God Knew That I Needed You

Friday, June 28, 2024


It would be a wondrous MIRACLE if Repubs WON ALL OF DC come January 2025.

Thanks God Americans are waking up and finding their cojones, backbone, and voice - it's about time!

Trump campaign reacts to Biden's 'catastrophic' debate performance: 'Incomprehensible': 

But shameless jill biden doesn't want to withdraw into the shadows; she has the final say (and can insist he husband be replaced), and she's hanging on with an iron fist.

Her performance following the debate debacle, was shameful - she praised his clueless performance as a mother would praise a toddler who just tied their shoestrings for the very first time … then she went on to act like a game shoe host whipping up the audience. With over-the-top lying lips.

TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) was in full swing last night: these people have lost their minds, as well as their souls, to barak hussein obama - who is the master of lies and deception - a shameless spawn of Hell, itself.

'The Five' reacts to Biden's disaster facing off with Trump: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48IR8DfR1U8

Larry Kudlow: Biden imploded before our eyes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FpA1NtmqNM

Rumor has it that either kamala harris or gavin newsm will replace biden on the campaign trail going forward: both are additional disasters.

kamala is as bad as biden when it comes to speaking nonsense - and her "record of action" is nonexistent; she is a failure. She failed in her presidential run four years ago; and was only placed as VP because of her skin color … gender no longer matters to the obamanites, so running as a 'black woman' is questionable and dishonest: obamanites can't define what a woman is.

And they refuse to acknowledge that their obama puppet needs to pulled off the world stage … even though the world clearly acknowledges biden needs to be pulled.

Conway goes off on Kamala Harris: She is just ‘job security’ for Biden’s ‘wax figure’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ym-50_BPqLA

Democrat explains why 'it's almost impossible' to take Biden off the ballot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFvrlO9jy7Y

The world reacts to US presidential debate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4ED_hyw32o

You know the devil never sleeps - and the obamanites are going to pull more sneaky moves between now and November to keep a firm grip on DC power.

Remember biden did not {beat} President Trump the first time (biden was placed, not "voted" into Office) - biden's campaign was filmed from his basement … and his greedy wife jill, spoke for him when he was forced to be "before The People"; demonrat staffers cheated at the voting stations by shutting window blinds so ballot counting was not witnessed - and thousands of voter ballots were thrown out instead of counted. biden was placed: placed is not a win, and it certainly is not a "beating".

obmanites are snakes; and DC has become a snake pit.

Ramaswamy predicts Dems resorting to a ‘very different plan’ for 2024 election: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOvwaOiW2kI

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