God Knew That I Needed You

Sunday, March 16, 2025


This morning we went into town to grocery shop … on our way, I spotted a wall mural, and said, "Oh; too bad I didn't see that wall mural before we passed it so quickly - it would have been a good picture to snag."

Holland turned around further up the street, and backtracked: positioning Betsy so I could get a good shot 👌 My husband is a good man, and I am lucky to have him 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 

Wall mural on our way into town, today ~ 7 AM; I like it. It's vintage. It's {now}. It represents the past (Holland's past & my youthful hopes and dreams), the present (our lifestyle today: Holland has been faithful in making my dreams come true), & a hopeful future (Road Gypsying is still penciled into our future aspirations).

We spent waay over budget 😒: but everything was a necessity. There were no frivolities.

When we got back home; I put the groceries away, helped Holland vacuum-pack meats, and kicked back for a while.

My newsfeed fed me a couple headlines that interested me - all positives:

Scientists Just Discovered a Huge Health Benefit of Coffee: (https://www.foodandwine.com/coffee-gut-health-benefits-11693595)

U.S. Deports Hundreds of Venezuelans To El Salvador, Despite Court Order: (https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/npr/2025/03/16/g-s1-54154/hundreds-of-alleged-gang-members-deported-from-u-s-despite-court-order/)

The United States & Iran-backed Houthi Rebels In Yemen Are Both Vowing Escalation After Air-strike: (https://apnews.com/article/us-strikes-yemen-houthis-iran-trump-4d98d7b0441a018f8f2ddbe4484f7712)

I reached out and touched a few friends on FB … and I humored myself by indulging in a sponsored personality test (I know my personality, but it is sometimes fun to 'see' how others [read] me) 😉

'Yeah - that's you, alright' Holland quipped ;-)
Rory Gallagher - 'Do You Read Me' song

Holland's quip make me laugh - and it reminded me of the breakfast we shared with David in Long Beach-WA, 2 years ago. This was the guys' intro to each other; I have known David most of my life, and Holland and I had only been married 6 months. I wanted them to get to know each other. I wanted 🙏 them to like each other. Thankfully, they do ✌️, and that makes me very happy because they are both important to me ❤️

And they both share the same opinion of me; couched in unconditional love, of course 😉

July 9, 2023; Holland = 'She gets feisty'; David = 'Feisty ain't the word for it, friend …'

But, getting back to the Margarita assessment: this is what a margarita represents … "a classic that will not just thrill your senses but will leave you craving more"; I'll accept that assessment 😁

While still chuckling, and smug in my husband's love 🥰; I received … and replied to a couple texts, while Holland played with his new kitchen toy - this thing will cut down on cooking time, it's easier to clean, and I am going to get comfortable using it, too 😊

Text from David.
Today's 'extra' expenditure.
Text from Aunt Gaye.

While Supper cooked; I scrolled through online recipes that read like they would satisfy our taste buds, listened to a bird I could not see, and laughed out loud when I saw the neighbor's car:

Don't know what kind of bird …but it was loud & shrill. I actually enjoyed the verbalization.
This made me laugh; in a good way. People are LIKING the way government is being handled, now. Hope-peace-& prosperity. Everyone with a rational-thinking brain cell, is done with the obama era hateful insanity - thank the Lord.

After Supper dishes were done (by moi), I finished up the evening by working on my newest project, and watched a 1970's movie.

Today was a great Day to enjoy the real luxuries of Life 👍

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