Hubs and I got into a verbal sparring last night: he's hyped about Pam Bondi's {phase 1} centered around the release of the Jeffrey Epstein DOJ files.
I'm tired of hearing about it - we all KNOW what is in the files; we KNOW unscrupulous politicians, entertainers, royal buffoons … and stupid girls trusting smooth talkers, are at the center of them.
I do not engage in losing skirmishes.
Hubs didn't like hearing me say that.
I don't care. To my way of thinking 16, 17, and 18 year old girls are not "children" (I was married to my 1st Husband at 17 - I did not consider myself a child). A 16 year old can get a driver's license - these things are not given to "children". An 18 year old can join the military and vote - these things are not afforded to a "child".
He sputtered and demanded, "what about the 12 year olds?"
My reply was, "That's sad. And life is hard. But, what happened, happened - it can't be undone. Rehashing it, won't change things. Human trafficking and rape has been going on since the dawn of time - and it will continue long after these files are "shared with the public". Sooner or later, these girls will have to grow up and stop being victimized by their captors, themselves, or the public. What happened, happened. It can't be undone. It is time to stop titillating the public, and move on. Epstein is dead. The politicians, royals, entertainers, and traffickers are not going to be seriously penalized - and Hell is waiting for them. The girls are no longer "children" - they need to grow up and move forward to rebuild lives they can be proud of."
He just looked at me like I was unfeeling. Like he didn't think I could comprehend why he was hung up on the Epstein files.
So, I added, "I have my own battles to weather, Holland - I really don't want, or need, to be tripping over someone else's. In case you have forgotten … I was a 6 year victim of incestual rape - and my trauma started when I was 6 years old. Not 12. Not 16. Not 18. Six years old. For six years. By someone I could not escape. I really do not care about the Epstein files people are hung up on … I have my own issues to deal with. I've fought my own demons and won my own self-esteem battles. What happened to me was awful - but, rape is not the worse thing that can happen to a female. Demoralization is worse. Death without salvation's saving grace is worse. Constantly reliving a horrible ordeal over and over again, because people are fixated on your shame and shamelessly titillated by your experiences, is worse. So, no, I really do not care about the release of the Epstein Files. I have my own stuff going on, with my own Life. All this {release} will do is create more gossipy hype among bored people with boring lives. Nothing will seriously change: human trafficking will continue; and girls will still be treated like chattel. I don't spin my wheels dealing with things that will never change: I work on changing what I can change in my immediate sphere - and what I can change, right now in this moment, is how I deal with things that are out of my control … I don't get stuck in a victim mentality. I do not want to hear any more about it. There are more important things -and truly worse things - going on in the world."
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