God Knew That I Needed You

Friday, January 17, 2025

Human Metapneumovirus or HMPV 2025

Right on schedule …

These "new outbreaks!" & "return to covid measures!" will continue to be peddled every 6 months for the rest of our lives.

barak hussein obama gave WHO his mandate to orchestrate medical emergencies for political gain … and the NWO was granted unlimited power during the obiden regime debacle.

I'm just surprised this announcement wasn't made sooner - like on the campaign trail to give the demonrats losing team a boost. But then, we all KNOW the mandated BOOSTERS did NOT WORK the last time the demonrat regime rolled them out and demanded we all roll our sleeves up and "submit! dammit!!"

There may - or may not - be a "new virus!" circling the globe: given the way the obamanites, the WHO devotees, and the NWO tyrants behaved during covid … I'm keeping my sleeves down and going about MY business "as usual".

I'm not being stupid - or flippant - about precautions; but I'm not going to live in fear either of "what if" 🙏

My Life has always been a crap shoot: I was born with a faulty heart and weak lungs … if I did everything the Drs. suggested 🤔, I'd never get out of bed, live a couch-potato existence, and wait to die. That is not living 😒

I choose to live - I choose to live my life, my way.

No one else has to agree with me.

No one else is ME.

So far, I've dodged every bullet aimed at me, to stop me in my tracks.

I'm going to continue to dream big and live abundantly.

I choose intentional living.

NO mask.

NO vaccine.

NO goose-stepping to political mandates.

MY life.

MY choice.

MY walk through this Life: we only get 1 chance to enjoy this passage of time.

{{There is a new flu-like virus on the rise in China and other parts of Asia and it is beginning to raise concern amongst those still reeling after the COVID pandemic. It’s called human metapneumovirus or HMPV and it’s a respiratory illness which affects millions of individuals every year. The World Health Organization (WHO) has called for the reinstatement of restrictions implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic}}

Have people forgotten already what it was like the last time WHO and the parroting obamanites put severe restrictions of covid in place?

Let me refresh your lax memory:

a) People were forced to stay inside their home under threat of arrest.

b) neighbors were encouraged by local, and DC government "leaders", to openly spy & tattle on "those who refuse to comply".

c) elderly people were rushed to hospitals where they were infected … and sent back to home or nursing homes to spread the infection & die - taking others with them to the grave.

d) media whores (like the cuomo brothers) actually faked illness for attention and subscription spikes.

e) biden locked himself in his basement, where his wife sat with him in "a zoom meet" (knowing he was in the grip of dementia) and monitored every word that he spoke: and another disastrous obama coup was "won" 🤬

f) the mad scientist fauci was catapulted to political fame by openly lying to the public and promoting national shut-downs that undermined families & destroyed friendship connections, ruined America's economy, shut down Churches, open-air Christian gatherings, placed "no trespassing" fencing around Congressional buildings … WHILE keeping DC {secret} meeting rooms for MASKLESS congressional members bent on building cases against a President they hated and "his followers", mosques, sports bars, and abortion clinic nationwide OPEN, and continuously fostered wide-spread fear-mongering; and while all this was taking place, the mad obamanite puppet became the poster child for hysterical madness - and was the suck-up-media darling.

Due to the obamanite mandates, and placements of unscrupulous political puppets with an axe to grind against "white, Christian" Americans, America was thrown into a recession - and a race war -  we may never recover from.

g) during the government shut-down and public lock downs … unscrupulous political leaders, and ambitious State leaders, parroted the obamanite mandates and used the political darkness to openly and actively go against the "garbage of society" like Christians, and supporters of their "filthy rich white man" political opponents.

The covid madness was an obamanite experiment of world dominance on steroids.

Fact Check: Human metapneumovirus in China is not ‘new,’ no state of emergency declared: https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/human-metapneumovirus-china-is-not-new-no-state-emergency-declared-2025-01-09/

“Regarding hMPV: this is not a new virus,” … the virus was first discovered in 2001, but retrospective serologic studies, opens new tab found hMPV antibodies present in humans at least 70 years ago. It is a common virus, that causes respiratory symptoms similar to the common cold, especially in winter and spring and among young children, older adults and people with weakened immune systems.

