God Knew That I Needed You

Monday, November 13, 2023


Tonight's beautiful sunset~Yuma-AZ
Just beautiful …


 Things on the Homefront are still dicey … but I can truthfully say, "All is well with my soul."


Did you know, the song "It Is Well With My Soul" was written by a successful Christian lawyer Heratio Spafford. His only son died at age 4 in 1871. In 1872, the great Chicago fire wiped out his vast estate, made from a successful legal career.

In 1873 he sent his wife and four daughters over to Europe on a summer trip on the ill fated SS Ville du Havre. Since he had a lot of work to do, he planned to follow them later. The ship sank and he lost his four daughters with the wife being the only survivor. She sent him a famous telegram which simply read, "SAVED ALONE …"

On his return home, his Law firm was burned down and the insurance company refused to pay him. They said, iIt's an act of God."

He had no money to pay for his house and no work, he also lost his house. Then while sitting and thinking what's happening to him, being a spiritual person, he wrote a song - "Whatever, my Lord, You have taught me to say - It is well, it is well with my soul."

My dear friend, a good attitude will determine your altitude. When you look at your life, career, job or family life, what do you say? Do you praise God? Do you blame the devil? A good attitude towards God makes Him move on your behalf.

Just sit down and say, "Today, God, it is well with my soul, I am thankful I had a peaceful sleep, I am thankful I am alive with possibilities, I am thankful I have a roof over me, I am thankful I have a job, I am thankful that I have family and friends. Above all, I am thankful that I have the Lord Jesus Christ on my side."

Be blessed and don't be envious or shocked when others are prospering because you don't know what they have been through to get there (test, trials and tribulation) so thank God for what you have. "Little is much when God is in it. It is well with my soul!"

Touch someone's life with this message. If God is for us, who can be against us?

God bless to all and have a good day!!


Anger is a catalyst.

Anger can be a passive influencer - or an aggressive blow torch that incinerates everything in it's path.

This morning while I was drinking my coffee, Bleu was shoving his front paws under the bunkroom door trying to get Holland's attention. Holland was sleeping, so I took Bleu outside to frisk off some early morning energy; and he ran straight for the pickup. Our furbaby enjoys his scenic rides as much as I do ;-)

So, coming back in the house I promised him that as soon as I finished my coffee, I'd wash my hair, get dressed, and take him for a short ride … I was also thinking about finding a way down to the river I saw the other day when I was out and about. I'm pretty sure it's the Colorado - and it's fairly close to here (maybe about half an hour drive). There looked to be a graveled dike road that may possibly have an access.

I was hoping - and looking forward to an hour out-of-house.

Bleu was hoping - and looking forward to an hour out-of-house.

Holland comes out of the bunkroom … hops in the truck … and takes off!

Not a word spoken, except, "You can't come with me, Bleu."

He insists on being a jerk :-(

I thanked Elohim for keeping my temper in check: then I made the bed, folded towels & put them in the bathroom cabinet, washed my hair, and gathered the clothes I wanted to wear.

I was applying makeup when Holland returned.

He was anticipating shrapnel exchange.

I just want to live a peaceful life: I don't need to prove I can score a bullseye. I can … but I don't want to get pulled into a pissing contest.

Like two ships in passing through turbulent waters, we carefully moved around each other, silently going our separate ways.

This seems to be the best course of action right now. He wants to play quick-draw-blame games … and I'm not interested in being the skeet.

I think I can get to the Colorado River, which is next to the Casino; right on the CA-AZ Borderline. I'm headed in that direction now ;-)

The casino, and county park, are in Yuma-AZ ... the mission school, directly across the street, is in Winterhaven-CA: in a heartbeat, you cross from one state into another.

Paradise Casino from Del Pueblo RV Resort~Yuma-AZ; 18 min (10.9 mi) via S Avenue 3 E and I-8 W
Turned into this little County Park …
Indian Mission School, on hilltop across from Park & Casino; 350 Picacho Rd, Winterhaven, CA
YES! The Colorado River :-)
Colorado River
I'm letting Bleu explore … carefully; this is rattlesnake country.
At this point, the 'mighty Colorado River' looks like a slough off-shoot.

On the Homefront, I'm not rising to the bait; I am not going to be hooked into a verbal war.

Employing the peacemaker earmuffs.
The childish behavior continues 

I'm doing the best I can to laugh off the ridiculousness, because I know that that Holland isn't really fighting against me personally: he's just caught up in a spiritual firestorm.

And he's gonna feel really stupid when the fire burns itself out, and the ashy grit settles.

I am hurt, yes: but I also know that there is a testimony for Holland in this painful situation. There are Prayer Warrior friends around the globe praying for us … and Holland did not blow a gasket when I told him I had solicited prayer warrior help for us - I know we're gonna beat this thing.

Holland waited 35 years for me; and our life vision and goals are perfectly aligned. Holland used to tell me, "I love you, Baby. Us finally meeting and getting together is 100% 'a God Thing'" … before the "you're a major pain in the ass!" comments started.

The Past (the generational Redmill men curse of bucking against {marriage constrictions}) reared it's ugly head, and stole our happy peace :-(

I still believe that our marriage is "a God thing", despite all the Hell that devil rising his back is dragging us through.

As waiting timeframes go … 9 months of waiting, compared to 35 years of waiting, is a flash in the pan. I know that deep down the love between us is fighting to stay alive. I can afford to wait a while for the Hounds of Heaven to tree him, and the grace of Elohim to return him back to me. Wholly - as a New Man in Christ, so we can finally start living our destiny ;-)

I waited seven years for Bob's old man to disappear, so the New Man could emerge.

By the grace of God I can wait for Holland's rebirth.

Charles Jenkins - 'War' song: 

LIFE AIN'T ALWAYS BEAUTIFUL~Song by Gary Allan w/ Lyrics | Proverbs 16:3


My phone's new wallpaper - I like encouragement close at hand, and visible.

November 12th: I basically vegged out all day.

Conserving my energy for the battle ahead.

Holland woke in a mean mood.

I watched his lips move & heard his voice, but refused to engage in shrapnel exchange.

I was not making place in my space for brain freeze.

He claims to be a Christian, but he walks the way of the world.

So, I turned down the noise; slipped headphones on and fed my soul some good vibes.

Eventually he went back into his man cave, and peace reigned again.


Breakfast; these are local grapefruits and they are so sweet, sugar really isn't needed.
New Read - I love Clive's adventures!
Lunch; leftover pork stir-fry. Still tasty ;-)
Toasted Cheese Sandwich w-Tomato Soup Supper with Ida Lupino … I like vintage Noir.
Worked up an Angel Baby design & listened to Gary Allen until 1 A.M.; very relaxing.