The ENTIRE OBAMANITE ERA is closing - and swiftly being pushed to the back of the closet; hopefully never to see the light of Day, again.
Woke is dead — let’s make sure it never comes back:
Praise God ☝️🙏
I am thinking the wicked and evil {woke agenda} will go down in History as being compared to Adolf Hitler's & Joseph Stalin's warped societal "dreams", that were murderous-political warfare-and devastating economic crashes, Mao’s ruinous "People's Republic" Cultural Revolution, & Pol Pot’s killing fields as a lower-fatality example of a whole society losing its collective mind?
I am old enough to remember the DEMONIC DEMOCRATIC ERA'S of Mao, Pol Pot, Jimmy Carter's infatuation with islam and its murderous promoter, Yasser Arafat - and most recently the militant muslim ANTI-American Obama's, who staged an American political coup for the past 15 years; taking the White House, Oval Office, and Congress by force (literally hiring Black Panther Thugs to patrol the DC lawns): firing anyone who opposed their communist agenda and openly homosexual doctrine/practices; stacking judicial courts with Anti-American political pawns; giving high-fives to murderous mobs to rape and pillage their way across States, beating and outright murdering police officials; breaking into businesses and stealing everything they could lay their hands on - without repercussions; take hostage, and set fire to American cities; pass into Law the heartless infanticide of newborn babies with the thought of passing into Law "aborting" 3 year old's; the brainwashing of America's Congress to support terrorist activities on American soil as well as aimed and carried out on allies soil; the shutting down of America and threat of imprisonment if covid mandates, and homosexual agenda's, were not adhered to; the outright murder of senior citizens during the government fanned covid mania; gentelia mutilation on school children, K to 12th Grade … AS WELL AS SETTING IN OFFICE a demented moron and a brainless cackling hyena to continue their wicked ways and evil agenda's.
The past 15 years have been lawless wickedness running rampant across America - and the globe, at large.
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