God Knew That I Needed You

Monday, March 17, 2025


I can (and have) "take care of business" on my own … but … it's nice to have giant back up 🙂

I remember the time I took the VCR Player back to Montgomery Ward to be fixed under Contract - the shrimpy big mouth jerk behind the counter sized my 5'2" (much thinner self) up … and started giving me a ration of shit. After about 20 minutes of back and forth, I finally said, "Ok; you can deal with my husband. Let me give him a call." I had taken the VCR into Longview because Bob had a hard work week and I was letting him rest easy. We lived in Cathlamet-WA at the time, and the drive back and forth was about an hour - hour and half drive. Bob listened when I described what was going on. He said he'd "be right there." He was not happy. The Contract was sound. The VCR was still brand new. He knew I could handle business on my own - so, if I was calling him for back up, a fight was on. I waited: the puffed up, chest-thumping shrimpy jerk, and me - a little banty hen with ruffled feathers, sharing glares. When Bob finally walked through the door, I struggled hard not to burst out laughing while watching that stuffy jerk literally shrink before my eyes: he took one look at Bob's 6'2" size. Then his unhappy face. The way he touched my shoulder in passing - signifying, "I'm here and I have you". The jerk started stammering and groveling; there was no snippy smart-ass remarks coming out of his mouth, then. The situation was handled without blood on the floor - it was a near miss. But Bob was a peacenik. His size threw people, but he was always a cool head as opposed to my red-head temperament.

Husband back up.

Then, there was the incident last year in Parker-AZ.  Over Bell Peppers, of all things! Minding my own business, doing wifey business; and 2 crazies decided to get in my face. The woman started hip-bumping me … and her stupid husband got mouthy with me: 2 black marks against them right off the get-go. But I stayed cool; I was a newlywed and wanted to wait a while before my new husband got a full example of me 😉 I set my jaw and coolly went about my business. The whole thing was ridiculous. I just wanted to grab some Bell Peppers for Supper and move along. The woman was showing her dumb ass, and her husband would soon learn that though she may buckle and cave into his bellowing … I would not. I'd had enough - as he stepped closer (still shouting at me), I prepared for a physical altercation; I set my gathered peppers aside, and was turning to return blow for blow … when I heard a calm - but strongly firm voice - say, "That enough, now". Holland, too, had heard the change in tone and seen the threatening move towards me. Maybe he saw the fire in my eyes too. At any rate, no blood was spilled: the ridiculous couple snapped their heads around to see who dared to intervene in their  bully tactics. Taking a look at my husband's 6'4" size, and the "you better stop the bullshit" look on his face … the hip bumping woman quickly scooted away from me, and the mouthy man, quickly zipped his lip and jumped backwards. I gathered my peppers and walked past them like a queen. Wall*Mart is an unlikely place for my King to hold court, but I was glad for his cool head and calming "I'm here; I have you" presence.

My January 12th, 2024 Post~AISLE TUSSLE; Shabbat Eve/Quartzsite-AZ: https://roadgypsiesvalandholland.blogspot.com/2024/01/aisle-tussle-shabbat-evequartzsite-az.html

There's a lot to be said for flying solo lobo.

There is also a lot to be said for walking through Life with a Partner who has your back 😘

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