God Knew That I Needed You

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Wednesday Bible Study/1 TIMOTHY ~ Chapter 5

MY MINISTRY AUTHORIZATION: (https://roadgypsiesvalandholland.blogspot.com/2025/02/my-ministry-authorization.html)

Recap: ^Paul, the aged & experienced #apostle, writes to the young ##pastor ^^Timothy, who is facing a heavy burden of responsibility (the weight of duty and honor that comes with certain privileges) in the ^^^Church at Ephesus:

Asia Minor during the time Paul wrote the Letters of 1 Timothy.

Evidence From Ephesus For The Reliability of Scripture: https://biblearchaeologyreport.com/2017/11/06/evidence-from-ephesus-for-the-reliability-of-scripture/

It is believed that historical timeframes place Paul in Philippi around A.D. 62 - 63, where he wrote the 1 Timothy letters (3:14 & 15). He wrote these letters to Timothy, who was serving as his representative (a person who speaks or acts on behalf of a group or another person; representatives are often chosen because they share similar characteristics or viewpoints with the group they represent) in Ephesus - and perhaps in other churches in the province of Asia. In biblical times, Asia Minor was a region in southwest Asia that included most of modern-day Turkey. It was a key region in the Early Christian Mission … and the birthplace of the first Christian Churches.

The task assigned to Timothy is challenging - false doctrine (a different teaching and does not agree with the sound words of Yeshua Ha'Mashiach and Scriptural teaching that accords with godliness) must be erased (to destroy all traces of; remove completely), public worship safeguarded (to protect someone or something from harm or destruction), and mature leadership (the ability to demonstrate self-awareness, emotional regulation, and ethical decision-making; mature leaders are humble, value others, and are lifelong learners) developed. In addition to the conduct (behavior = examples include how they treat others, follow rules, and take responsibility) of the Church, Paul talks pointedly (direct; no wiggle room) about the conduct of the minister. Timothy must be on his guard lest his youthfulness become a liability (to hold back; prevent), rather than an asset (advantage = benefit; resource), to the ^^^^Gospel. He must be careful to avoid false teachers and greedy motives (selfish and excessive desires for more than what is needed; to want more of anything - including money, power, possessions, or status), pursuing instead righteousness (live in accordance with Elohim's teachings, which include faith, love, and generosity), Godliness (a life that honors God and is characterized by reverence and devotion), faith (complete confidence or trust in a person or thing; loyalty or allegiance to a person or cause = in Christianity, faith is trust in God and his promises, even & especially if those promises cannot yet be seen to be happening), love (defined by Yeshua as putting others before oneself; a selfless, sacrificial, and unconditional love that is patient, kind, and forgiving), perseverance (the ability to endure and keep going through challenges, difficulties, and setbacks), and the gentleness (showing care and respect for others in action, and speaking) that befits (be appropriate for = especially in the context of a believer's actions, attitudes, and behaviors) a man of God.

Paul's letters were sent to strengthen his young protégé (noun - pro·​té·​gé ˈprōt-ə-ˌzhā : a person under the care or training of someone influential) to boldly preach the Gospel message that *Yeshua Ha’Mashiach is the "one Mediator (comes from the Latin word medius, which means middle = middleman) between **Elohim and men (2:5), and '***Elohei was manifest (to make clear or show plainly) in the flesh, justified by the ****Ruach HaKo'desh, seen by ####angels, preached among the #####Gentiles, believed on (an older, less commonly used form of the phrase "believe in") in the world, and received up (appears in Acts 1:2 and Mark 16:19, referring to the changing of location = a physical rising in an upward direction of Yeshua, into =!Heaven) in glory (praise, honor; magnificence or great beauty)' (3:16). Yeshua is the source of spiritual strength, faith, and love (1: 12 & 14); He 'came into this world to save (to rescue or deliver from danger or harm; to preserve or guard from injury, destruction, or loss) sinners (those whose behavior was considered outside of Elohim's moral, ceremonial, civil Law in an open and obvious way)' (1:15) and 'gave (willfully & freely give- to offer; to present) Himself a ransom (from the Hebrew word (kofer) = the basic meaning of covering) for all' (2:6) as 'the Savior of all men - especially of those who believe' (4:10).