What is HMPV? It's a respiratory virus. And it usually only causes mild illness similar to a cold, the federal government's National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) website says. But it can make some people sick, leading to bronchitis or pneumonia.

American Lung Association: https://www.lung.org/lung-health-diseases/lung-disease-lookup/human-metapneumovirus-hmpv/learn-about-human-metapneumovirus-hmpv

Symptoms include cough, fever, runny or blocked nose, headache and tiredness.

1) It often causes upper respiratory infections, but it can sometimes cause lower respiratory infections like pneumonia, asthma flare-ups, and COPD to worsen. 

2) HMPV usually causes symptoms like the common cold that last roughly 2-5 days but can vary depending on how sick you get and symptoms typically go away on their own.

3) HMPV spreads from person to person or surfaces to person. Symptoms include cough, fever, nasal congestion, and shortness of breath. Your health care provider can test, however, there is no treatment. Prevention measures include hand washing, cleaning surfaces, and staying home when sick.

4) Can human metapneumovirus be treated? Supportive treatment for patients varies with the severity of the illness but generally treatment consists of fever reducers, antihistamines, breathing treatments and other means of providing comfort to the patient until the illness resolves.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

MY OWN RECIPES~Chicken-Cranberry Sandwich & 4Patriots Creamy Rice-Veg & Ham Casserole; Fortuna-AZ

Just kickin' back, and taking it easy, today ✌️

Barely in the {safe} zone … 4 puffs needed

I pulled together a quick lunch, & (refrigerated the remaining filling) for tomorrow sandwiches.

My own recipe, chicken sandwich filling; Fortuna-AZ

==VAL'S CHIC CRANBERRY SANDWICH FILLING: left-over roast Chicken (I used 2 breast pieces), shredded with fork tines * 1 cup dried Cranberries * 1/2 c. julienned  Pickles * 2 TBSP Capers * 1/2 cup Pecans, crushed * enough Mayo & 1,000 Dressing to hold mixture together

Blend thoroughly & chill about an hour. Delish 😁

Worked on a new pair of slippers to replace the ones wearing out …

And pulled together a Supper Casserole, using one of the 4Patriot's packaged meal Holland bought when we started this Road Gypsy adventure 21 months ago.

The 4Patriots packaged meals are in large sealed bags, so I break them down into 2 packages because there are only 2 of us; the halved portions usually make 3 servings.

The 4Patriots meals are very basic, and pretty bland tasting, so I always jazz them up some, when I use them 😉

I also use foil baking pans because they fit our life, in the moment, better than glass or metal. Carefully transfer foil pan from counter to oven … and from oven to counter; foil pans are not as sturdy as other cooking pans.

My tweaked recipe is below using left-over cooked ham; please read the ingredients list carefully before preparing


1/2 white Onion, sliced * 1 TBSP Olive Oil * 2 cups sliced, cooked Ham * 3/4 c. Broccoli florets * 1-1/2 c. Boiling Water * 1/2 4Patriots Creamy Rice & Veg Supper Pkg * 1 cup Cheddar, shredded * small handful (maybe 1/2 a cup) Cheezits crackers, crushed * Cooking Spray * Foil pan (11-3/4" x 9-1/4" x 1-1/2")

1) Preheat oven to 350-degrees.

2) Slice onion and add to a large saucepan, with the oil; cook on medium-high heat.

Sauté half a white onion in about 1 TBSP olive oil.

3) While onion is softening, cut ham - you can cut it any way you choose (julienne, chipped, diced); add to onions.

Julienne cooked Ham.

4) Cut & trim stems of broccoli florets: add to onion and ham mixture; turn heat down to a simmer. Slowly cook for half an hour - everything should be soft & tender.

5) While the slow cook is taking place, grate cheese & crush crackers.

