God Knew That I Needed You

Thursday, February 22, 2024




Our Day started at 4 AM this morning: Holland had a doctor's appointment for cortisone shots in both knees this morning at 8 AM: in Longview - about an hour and a half away.

We were on the road by 5 AM.

Holland opted to drive the Oregon side because it would save 20 minutes drive time. I agreed because it was pitch black, and there would be no scenic views to enjoy ;-)

We had hoped to spend time with friends following the early morning appointment …

Longview-WA from Long Beach-WA; 1 hr. 31 min (69.1 mi) via US-30 E
Pam's text yesterday; we had been planning this get-together for months …

I was also looking forward to a hazelnut latte from my favorite Coffee Shack in Longview, so I brought my thermos travel mug with me.

I will not be doing that again. Since State wages went up, the price of fancy coffee is outrageous.

Nearly $8!!! This spendy pampering of self will end; the Scotch DNA in me, was feeling the pinch.

Holland made his appointment on time … but disappointment was there too: there was a snafu between what Holland was expecting, and what his doctor was prepared to do.

He did not get the relieving cortisone shots :-(

I was as upset as he was because I had heard him make the appointment weeks ago; and he specifically said he wanted cortisone shots on both knees. His doctor was set up to give him a shot in his shoulder (which he declined), and said she didn't "do knees" - she sent him across the way to have X-rays taken (probably won't get those results until Monday), and he will have to make an appointment himself after the X-ray results come in, with {someone who does knees}.

The medical field is ridiculous. The unnecessary added expense is not necessary. It's a cortisone shot! It doesn't require a freaking "specialist". Any doctor can give those shots, for Pete's sake :-(

He was bummed. His knees are on fire with pain.

I was bummed. There is no logical reason his doctor could not have given him relief from the pain; outsourcing stinks.

We focused our mindset on "everything happens for a reason." We don't have to know the why's … we just have to trust that Elohim knows why ;-)

Change of plans …

And we drove to the P.O. to retrieve our 6-month's worth of mail …

6 months of junk mail; bought to me in a tote ;-)

On our way through Kelso, I noticed a new sign at a church Holland's cousin is attending - and wondered if the church had changed hands: the Name on the sign was unrecognizable.

Curiosity … I asked Crystal about it.

We also were treated to another death-wish driver, crossing from Kelso to Longview …

It was raining heavily - and the crazy woman driver literally waited until the last possible moment to shoot her car out in front of us. WTH; she may have a death wish, but we do not :-(

We were not hauling Independence behind us today, but still!

Death-wish drivers. Ugh!!!

The rest of the drive through Longview was uneventful.

But there was road work being done on Ocean Beach Highway.


I though maybe more of the rocky hillside in Stella had fallen down and needed to be cleared: instead, trees had blown down and needed to be removed and hauled away.

Tree removal near Stella-WA, on Ocean Beach Highway.

We had picked up some salads for David before leaving Longview, so I shot him a text letting him know they were in the process of being ferried to him ;-)

We drove home on the WA side of the Columbia River. I suspect Holland did this so I could enjoy the rural scenery. Crossing KM "mountain" was clear driving - and when we drove through Rosburg, I pointed out the Valley Church there, and said maybe while we're in the vicinity, I'd drive to a few Thursday Bible Studies there and catch up on the lives of the women who attend (my friends, Ramona and Becky, being 2 of the 24 gathered). I am friendly with everyone there, but Ramona and Becky have made a place for me in their lives, and I miss spending time with them.

David wasn't in when we arrived in Long Beach, so I put the salads in his  'fridge, and brought stew home to be enjoyed: I also noticed two new things acquired since the last time we spent time here with him …

Text to David.

We ate, relaxed, and reflected on the Day.

Perspective came into play, and we'll drive back into Longview tomorrow to pick up the prescriptions Holland needs, visit with friends, and finish the business wrap-ups we didn't get to today. Contemplating today's happenstances through a zoomed out perspective, tensions eased and things seemed doable again.

Hopefully Monday will give us an appointment for the shots that will ease the painful knee burn.

Holland caught up on the sleep he didn't get last night … and Bleu & I visited with David for an hour and a half before hitting the hay for a good night's rest, myself ;-)

Tonight's moon phase is the 'Waxing Gibbons'; which covers a gambit of happenings in our life at the moment.

Waxing Gibbous Moon Phase: The waxing gibbous phase signals redirection, adjustment, and flexibility. Your plans are being challenged, and your patience is being tested. Be flexible. Have gratitude for this moment and look for signs and signals that are directing you to the best course of action.
