God Knew That I Needed You

Monday, May 20, 2024


Last Thursday I brought this little pro-life baby bottle home to fill with coins, and planned on returning it this Thursday … along with this book, I also brought home with me last week:

But … I will not be in Rosburg on Thursdays the rest of this month: my piriformis muscle has decided to pitch a fit and effectively put me out of commission 🥺

I'm in a lot of pain, can barely walk on my left leg without wanting to scream; needless to say - if I can't stand or creep across the floor without shooting pain, I won't be bale to drive. Having stairs in the house to deal with will hold up the healing process. This process could take weeks - possibly months, with the inside stairs to deal with. I'm praying for a SPEEDY recovery.

Basically all I can do with this tricky muscle is rest the muscle so it loosens up and relieves nerve pressure. I have to alternate laying down, sitting, and walking … without doing too much of any of it. The muscle isn't so tight this morning because I massaged it all night long when it throbbed; but yesterday I felt like I was dragging a painful wooden leg around, all day long. When it gets real bad I used to get a cortisone shot, which gave me instant relief; but can't do that this time - getting in and out of Beast Betsy would literally make me scream: she sits half my height off the ground 😳, and though I love riding in her, I can't do that today. So, I'm just doing what I can do to ease the pain.

This Post will give you an indication of how much of a leg stretch I need to get into our red beauty ;-)

"THE END STRETCH" Post: (https://jeastofeden.blogspot.com/2023/04/the-end-stretch.html)

Add to this leg pain a broken marriage pain, and life lately is a real pain in the ass.


Elle King - 'Good Thing Gone': 

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