Shred cheese & refrigerate until needed.
Crush crackers … set aside.

6) Now, add the water to the veggie & meat mixture & bring to a boil; slowly add the Creamy Rice & Broccoli Package to the onion-ham-broccoli mixture, and stir to dissolve dry rice & seasoning clumps.

Add half the shredded cheese, and stir mixture frequently for 20 minutes.

Blend thoroughly.
Add half of cheese.

7) Lightly spray the baking pan with cooking oil spray & carefully pour mixture into it - spreading evenly; top with remaining cheese.

Cover casserole with foil wrap.

Bake at 350- for 15 minutes.

Carefully transfer casserole to oven and bake.

8) Remove casserole and sprinkle with cracker crumbs; return to oven and bake another 10 minutes.

Baked & delish; it passed mustard with husband 😁

nuscum's LOSING HAND~Trump Foes & CA Woes

nuscum keeps claiming he "wants Trump to come CA - let's stop polictizing this thing."

Here's a few tips for dipshit nuscum: he pledged to "Trump-proof CA!; he even as far as to raise a whopping $50 MILLION towards that goal 😳

California Democrats Approve $50M to 'Trump-proof' The State:  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F83ZuPZp6CI)

There was NO $$$$$$$ raised to provide for adequate wildfire control 😭

There was NO $$$$$$$ raised to build DAMS TO HOLD WATER to control wildfire damages: INSTEAD DAMS WERE DRAINED AND DEMOLISHED so that Indians could idolize a smelt fish 🤬

There was NO CONSIDERATION AT ALL for the working class people of CA 😤

And to add injury to insult … the current demented obamanite in the White House was in CA during the wildfires "because a great-grandchild was born". Aircraft that could have been used to douse Malibu and LA wildfires were instructed NOT TO FLY OVER the area because biden was there - LA and Malibu were GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED AREAS.

So, LA and Malibu went up in flames because little nero was enjoying a lunch with big nero, chewing over new ways to enforce the green agenda and shaft The People - and big nero's protective team were giving "no fly" orders that kept fire control people FROM DOING THIER JOBS.

Also the mayor had BEEN SENT TO GHANA BY big nero.

nuscum's whining about this devastating wildfire damage is sickening.

nuscum's arrogant taunt to President Trump falls flat - or maybe nuscum truly is that stupid. Nonetheless, Fire Control has got to have room to gain control of the situation blazing out of control due to nuscum's iron fisted political control over CA.

If President Trump were to arrive in CA, air space & roadway space, would once again be heavily restricted … this is a deep hole that nuscum has made for himself. CA is destroyed from one end to the other. People's life's have been ruined. And nuscum's political aspirations have been laid as waste as the wildfire's scorched earth.

It's all a mess.

And Trump Hate Derangement piggybacking on the heels of arrogant self-will-delusion is a real thing in democrat strongholds.

MPO is that lawless, reckless, feckless, and just plain wicked CA … is getting exactly what it deserves. The priorities in CA are seriously out of alignments. Hate will burn your world to the ground; and that is what is happening in CA - were so much hate is seeded, nourished, and flourishes like the wildfires that blew through LA & Malibu.

Anything nuscum thinks President Trump can do for CA - CAN BE DONE VIA SATILLITE; President Trump does not have to be physically in CA, getting in the way of the fire fighter's - nuscum has already dealt them that losing card hand :-(

Sunday, January 12, 2025


Holland is internet surfing to plan adventurous road routes that will help us enjoy our retirement dreams: Elohim is blessing us.

I am relaxing and enjoying my life in the moment with my husband and domesticated cozy home environment: Elohim is good to me.

We are being happy on purpose 😊

Josh Turner - 'Would You Go With Me' Lyrics:  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EveoyhzgcCw)

We are determined to bring our dreams to fruition 😉


This morning FB Memories brought up a reel of a military troop helping each member over an obstacle - that brought to  mind my small network of Friends; which brought to mind a particular Post of mine 🤔

I posted this 3 years ago, after helping at a local Food Bank on West Side Highway 🤝

And no matter where we end up along our Road Gypsy journey, I want to get back to using my hands in a helpful manner.

