God Knew That I Needed You

Friday, April 19, 2024

'ONE MORE DAY'; Barstow-CA

We stayed 2 days; Skyline RV Park, Barstow-CA

April 11th: We had rested, but I still woke with a sore chest and aching ribs the next morning (from all the choking activity the day before); so, we paid for another day's stay here at Skyline RV Park - and we're going to do nothing but take it easy … and recoup our energy.

Last night, Holland & I made a decision to forgo all of the places we had planned to see in CA, due to the high altitude - we've visited a lot of high altitude places already, and have both been feeling lethargic, winded, and a little ditzy.

We have visited with Aunt Gaye, but we will not be visiting with Holland's Colorado cousin: 6,000+ elevation just is not doable for us; Holland has COPD, and I have severe asthma flareups - we have noticed that high elevation causes our lungs acute stress; not just in AZ & CA; but also in other various elevated places we have been touring.

It was my thought that if we drove across America so our lungs would have time to acclimate … our lungs wouldn't cause our bodies too much stress. Apparently that is not true - Holland has been coughing up a lot of thick mucus, and I've been having severe asthma flareups.

On our way to Barstow from Kingman, I had the worst flareup I have ever experienced; not only did I feel like a plastic bag was tied over my face … my heart felt like it was about to burst; my arm and chest hurt for a good half hour after I was finally able to use my emergency inhaler (if I can't suck air in, I can't use it - all I can do is stare at it, knowing it's my link to life or death). Holland was driving and there was no place to pull over, so he put his left hand on my chest and prayed: that's what I needed more than anything.

But these flareups are coming more frequently, and they are scary for him to go through with me. They are a course of life for me - and I know where I'm going if my breath actually is stopped … but I'd rather not KNOW that I am dying, and I'd rather Holland not watch my body go into the struggle to live: it's horrible.

It's horrible to experience.

It's horrible to watch.

It's a helplessness that grips a person (asthmatic person, and the stander by) until breath is restored.

Diamond Rio - 'One More Day' lyrics: 

It's 11:41 PM … and my face still looks like it's gone through a meat grinder; it will look like this for a few days until the strain marks disappear: these are the worst my face has ever looked after an attack.

I'm praying for relief - for myself, and for my husband. I know Yeshua is able.

I know my healing was secured 2024 years ago: please join me in prayer that it becomes a reality in my New Life, with my new husband. I do believe 100% in divine healing, and Elohim knows my Life is His to do with as He Wills.


April 12th: I was enjoying my morning coffee, and liking what I saw on my Peak Flow Meter reading: I was in the {safe zone} this morningso, I didn't need to use my emergency inhaler :-)

My Peak Flow Meter & Asthma Relief Plan.
Peak Flow Meter

But I did check it periodically during the day, so Holland wouldn't be unduly concerned (I promised him in Yuma-AZ that I would be more vigilant; and I will be)

'DESERT HOLIDAY RV RESORT; Yuma~AZ' Post: (https://roadgypsiesvalandholland.blogspot.com/2023/10/desert-holiday-rv-resort-yumaaz.html)

A wind storm kicked up as Holland was getting his morning coffee:

A huge windstorm blew through.

I don't think we'll be going outside today … and Holland said he'd prefer I didn't flirt with flying sand grit either, given Friday's scary episode.

Even though the flow meter gave me a good reading this morning, I agreed - and apologized, pulling my head back inside & closing the front door firmly.

Holland sipped his coffee, and said, "We should be breathing a lot easier tomorrow when we get out of this high altitude; we'll be dropping from 2,000 ft. to 200 ft., in Bakersfield."

The elevation of Barstow is 2,178 ft.: this portion of the San Bernardino County, is Mojave High Desert region. The area around Barstow has an elevation range from 2,051 ft. to 2,919 ft.; depending on where you go … and we've been all around Barstow, in every corner of the Mojave desert region, at much higher elevations.

