shabbat was blessed from beginning to end.

It is good to be greatly loved and highly favored by The Most High God :-)