God Knew That I Needed You

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Anti-Israel protesters declare 'We are all Hamas!': 'Show us your face'

Here are FACTS concerning a few things about the political riots on American campuses …

1) There are no Jews in Gaza. There haven't been for nearly 20 years.

2) According to Forbes, Hamas has an approximate ANNUAL turnover of about $1billion - that is enough to build a cushy paradise in Gaza.

3) Hamas executes and tortures homosexuals (and all the other 150 PLUS 'other sex' sexes), muslim apostates, collaborators, those suspected of collaboration, and anyone who seeks any normalization with Israelis … notably Israel-supporting-Christians.

Here's why:

In the hamas charter it says …

a) Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.

b) The land of "Palestine" (i.e. the area allotted to the Jews by the UN in 1947 and now the Modern State of Israel - with or without the "West Bank") - is an Islamic waqf [Holy Possession] consecrated for future muslim generations until Judgment Day. No one can renounce it or any part, or abandon it or any part of it. 

c) Palestine is an islamic land. Since this is the case, the liberation of palestine is an individual duty for every muslim wherever he may be (muslim males do not recognize muslim females)

d) The day the enemies usurp part of muslim land, jihad becomes the individual duty of every muslim. In the face of the Jews' {usurpation = Jews living in Israel), it is compulsory that the banner of jihad be raised.

e) The Day of Judgment will not come about until muslims fight Jews and kill them. The muslim {holy book} states … "Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Muslim, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.'"

Charmingly peaceful, isn't it?

4) hamas pays a lifetime salary to arab and  muslim terrorists (and their families) who murder Jews, or terrorist's families of which the terrorists have used the "art" of killing themselves with the result of murdering Jews.

5) Over the last few weeks, hamas has called upon addle-minded, angry, misguided, and seriously ignorant college students to enlist in their murderous campaign; hamas has demanded that global leadership renounce Israel and pick up the jihad banner; hamas has infiltrated America's Congress, media sources, colleges, work places, and taken over entire city blocks in Britain - as well as America - and set up strongholds where they can carry out their evil wickedness … which, according to their charters, actively call for the murder of Jewish women, children and men; and Christians.

To suggest - as the mainstream media are doing - that the loss of life on the Gaza border is because of President Trump's decision to move the USA embassy to Jerusalem, is as ridiculous, ignorant, spurious, and illogical - as it is obscene.

Like the hamas infused, supported, and leaked political riots are also obscene.

barak hussain obama is a rabid muslim - he was PLACED in the Oval Office to claim America for islam (which he did), to make life extremely hard for American Jews (which he did), and to eradicate Christianity (he tried; by passing into Law that Christianity is "domesticated terrorism").

And that mindless political  puppet joe biden, is carrying out obama's Agenda.

And that, folks, is FACUTAL REALITY.

You're welcome.