God Knew That I Needed You

Saturday, June 29, 2024

HEN FIGHT~obama, jill, kamala 'furious': post-presidential debate 2024

barak hussein obama panicking; if biden is thrown to the curb - so is obama's Anti-American agenda. obama is a muslim devotee who feeds on the empty husks of his worshippers.

jill biden refusing to give up her Oval Office power grab: she, like nancy reagan, is running the Oval Office through the shadow of their dementia riddled spouses. SHAME ON THOSE GREEDY GOLD-DIGGERS.

kamala harris is angry she is being overlooked … even though she has always been overlooked, and only planted as a political pawn. kamala has always been unimportant in the bigger picture of things.

There is  hen fight in the making, in the obamanite demonrat circle, as the homosexual prez bares his teeth, and the power-hungry White House hens prepare for a feather-flying-fight over the highest seat of power on the world stage.

Obama to hold intervention with Biden as Kamala is 'furious' post-debate:  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJboHcgVXu0)

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