God Knew That I Needed You

Friday, November 24, 2023


I'm cutting my own way

Through my own day

And all I dare say

Is it's my own

I've got my own seeds

I've got my own weeds

I've got my own harvest

That I've sown

I can tell you

Things I've done

And I could sing you songs I've sung

But there's one thing

I can't give

For I and I alone can live

The years I've known

And the life I've grown

Got a way I'm going

And it's my way

I've got my own stakes

In my own game

I've got my own name

And it's my way

I've got my own kith

I've got my own kin

I've got my own sin

And it's my way

I've got my own peace

I've got my own wrath

I've got my own path that only I can go

I've got my own sword in my own hand

I've got my own plan that only I can know

Don't be sighing

Don't be crying

Your day will come

Your day alone

Years you'll know and a life you'll grow

You got a way to go all of your own

I've got my own world

I've got my own life

I've got my own strife

And it's my way

I've got my own wrong

I've got my own right

I've got my own fight

And it's my way

I've got my own prayers

I've got my own fears

I've got my own tears

And it's my way

I've got my own joy

I've got my own load

I've got my own road

And it's my way

The years I've known and the life I've grown

Got a way I'm going and it's my way

Don't be sighing, don't be crying

Your day will come

Your day alone

Put down the story of what I've known

You're bound for glory all of your own

Put down the story of what I say

You're bound for glory

All of your own one day



November 23rd: Bleu vomited last evening - don't know why … he wasn't sick, and we had him in a short leash while out and about yesterday: but he emptied a sour stomach while Holland and I were enjoying a late afternoon siesta.

When we woke up, I cleaned the kennel, and Holland gave him a shower … but he'd sprawled on the carpet between the kennel cleaning and the shower, and the carpet smelled.


But, it was late and I didn't feel like tackling the carpet (it takes hours to clean and vacuum), so I opened the window a crack to air the room out, and went back to bed (with door closed) before the stench made me hurl.

I wasn't tired per se; I was just avoiding a stinking mess that would need to be tended to in the morning - when there would be enough daytime hours to thoroughly clean the mess up.

Today is Thanksgiving Day.

Most people are preparing for a Thanksgiving Feast: I was cleaning last night's vomit stench off the carpet :-(

No Thanksgiving Feast for us: while the carpet was being deep-cleaned, and the floors mopped (I shifted the boys into the bunkroom man cave, to watch TV, while I cleaned), we enjoyed deli-sliced turkey sandwiches for lunch (Holland compassionately prepared it) … and a tasty bacon & veggie combo for Supper (again, compliments of my loving husband) ;-)

Supper; DELISH.

Two of my grandchildren sent me love, too, this morning :-)

Despite the stinking start, this Thanksgiving Day played out as beautifully as my morning sky did (Yeshua took compassion on me and gave me a beautiful moment, while I drank my morning coffee) God has the best color box … and He knows how to use them 👍😉😁

The sun coming over the horizon at 6.54 AM; Yuma~AZ. Del Pueblo RV Resort, where we are currently, is located at a 4-way junction, about 20 minutes from the mexican border. This highway is VERY busy. But we like it, here 😁
Pic's taken at a different angles to highlight the red sky; beautiful wake up sky. Del Pueblo RV Resort; Yuma~AZ
Dawn - just before full sunrise; Del Pueblo RV Resort, 7.08 AM. Yuma~AZ. 
I love drinking my early morning coffee listening to the rooster crowing, in the background 😉

And I finished another Angel Baby Blanket. I had hoped to have 12 completed and ready to ship after Thanksgiving - but I've only completed 9. So, they won't be shipped for at least another week.

MOD Angel Baby Blanket; Pompadour Yarn Edging.
Finished & ready to be boxed 


Salton Sea-CA from Yuma-AZ; 1 hr. 49 secs. (112.8 mi) via 1-8 W

November 22nd: We were up bright and early (4:30 AM for me - 6 AM for Holland) yesterday morning, to be on the road for what we thought would be "a day-long sight-seeing blitz".

We have decided set aside 1 day a month to "go large" - yesterday was The Day. It was too early in the morning to get dolled up. A duffel bag had been packed with overnight stuff ("just in case"), and we stopped at a Wal*Mart up the street to grab picnic foods, and a bag of dog food for Bleu; before heading into 'hostile territory' ;-)

Sunrise; Wal-Mart parking lot~Yuma-AZ

Since we started our America RV Touring, Holland has gone above and beyond in making sure my Bucket List Wants get checked off … so, I wanted yesterday to be HIS Day :-)

Since the day we decided to sell the Heron Pointe house and hit the road, Holland has been wanting to visit two places: the Salton Sea, and Salvation Mountain in Slab City. Both places are in calimexarabia. Holland avoids CA as much as possible, and considers it hostile territory; but these places he wants to see are in CA.

So, CA is where we spent several hours yesterday. There is a 1-hour difference between AZ and CA: AZ is 1-hour ahead of CA time.

