God Knew That I Needed You

Thursday, March 13, 2025


Holland went solo lobo to visit his Aunt Gaye, today; I would have went, too, if it hadn't been raining.

Rain makes me sleepy - and with inactivity added to the steady rainfall, I didn't want to be lulled into shut-eye while sitting on her comfy sofa 😉

So, I opted to stay home and busy myself with household chores that have been on hold with the move up here from Quartzsite … and the little daytrips Holland has been whisking me off, on 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨; he's been making sure we see everything there is to see in AZ before pulling stakes. He's the best ❤️

As soon as Holland left, around 9:30 AM - I got busy, which would keep me awake: and I was busy nonstop until he returned hours later.

Rain & strong gusts of winds 😳 around 10 AM
Holland walked through the front door as the last second f my housecleaning cardio timed out 😉

While we were catching up on each other's Day, the sky clapped with BIG thunder around 3:30 PM … and I laughingly mentioned a reference to Rip Van Winkle 😉

Legend of Rip Van Winkle: https://www.legendsofamerica.com/ny-ripvanwinkle/

Supper was leftovers; then we both relaxed, with personal interests - knitting or crochet works for me … and after Holland checked a couple emails, he did research on some places he wants to whisk me off to when the rain abates: most of those places he has already visited, and lived in, but there are surrounding areas that he feels will hold a special interest for me - and he never took the time to check them out when he was a bachelor burning up the road. But now, that he's married 🥰 to a road gypsy; and he's a retiree like me, there is time. And he is willing 😘

Relaxing, my way.
Holland, relaxing his way.
Pretty sky after a brief respite from the thunderous rainshower - just before sunset; Kingman-AZ

Reading my health & wellness data for today, I was pleased with the results - Holland was surprised at the 4 mile readout, but I laughed, and said, "House cleaning isn't 'lazy work' - there's a lot of walking involved with chores; and Independence is roughly the size of a small studio apartment: it's not as 'tiny' as it's perceived to be. Walking back and forth between rooms, and up and down stairs for hours on end, add up."

Our Artic Wolf Suite has a floor area of approximately 354 square feet, broken up into 5 separate rooms (2 bedroom areas, 2 full baths with full showers, and a kitchen-dining-livingroom combo room): small studio apartments featuring an open layout combining the bedroom, living room, and kitchen into one space - typically range from 350 to 600 square feet.

I was glad for the mileage - and the calorie burn-off today 👌

I'm happy with today's health & wellness read out 😁

4 miles! I need to clean house more often: on average, a woman takes around 2,000 to 2,500 steps to walk a mile - I walked 11,734 steps today 👍

Now, I'm gonna kick back, enjoy the rainy cozy vibe of our domesticated nest; and watch a vintage black & white movie I've never seen before. It stars John Wayne & Joan Blondell - no doubt it will be a good movie for a rainy night 😊

Lady For A Night 1942 movie: 

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