Lamb - 'The Sacrifice Lamb' messianic song:  

Listed in 1 Timothy 3 are the qualifications for Leaders of Elohim's Body - the elders & deacons. Notably absent are qualities of worldly success or position. Instead, Paul enumerates (to list or count off, one by one) Character qualities (traits that make up a person's overall character; these descriptions can be physical, emotional, mental, or moral) demonstrating that true leadership emanates from our walk with Elohim, rather than from achievements or vocational (skillful) success.

1 TIMOTHY ~ Chapter 5

How To Treat All People

(vv. 1 thru 16)

"Do not rebuke (a strong expression of disapproval, reproof, or correction) an older man, but exhort (cheer, inspire, pep up, root on; gently urge) him as a father, the younger men as brothers, the older women as mothers, the younger women as sisters; with all purity. Honor widows who are really widows. But if any widow has children or grandchildren, let them first learn to show piety (a quality of reverence and devotion to Yeshua, along with respect for others; the practice of living in obedience to Elohim's will) at home and to repay their parents - for this is good and acceptable before Elohim.

Now she - who is really a widow, and left alone, trusts in Elohim and continues in supplications and prayers night and day (Acts 26:7). But she, who lives in pleasure (generations of philosophers, as far back as ancient days, describe pleasure as: sense, wealth, skill, amity = questionable friendships, a good name, power, piety, benevolence, malevolence = spiteful behaviors, memory, imagination = a human faculty - thought process that traffics in images, symbols, myths, and stories, expectation, pleasures dependent on association, and the pleasures of sexual relief), is dead (willful separation from Elohim, which unchecked will lead to eternal separation) while she lives.

And these things command (to order, direct, or charge someone to do something, often with authority; to govern, or lead), that they may be blameless (someone who diligently seeks to obey God, so that other people have no room to criticize their conduct).

But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith (faith is more than just believing in God's existence; it's trusting in him for salvation and surrendering your life to him) and is worse than an unbeliever (someone who doesn't believe in Jesus Christ and the authority of the Scriptures)~(Isaiah 58:7 & Matthew 18:17).

Do not let a widow (The Hebrew word translated "widow" is almana [h"n'm.l; ], and it signifies a married woman whose husband has died and who remains unmarried) under 60 years old be taken into the count (record, panel, slate, listing. any list, roll, or register) … and not unless she has been the wife of only 1 man, well reported for good works: if she has brought up children, if she has lodged strangers, if she has washed the ^^^^^saints' feet, if she has relieved the afflicted, if she has diligently followed every good work.

But refuse the younger widows; for when they have begun to grow wanton (excessive, rebellious, or sexually immodest) against Yeshua, they desire to marry, having condemnation because they have cast off their first solemn promise to the Faith. And besides - they learn to be idle (lacking productivity, being lazy, or inactive; failing to use resources or time wisely, or to not fulfilling responsibilities), wandering from home to home, and not only idle but also gossips (a tattler;  tattletale = usually about other people's business) and busybodies (someone who meddles in the affairs of others, often in an uninvited way), saying things which they ought not. Therefore I desire that the younger widows marry, bear children, manage the house, give no opportunity to the adversary (an opponent or enemy who opposes Elohim's Will or His People; the term is often used to refer to Satan, the embodiment of evil) to speak reproachfully (from the Hebrew word "cherpah" (חֶרְפָּה), which can mean disgrace, shame, or scorn). For some have already turned aside after *****Satan.

If any believing man or woman has widows in their family, let them relieve (to free someone or something from pain, distress, or burden; to provide comfort or support) them, and do not let the Church be burdened (weighed down, or carrying a heavy load) - that it may relieve those who really are widows, having no one to look out after them.

