I have 🙏 long and hard about this for many decades, but during those years I was raising kids, raising neighborhood kids, and raising grandkids - there was no time: NOW, there IS time 👏
When my first husband, Bob, was in the local WA State hospital … we both reached out to ease the suffering of others' around us (and Bob, himself was serious ill and dying). When Bob's spirit left his body at OHSU in Oregon, and I came back home to WA … I felt a calling on my Life to get involved with Hospice (before, I never knew where I {fit}, even though I knew Yeshua would use me in some ministry capacity) - there are so many people dying alone, that literally have nobody in their lives, to make passing from this life to the other, a little easier: if Elohim can use me in that regard, I can do that.
The Life I live now as a road gypsy, with my new husband Holland, can also dove-tail with ministry - as he has done hospice solo lobo … and we can splice it into our together: on-road, or with Independence parked somewhere along the route, for a while.
My Life, and what I do with it, in in Elohim's hands to use at His Will for His purposes.
Whereas ministry in the past, as a widow, was done under the sole headship of Yeshua … any type of ministry I do now, is under my husband's covering and with his blessing (still under the headship of Yeshua) - all is done in accordance with Scripture backing.
I am not doing this for $$$ - Elohim supplies ALL my needs, and wants - if it is beneficial to me, spiritually ❤️
I am showing this so that people will KNOW that I DO have ACTUAL documentation; I am not just blowing smoke or pulling a fast one.
This documentation will help me get into places, to help where I am needed. That is all I want - or need.
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