No wonder our lungs are in full-out revolt.

CA High Desert: (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_Desert_(California)#:~:text=The%20region%20encompasses%20various%20terrain,and%20Little%20San%20Bernardino%20Mountains.)

Touching on another topic while I finished off my coffee, I mentioned to Holland a.g.a.i.n. that I seriously need to lose weight. I said, "either I need to stop eating the delicious fatty meals you lovingly cook … or I need to share kitchen time, and prepare some leaner, healthier meals": He said he needs to lose weight too, so he'd be happy to share kitchen time with me ;-)

I also researched COPD because I don't know as much about his lung issues, as I do my own. We agree that we will make sure each of us stick to our inhaler relief plans given to us by our Dr's. (mine given with my 1st severe asthma attack in 1996, that landed me in ER after I passed out and nearly took out a glass storefront-door; & Holland's given to him in 2012, when he ended up in ER fighting for his life)  … and we'll include natural home remedies, too.

I'm finding that the safe guards for COPD is similar to those for Asthma.

Natural Remedies for Asthma: (https://www.webmd.com/asthma/natural-cure-asthma)

Natural Home Remedies for COPD: (https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/323649)

(1) Work towards a healthier body weight. The heart is a muscle: I need to get back to walking again - at least a mile/daily … this is hard to do living on the road, as we are; but where there is a Will - there is a Way, and I'll find it.

Holland can't walk a mile a day - but he says he will walk as much as he can, as far as he can. Daily.

(2) Consume omega-3 fats (EPA+DHA): I need to get back to eating more fish; Holland likes beef and pork … and lots of sugary snacks: but my body NEEDS fish in my weekly diet, and he is consenting to including tuna and salmon in our monthly meals - I'm not crazy about salmon, but I will choke it down if it will relive asthma stress.

Holland loves both … and wants to can both; to take with us when we go South, again.

He makes a delicious tuna steak; and recently made a tuna-egg sandwich that I raved over. He is a marvel in the kitchen; and cooking relaxes him - I don't mind sharing kitchen time with him. When he cooks, I'll just scale back on what I eat and drink before suppertime :-)

(3) Eat more plants: I'm cooking more, and doing more grocery shopping - green leafy items are coming home and getting included in our meals.

And Holland is finding out that {diet food} does not need to be "yucky", or "boring rabbit food" ;-)

(4) Reduce intake of bad fats and sugar: we're working on this - Holland is a big-time-snacker: cutting back on empty calories, and sugary toxins, will take time.

(5) Exercise regularly: again, this is hard to do living on the road, but I am working on it - and I hope Holland eventually joins me, at least in the weights department ;-)

(6) Bleu has been rehomed, and is enjoying his new digs … so pet dander is no longer a concern for either of us.

Early on in our new marriage, Holland set up a air-filtering thing in the bedroom to keep the air flow as clean as possible (we need to get one for the livingroom area, too); and we bought a mattress lifting bed frame for the RV, to keep our heads elevated when we lie down - this benefits both of us (I had a electrified bed in my previous marriage, so I didn't have to sleep sitting up in the recliner).

Air Filtration System
Electric adjustable mattress lifting bed frame base.
'OREGON~OUR NEW BED & Hudson-Parcher County Park' Post:

Around noon, I went back to bed: my poor body was totally exhausted.

Staying alive is hard work.

I think I slept about an hour and a half, when I was shaken awake by whistling winds slamming against Independence's sides, and rocking her so hard I thought she'd be forcefully moved off the stabilizing legos - if she wasn't still hooked to Betsy; we left them connected because our stay here would be short-lived.

The whipping wind gusts shook Independence - and woke me from a refreshing, and much needed nap.

Watching the sand being whipped up and blown across the Park's landscape, I wished the desert's beauty wasn't so deadly.

Hopefully tomorrow will be clearer, and we will both be breathing a whole lot easier ;-)

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