God Knew That I Needed You

Wednesday, August 7, 2024


Amen … this chicka wanna real man; and that includes dealing with the macho side of my man's persona 😉

A strong woman should want a strong man.
"You Want A Man To Be A Man!"

My man's macho attitude may drive me crazy some days - but a limp wristed sissy wearing a man bun and makeup doesn't appeal: a preening peacock can't do for me what my real man can do.

NO MATTER WHAT we may be going through, working through, or saying out of frustrated anger in attempts be be heard by the other … I KNOW that my husband will always be thinking of me 100%. In fact, 9 times out of 10, he is the first to forgive and make the first move towards reconciliation.

He safeguards our finances, and always makes sure I have significant "mad money" at my fingertips.

He sleeps closest to the threshold door, so he's the first to meet trouble if it forces itself into our home.

When he heard I was hiking by myself in the backcountry, he came home with Bear Spray and said, "I want you to carry this with you always."

He will nearly always come home with something for me that I mentioned in conversation (sometimes weeks or  months ago), handing it to me and saying, "I saw this today and remembered you said you like it." I am always surprised when love gifted … and thankful that I'm on his mind, all the time ;-)

When I had a bad asthma attack, but insisted I wanted to spend time with my girls at Bible Study - Holland drove me there, and sat in the pickup accepting inquisitive glances (and probably wrong assumptions), while graciously turning down invites to come inside for coffee and cake because he didn't want to intrude on my personal care day.

And a few weeks ago when I felt the need to go to ER, he drove me there … and sent me caring texts, "Don't worry - I'm here" because he knows I hate hospitals and was more than a little jittery.

Holland's macho man persona is tempered by his gentle, compassionate, and loving side 😘 

So, no matter what (((I))) say or do … I'm not going to let anyone badmouth, or disrespect my man. Holland has done me righteous - God's truth.

A macho man is not something I am familiar with; these type of men always annoyed me. But macho fits Holland - he wouldn't be him without that side of his personality. And I guess the reason it doesn't annoy me, is because he doesn't lord himself over me: in fact I found myself being more annoyed at the lenient freedom he seems content to give me. Go figure. But I understand him more now … and I've stopped yanking at the loosely held reins, and stomping the ground in mustang revolt. Where macho used to be annoying to me, I find it strangely appealing; even kinda respectful ;-)

Our {issues} have to do with bleed-over insecurities from past traumas; both of us carry emotional baggage.

And we are working through those - together.  Love forgives … and we love. Our life is complex, but I am glad Holland is in my Life. It certainly is never boring!

I am a woman that can (and has) taken care of myself all my life: before, during, and after Bob. Holland knows this about me because he was my best friend and cheered me on since 2021 - he has supported me through the darkest and hardest days of my Life; he is a special person, and he deserves (and gets) my love and respect.

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