God Knew That I Needed You

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Anne Graham-Lotz~False Teaching and Sin: The John Ankerberg Show

THIS that Anne is talking about … the Church at Pergamon … IS what the vineyard {ministries} promotes: worldly living while claiming to follow Christ Jesus (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach).

Anything & everything is accepted into their "church", because this is a "feel good", concert minded gathering. The people there actually enter into an altered-mindset mentality;  hypnotized by the droning 2-line-lyrics repetitive rock & roll music.

Salvation without repentance and holy living is what vineyard ministries embraces, preaches, and practices.

The "ministry" has not converted anyone to holy standards - BUT the "ministry", has itself, been converted to worldly standards. MANY unwise souls have been waylaid and steered onto the Highway to Hell; which has become a theme song among those attending (the term "AC/DC" is a slang term used as an adjective to describe someone who is sexually responsive to both men and women, or bisexual = I knew this in high school; when this hellish band came onto the scene!). It's very sad. 

And very righteously angering!

And THAT is WHY I speak out so strongly against the vineyard doctrine, and practices.

Ep. 4 | Hope in Jesus' Charge Regarding False Teaching and Sin - Anne Graham Lotz

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