God Knew That I Needed You

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

NATIONAL MARRIAGE WEEK~February 7th-14th, 2024

National Marriage Week (Feb. 7-14) and World Marriage Day (Sunday, Feb. 11)

National Marriage Week, an annual celebration dedicated to promoting the institution of marriage, announces its 2024 campaign with the inspiring theme "Love Beyond Words." This year's mission encourages couples to put their love into action and raise awareness of the profound positive impact strong marriages have on society.

Taking place from February 7th to February 14th every year, National Marriage Week coincides with the week leading up to Valentine's Day, making it the perfect time to celebrate the joys and virtues that marriage brings into our lives. Research consistently demonstrates that married couples experience great health, financial stability, and personal happiness.

Marriage is something wonderful to be celebrated. You don't have to come from a happy home to create one.


Holland, me, and our dog named Boo (Bleu) went for a drive this morning … and Holland and I said at the same time, "I'm glad you're in my life; you are everything I prayed for."

And we are.

But we both also acknowledge that it was pretty ify for at least 10 months of the 12 months of our marriage: neither one of was sure we'd be together to see our 1st Year Anniversary.

It was a rough couple of months.

But we had Elohim in our corner - and we had good friends on our side that were praying and rooting for us; sending us encouraging texts saying, "Hang in there! The first year is always a rough one."

We kept trusting Elohim's Plan for our lives.

We kept relying on our love for each other.

We hung on - we dug in deep for "love beyond words."

We got through the rough patches.

We are stronger for the testing.

Marriage is something wonderful to be celebrated: you don't have to come from a happy home to create one :-)