How To Treat The Elders

(vv. 17 thru 20)

Let the ###elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the Word (relating to the Bible, or in accordance with the Scriptures) & doctrine (the teachings of Scripture that establish the foundation of Biblical belief). For Scripture says, 'You shall not muzzle an ox while it treads out the grain', & Yeshua said, 'The laborer is worthy of his wages.'

Do not receive an accusation (a charge of wrongdoing) against an elder except from 2 or 3 witnesses (people present a testimony about the truth of what they personally have seen, experienced, or heard).

Those who are sinning (going against God's will, or disobeying God's laws and commandments), rebuke (a strong expression of disapproval, reproof, or correction) in the presence of all, that the rest will fear Elohim and cease.

Fourth Charge: Observe These Things Without Prejudice

(vv 21 thru 25)

I charge you before Elohim & Yeshua Ha'Mashiach, and the elect angels (Satan was able to deceive many angels in his rebellion, and those creatures became “fallen” angels, or demons (Matthew 25:41; Revelation 12:3–4) - in contrast, the angels who remained faithful to the Elohei are known as “holy angels” or “elect angels” (Mark 8:38)), that you observe (to take notice of, to keep, to celebrate; also means to act upon or comply with commands) these things without prejudice (a bias or unfair judgment based on differences), doing nothing with partiality (showing favoritism)~(Deuteronomy 1:17).

Do not lay hands on anyone (place one's hands on or over, especially in confirmation = be careful and not appoint someone to a leadership position) hastily (too quickly), nor share in other people's sins: keep yourself pure (the quality of being faultless; uncompromised)~(Ephesians 5:6-7).

No longer drink only water, but use a little wine for your stomach's sake and your frequent (often = many times) infirmities (weakness, disease, or suffering).

Some men's sins are clearly evident (clearly seen or understood), preceding (coming before the set time) them to judgment (Elohim's separation of the righteous from the wicked; the wicked being sent to Hell) - but those of some men, follow later (Galatians 5:19-21).

Likewise, the good works of some are clearly evident - and those that are otherwise (quietly busy doing Elohim's Will), cannot be hidden (kept secret)."

^Apostle Paul = known as Saul before he converted to Christianity (Acts 9), was the chief killer of Christians following Yeshua’s death, resurrection, and ascension – being the foremost witness to the stoning of Stephen (Acts 7).

The Apostle Paul was one of the most influential leaders of the early Christian Church. He played a crucial role in spreading the gospel to the Gentiles (non-Jews) during the first century, and his missionary journeys took him all throughout the Roman empire.

^^Timothy = son of the devout Jewish woman, Eunice, and a Greek father, Timothy became a follower of Yeshua Ha’Mashiach when Apostle Paul preached the Gospel in Lystra, Timothy’s hometown. Paul invited the young convert to accompany him on his second missionary journey; and was sent to Thessalonica to strengthen the fellowship there. After another journey with Paul, Timothy was sent to Corinth to straighten out some problems upsetting the fellowship there.
Timothy later looked after Paul during Paul’s imprisonment. Timothy subsequently was asked to go to Ephesus to represent Paul, and received the two letters from Paul that bear Timothy’s Name. Timothy – these letters reveal, was like a son to Paul.

The last word in the New Covenant about this sensitive, sickly, but faithful young helper was that he was imprisoned but finally released. Acts 16:1, 17:14-15, 18:5, 19:22 & 20:4; Romans 16:21; 1 Corinthians 4;17 & 16:10; 2 Corinthians1:1 & 19; Colossians 1:1; 1 Thessalonians 1:1, 3:2, & 6; 2 Thessalonians 1:1; 1 & 2 Timothy; Philemon 1; and Hebrews 13:23.

^^^Church = The word translated "Church" is the translation of the Greek term ekklesia, and is used in the New Covenant (New Testament) to identify the community of believers in Yeshua Ha'Mashiach. This word is the Greek words kaleo (to call), with the prefix ek (out). Thus, the word means "the called out ones."

However, the English word "Church" does not come from ekklesia but from the word kuriakon, which means "dedicated to the Lord."