My 1-12-2022 "HELPING HANDS" Post: https://jeastofeden.blogspot.com/2022/01/helping-hands.html

I understand that CA is in serious financial straits … but I also understand that californians continue to vote deadhead politicians into offices there that have directly led to the disaster unfolding there.

If you feel led to help people in CA, help the little man first.

Illegal aliens and terrorist cells have already been "helped" by the rip-off $$$$$$$$ stolen from CA residents to fund political and celebrity {causes}.

celebrities and politician's residing in CA, have resources to pull from - they really do not need help from the tax-payers, who are already giving more than their fair share.

Also remember those in Florida who are still trying to rebuild following the destructive weather pattern, there: celebrities have $$$$$$$$ to rebuild … regular working class people do not - and the obiden government has given them a piddly $640 stipend because "Fema is broke" due to their influx of illegal aliens and terrorists that flooded borders all around USA America.

Let's bolster the seriously poor folk before racing to help those who have off shore bank accounts and alternate housing options around America, as well as in foreign countries. Winters in Appalachia is cold - winters in CA are comfortable.

Saturday, January 11, 2025




Normally, a roast chicken is a Jewish Friday Night staple … or a Protestant Sunday Afternoon staple; but being a Messianic Christian, I tend to blend the {traditional} lines, and serve my chicken meals on Saturday.

And, because I am a lazy cook who enjoys delicious meals … I like to use my crockpot for just about everything we eat ;-)

This tasty all-in-one-chicken dish scents the house wonderfully all day long; and pleases your taste buds with fatty chicken goodness when it's served.

While the chicken cooks, the juices and seasoning drips down, flavoring the potatoes, carrots and onion with fatty chicken goodness - the fatty chicken broth goodness is really the best part because it's truly medicinal.

Scientific studies have proven what Jewish grandmothers for eons have always known, and seriously always referred to as "Jewish penicillin". As chicken cooks, amino acids are released - very much like medicinal aids that fight chest infections like bronchitis; also inflammations are reduced. Plus, a good chicken meal, or broth, soothes the soul ;-)

Chicken is a good food source for overall health.

I gathered the fatty juice in a Ziploc baggie and froze it, for an upcoming soup supper 😊


1 whole Chicken * 1 Tbsp Paprika * 2 tsp dried Oregano * 1 tsp dried Parsley * 1 tsp Garlic Powder * 1 tsp Salt * 1 tsp grnd. Black Pepper * 2 Tbsp Lemon Juice * 3 Tbsp Olive oil * 4 medium Potatoes, cut into quarters * 3 medium Carrots, peeled and chunked * 1 large Red Onion, cut into large chunks * 4 Garlic cloves, peeled

Line slow cooker with a cooking bag.

In a large plastic Ziploc bag, combine lemon juice, oil, and spices: massage bag to thoroughly blend - add chicken. Close bag and coat entire chicken with the blended mixture.

Happy to see the 'healthy' notifications ;-)

Prepare veggies & place in the bottom of the cooking bag lining the slowcooker.

Onions, garlic, potatoes & carrots …

Remove the chicken from the Ziploc bag & in place chicken atop the veggies.

Totally covered with juice, oil, & herbs.

Place lid over cooker and set temperature dial to HIGH for 2 hours; then adjust heat to LOW for 2 or 4 more hours (check chicken and veggies periodically for tenderness - chicken juices will run clear when thoroughly cooked), or until juices run clear and a meat thermometer reads 160°F.

Plump snafu! The chicken was so plump that the lid did not sit all the way down on the crockery … so, I covered the lid edges with foil - the foil was removed about an hour later when the fatty juices was turning into self-made broth ;-)

Remove chicken carefully - the meat will start falling away from the bones; I carefully lifted it with a slotted spatula and quickly slid a plate under the whole bird.

Serve with roasted veggies.

Smells devine & looks juicily yummy ;-)