God Knew That I Needed You

Friday, May 24, 2024


I may be closing my Blogger Account - the new format they are using is not working for me: all day yesterday I tried to upload a new post … and again this morning, I have tried to upload a post: nothing I do is working, so (1) copy and paste feature has been discontinued, or (2) their new format will not recognize my Documents format and kicks it out.

It's very frustrating; I am a simple person with limited computer knowledge: everything the "helps" is supposed to help, is beyond me to understand.
Copy and paste works for me because I like dinking around with text colors (can't do this anymore with today's new format!) - black ink just doesn't cut it for me. I like COLOR in my world. I also like to add pictures, quotes, and videos to my posts. I am not happy with this new format … it cuts out everything I like to do 😔
I like using my older Documents Program because it is quick, easy to understand, and it is simple to use. The newer "updated" Documents Programs are too convoluted with unnecessary crap traps, and they don't have many Font Styles to use.
I will continue throughout this week to upload posts to my Blog - but if, by this time next week it's still a "no go", then I will be closing my Blogger Site. This will make me sad as I have blogged my Daily Life happenings since 2001 (I've been on FB just about as long): I like sharing my Life, and it is encouraging to me that others like my sharing and some have actually benefitted (and contacted me to say so) from my Homeschooling, Homesteading, Thursday Bible Studies, Bazaar & Online Business years, My Own Designs knitting & crochet pattern Posts, Widowing Posts (my Blogging was literally my Lifeline during those hard years of life without Bob in it), Solo Lobo Growth (my awakening to a New Life - spreading my wings - and slowly allowing a new man into my Life), Remarriage Posts (the good, the bad, and the ugly days), & our Road Gypsy Journeys throughout the years.
Blogger is an old blogging system, and many of my Blogger Friends and Acquaintances have shifted to Word Press; I am not sure I want to go that route.
And perhaps this snafu with Blogger is a blessing in disguise: whereas Bob never had a problem with my blogging shares of our Life … Holland has never been comfortable with the openness of what, and how, I share about our Life - he is a very private person and likes to keep our life low-key. Holland will probably throw a Celebration Party if I close my Blogger Site … I don't know what I will do with myself: I need to be engaging on some level in sharing daily activities.
Change is hard for me; I accept that sometime change is necessary - but I also know that I do not transition very well.


  1. I know at the moment Blogger is having a lot of issues which are known about and are being looked into, well according the the offical blogger support forum. The font colour not changing, not being able to resize images and adding links and them doubling up have been bothering me. I hope they get fixed soon.
    Apparently they are caused by recent updates to the browsers we use. I know Chrome and Edge are not working properly. Ugh!

    1. I know ... and I have cruised the Blogger Help Forum with little hope of finding answers.

      Thanks for stopping in; have funtastic week ahead!

  2. I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble with blogger. I hope you find another blogging platform you like. Try out free versions of the different ones. I use WordPress, it is easy but I had trouble in the beginning I guess just learning and getting used to it. It was a learning experience at first. But I love it. You know, I don't handle change well either.
    Visiting today from PoCoLo #11

  3. I used blogger for many years but transitioned to Wordpress. It was difficult at first but even though I still have a blogger account I don't think I'd go back now. I hope the problems are sorted soon, it would be sad to see you go. x

    1. Thank you Anne; I would miss interaction with you.

      Have a funtastic week ahead!