^^^^Good News = Gospel: the word is derived from the Anglo-Saxon term, god-spell, meaning “good story”; Biblically speaking, gospel is a rendering of the Latin evangelium and the Greek euangelion, meaning “good news” or “good telling”.

#Apostle (/əˈpɒsəl/) = in its literal sense, is an emissary. The word is derived from Ancient Greek ἀπόστολος (apóstolos), literally "one who is sent off", itself derived from the verb ἀποστέλλειν (apostéllein), "to send off". The purpose of such sending off is usually to convey a message, and thus "messenger" is a common alternative translation; other common translations include "ambassador" and "envoy".

Apostle in the Gospels is one of an authoritative New Testament group sent out to preach the gospel and made up especially of Christ's 12 original disciples and Paul.

##Pastor = mentioned in the New Covenant (New Testament), pastor means a leader of a congregation; an overseer. The term "pastor" comes from the Latin word pastor, which means "shepherd".
###Elders = In both the Old and New Testaments, the term "elder" indicates one of advanced age (Heb. zaqen [eqz]; Gk. presbyteros [presbuvtero"]) who had a office of leadership within the People of God.

Elder: (https://www.biblestudytools.com/dictionary/elder/)

####Angel: (n) – a spiritual being in position of attendant, agent, or messenger of Elohim (often represented in human form with wings and a long robe).

#####Gentile = person who is not Jewish. The word stems from the Hebrew term ha-goyim, “the nations,” meant nations of the world that were not Hebrew.

*Yeshua Ha’Mashiach: is Hebrew for “Jesus the Messiah”; the name Jesus is the Greek form of the Hebrew name Yeshua.

Christ (from the Hebrew word, Ha’Mashiach ישוע המשיח & the Greek word, Christos/khris-tos) = The Anointed, Yeshua the Messiah, in both languages.

**Elohim (Hebrew: אֱלֹהִים, romanized: ʾּlōhīm: (eloˈ(h)im) is a Hebrew word meaning "Gods – Father, Son, & Holy Spirit". Although the word is plural in form, in the Hebrew Bible it usually refers to a single deity “Behold, the Lord – the Lord is One”, particularly the God of Israel.

***Elohei: is a Hebrew word that means "my God". It is a personal form of the name "Elohim", which is a common name for God in the Bible.

****Ruach HaKo'desh (The Hebrew language phrase ruach ha-kodesh is pronounced ROO-akh-KOH-desh: רוח הקודש, "holy spirit" also transliterated ruaḥ ha-qodesh) is used in the Hebrew Bible and Jewish writings to refer to the spirit of YHWH (רוח יהוה); the Holy Spirit occurs 90 times in the Brit Chadashah. Luke 3:16; Ephesians 1:13, & 4:30; 1 Thessalonians 4:8; Titus 3:5; 1 Corinthians 6:9; & Jude 1:20.

The New Testament is called the B'rit Chadashah in Hebrew, meaning "New Covenant" (the word B'rit means "covenant" and Chadashah means "new").

*****Satan (aka: Lucifer) = A name for the leader of the devils; an angel who was cast from heaven into hell because he rebelled against Elohim. Lucifer is usually identified with Satan. The name Lucifer, which means “bearer of light” or “morning star,” refers to his former splendor as the greatest of the angels (Isaiah 14:12-15).

=!Heaven: The Hebrews acknowledge three heavens – the atmosphere surrounding Earth; the firmament of outer space, in which the stars are placed; and the heaven of Heavens, or third heaven, which is the residence of Elohim.

Among Christians, Heaven is the place where the omnipresent God of Gods dwells and manifests His supreme glory; this habitation of Elohei is represented by the residence of angels and the blessed spirits of those who are rewarded eternal salvation.

**1 TIMOTHY ~ Chapter 4/Thursday Bible Study: https://roadgypsiesvalandholland.blogspot.com/2025/02/1-timothy-chapter-4wednesday-bible-study.html

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