Our route; we had passed from AZ to CA very quickly after entering the freeway.

Passing through the Agricultural Inspection site, and back onto the I-8-freeway, we saw a white church on a hilltop (looks like a catholic church; Holland thought maybe a movie set prop, left behind), surrounded by more curiosities: a pink pyramid, a spiral stairway winding its way nowhere, and an elongated peaked slab.

We didn't pull over to check it out, but I did do research on it when we got back home ;-)

Winterhaven-CA Inspection Border Station: https://www.cdfa.ca.gov/plant/PE/ExteriorExclusion/links/winterhaven.html

Roadside Attraction @ Felicity-CA: https://www.roadsideamerica.com/story/2036

The area we mostly traveled through since leaving home was flat and scrubby … then, we drove through a stretch that was mile-high (and higher in spots) sand dunes: nothing growing there (no scrub, no scraggy trees, no weeds), just miles of mile-high sand dunes.

Holland said people come from all over America to play in these sand dunes - kinda like Florence-OR dunes. I teased Holland about his surfer-boy days in CA … but he said he'd not visited these dunes (Florence, yes - these, no).

Sand dunes; CA.
Imperial Sand Dunes-CA
I love my sexy man (he says I need my eyes checked; LOL) - but I love everything about him: his soft voice, his infectious laughter, his manly gestures, the relaxed way he drives. He's SO male, and I like that. {THAT} is what makes him sexy to me :-)
The Sierra Madre Occidental Range; AZ-MX-CA border.
Sierra Madre Occidental Mountain Range:

We also passed by the Brock Research Institute; we didn't investigate because we were pressed for time, but it did look impressive as we passed by.

Brock Research Institute: https://www.iid.com/water/water-transportation-system/colorado-river-facilities/brock-reservoir

98% of the freeway land we traveled through, was industrial business of some sort; pretty barren land with periodic outpost markings past the sand dune region.

Salton Sea in distance.
Holland informing me about the making of the Salton Sea …
The Alamo Canal and the Creation of the Salton Sea:
A power play between mexico and CA began.
CA officials have cut water to this region due to the 30-year drought problem.
Land is cheap … but basically worthless in this region.

There is land for sale around the Salton Sea areas (under $10,000), but it's basically worthless because the Sea is disappearing, and the air is toxic. I don't know where the people and businesses are getting their water from - but the 'sea' water is poisonous.

What Happened To The Salton Sea?: https://www.california.com/what-happened-salton-sea/#:~:text=But%20when%20the%201970s%20came,akin%20to%20a%20ghost%20town.

I feel sorry for the people - they're trapped: subsiding on tourist money, living a life they didn't agree to, and stuck in a situation with no good outcome … wanting to move, and not being able to get moving expense money from their properties: perhaps some are saddled with properties they still have to pay mortgage on - high dollar mortgage on devaluing properties they will never see the upside on.

Access to the Sea is cut off …Salton Sea History:
This is basically a living ghost town.
A bit further up the road, is the Salton Sea Beach sign.
This is where the Yacht Club & Marina, used to be located 
Gang activity … as usually happens in  economically strapped areas.
A living Ghost Town; a decay spiral permeates.
Holland says CA has a host of eco-activists that keep much-needed-help from arriving.

Holland says these people here have been fighting with the State of CA for decades over the water issue; and they are not getting a listening ear.

Salton Sea vs State of CA (just sound like more governmental BS, to me): https://www.watereducation.org/western-water/long-criticized-inaction-salton-sea-california-says-its-all-effort-preserve-states

It's a sad situation.

It should be illegal for governing authorities to do people like this >:-P

We drove around the Salton Sea in a continuous loop to reach the Salvation Mountain monument; there were several county park/RV parking … but they were by and large not well maintained at all, and basically neglected areas that seemed deserted. We did see several campers (no doubt die-hards that have been coming here all their lives with memories of better days, drawing them), and saw one Park Attendant, but for the most part an atmosphere of forlorn hopelessness overhung the whole area.

This is a region that is dying; financially, physically, and spiritually.

Date trees & bagging harvest.
On the opposite side of the Sea; a neglected County Park.
Prickly Pear Cactus fruit.
Prickly Pear Fruit

Holland also wanted to visit "the lowest bar in America; 200 and some feet below sea level" - I did a search for it, on my Tablet: that would be the Ski Inn - a bar and restaurant in Bombay Beach, California.

Another point of interest for Holland …
Bombay Beach-CA
(https://roadtrippers.com/magazine/bombay-beach-apocalyptic-wasteland-art-hub/ & https://www.california.com/ghost-town-and-artist-haven-heres-the-bombay-beach-rundown/)
The 'Lowest Bar in America'; Ski Inn. We passed on visitation.

