God Knew That I Needed You

Friday, August 2, 2024


And now we know why this country is such a chaotic state - kamala has been acting in biden's stead, with the obama's behind the curtain pulling her strings … remember "the first homosexual prez, barak hussein obama, referring to his he-she {wife} by his proper name, michael?

These DC sewer rats are so confident in their coups, that they occasionally forget to remember to keep up the lies.

Doing this is called “strawmanning”; and strawman doesn't have a brain.

Living as a strawman is akin to being foolish.

kamala harris Refers To herself As 'President' Before Catching herself: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Wz0VNv2UsQ)

The demonrat party IS a party of lying, whining, thieves. And there IS ALWAYS A SECTOR OF SOCIETY that is crooked, petty, and rotten to the core … freeloaders who think the world owes them a living. THOSE are the people that blindly support the demonrat party - they vote for those who mirror their own lives. When their feet are held to the fire, they pull the race-baiting card and wave it around - it is childish.

And REAL, ADULT, and HONEST Americans understand what is happening … and set out to rid Congress, DC, cities, towns, and neighborhoods of the rats. When comfortable rats, that are used to feeding on available garbage are put on notice that the garbage is being cleared up and their free meal is over, they will start snapping and biting; and they will be baited, trapped, and eliminated - skin color is irrelevant when the rat infestation has become severe.

obamanite Clown Line-up …
The rats devour themselves …
obamanites are weird - and getting weirder.
harris is obama's typical brainless & clueless strawman.
kamala proudly minces in her demonrat pantsuits … supposedly a 'badge' of 'feminism'.
demonrat hypocrisy is the brainwashed hallmark of obamanism.
Yep; that's the obamanite puppet the demonrats actually think will 'beat Trump!'

The demonrat party is cesspool of rats of every color - RACIST RATS that hate Americans and America. That they continually use the race card is laughable: and Americans are wising up, and shutting the racist rats up.

I do not think the outcome of 2024 will be as the demonrats assume.

People are waking up to the reality that they have been sold a pack of lies that have ruined their lives … ruination that cannot be reversed.

Detransitioner Chloe Cole scorches LA Times for suggesting movement could cause 'death' of trans children: 