We arrived 10 minutes too early for them to be open: so, we snapped off a pic, and kept on truckin' ;-)

I suppose this drive-in set-up could be viewed by some, as 'intellectually artistic' …
The Ski Inn.
The Ski Inn
Bombay Beach is another run-down beach town, in the CA desert. I know that sounds contradictory.
It's a barren landscape around the Salton Sea region.

I'm artistically inclined myself; and I think I'm fairly intelligent … but I failed to see a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g. at all resembling "art", or "intellectual stimulation" in Bombay Beach; despite the YouTube and media source hypes.


Maybe I'm just not {hip} enough ;-)

Held up by a train for about 25 minutes.
I was laughing as the train whizzed by, and a memory whizzed thru my thoughts ;-)

Another place Holland wanted to visit was Slab City: I've been dragging my feet about going there. I've watched the YouTube videos and nixed it right off the bat … but it's been a bee in Holland's bonnet, so I made it a point to get there - and get back out of there, as quickly as possible.

Salvation Mountain is located in that ify place, and I did agree to go see it.

Another 'Bucket List' check …
Slab City-CA
Entering the Slab City Compound 
Slab City 'amenities'.
Salvation Mountain: 

Leonard Knight & His Technicolor Mountain: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gonpqxlLIa0&t=148s)

Holland's father Jerry, was a minister in the southern states, as well as WA State, (he was the original founder and pastor of the Zion Church along I-5 … and he founded the 'Word of Life Shelter/Soup Kitchen' in Longview-WA). Holland was, in his youth, a PK (preacher's kid) and worked in his father's shelter; so this landmark seriously interested my husband.

And I have to admit that Slab City wasn't the ghetto it appeared to be in questionable YouTube videos … but I still did not want to be parked for any length of time, in that desert slum area.


Folk Art Salvation Mountain Vehicles.
Folk Art Alien Influence 
Folk Art Salvation Mountain Tractor.
Desert Sand Verbena.
'Honey … NO'.
Kinda reminded me of the Heaven's Gate religious cult that taught a warped christian-alien religion.
Heaven's Gate UFO Religion:
A filthy Hot Spring.

Most of the dwellings, and nearly all of the people living there were sketchy individuals. I admire - and applaud - those {called} to live with and minister to sketchy people and situations: but I also admit that I am not one of them. I, personally, have never felt "called" to gamble.

I do live a somewhat 'alternate lifestyle' than some people - but I am not {that} alternate.

I don't mix UFO religiosity with Christianity.

I don't play loosie-goosy with my life. Or my husband's life. Or my dog's life.

If … and that is a BIG "IF" … Elohim calls me to gamble with my life, I'll consider it. Prayerfully. It would have to be a lightening rod moment. 

Kinda like when Elohim opened my eyes to remarriage: any consideration of living on the edge, in a place like Slab City, would have to be that illuminating ;-)

Thankfully, after Holland saw it with his own eyes, he was in agreement with me. Slab City, at this point in time, is no longer a boondocking consideration. Hallelujah!

Bleu has learned how to halt his back window going up without his consent ;-)
Held up again by another passing train; time for a 'Dad & Son talk'; Bleu's teenage 'I can't hear you' dazed gaze …
Abandoned 1920 Strip Mall; Niland-CA.
Niland-CA; 1920 Strip Mall:

We saw a sketchy looking "ministries" - Holland said it looked like "some kind of satanic hoodoo" … I was thinking it looked cultish; so I took a picture and did research at home: an internet search said, {a ministry of the Vineyard Community Church}.

It appears that we are both accurate in our assessments ;-)

A store-front 'church' … this looks as questionable as the Slab City religion.

I am not an advocate for vineyard {ministries}. Holland is … and he was not happy (but did not get angry, either) when I said, "I'm not surprised it's vineyard; they've fooled a lot of people for decades - now, they are finally coming out in the open about the devilry they are about."

We agreed to disagree; and continued truckin' on.

We located the Sonny Bono Salton Sea National Wildlife Refuge, and we all enjoyed a relieving pit stop.
Sonny Bono Wildlife Refuge Plaque; weather-beaten by the intense sun and wind.
Sonny Bono National Wildlife Refuge:
 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonny_Bono_Salton_Sea_National_Wildlife_Refuge & https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonny_Bono)
A Golden Barrel Cactus sprouting in the parched Refuge desert.
Salton Lake Plaque.
Cahuilla History; Salton Lake region.
Bird Highway; Sonny Bono Refuge - Salton Sea~CA
Bird Area Plaque.

The attendants were friendly, but we didn't see many birds (just a very large flock of White Egrets, waaay off in a distant back field). But I did like the way the grounds were set up.

The whole day was very enjoyable.

Backside of the Dunes at the 3-way-junction of CA-MX-AZ; the sand blows in from mexico.
Both our Bucket Lists were checked today ;-)
We drove the loop route from Brawley-around the Sea-back to Brawley … and freeway home.

It was a good start to the Thanksgiving Holiday :-)