God Knew That I Needed You

Thursday, May 30, 2024


We were up early, and made our scheduled inspection appointment on time: the news was not good :-(

Mobile West RV Service; #1503 41 Pl, Seaview, WA 98644
Getting the verdict …
The conclusion was not good :-(
Another assessment & a Storage Unit = m.o.n.t.h.s. of twiddling our thumbs.

Holland said we'd need to find an RV Dealer between Longview & Vancouver willing to do the much needed inspection … and I pulled out my Tablet to do an internet search for RV Parks we could utilize for 2 weeks; time enough to get my eye exam (as stress-free as possible), and reschedule another inspection. An RV Park in Woodland-WA had a spot big enough for us, so we turned Betsy's nose in that direction.

Barely 10 minutes after we turned onto the Astoria-Megler Bridge, we missed being involved in a head-on collision when some crack-head speeding towards us in our lane (no sane person would have tried it!) decided to pass a loooong string of 20 cars … the driver barely had time to swerve into the correct lane directly in front of us - Holland was laying on Betsy's horn, and drivers in the on-coming lane had stopped forward movement, altogether; so as not to be sucked into the anticipated wreak. It was so close I don't know how the front bumpers missed contact.

Where do these brainless drivers come from? AND WHY do they always find us while doing their stupid (a lack of good judgment or intelligence and they are not at all sensible) deeds???

THANK YOU ELOHIM for the grace You provided this morning: there was no impact, and no lasting complications; You are a good God.

Woodland-WA from Ocean Park-WA; 1 hr 58 min (97.3 mi) via US-30 E
The Falvel Mansion dominates the scenery as one turns onto Main Street, in Astoria-OR; I have been inside that place (before show-biz tickets were required), and it is something to see ;-)
Flavel House Museum - #714 Exchange St, Astoria, OR 97103:  (https://astoriamuseums.org/explore/flavel-house-museum/ & https://oregon.com/attractions/flavel-house)
Flavel Family Background Info
(https://raisethestakeseditions.com/george-conrad-flavel-house/ & https://thatoregonlife.com/2017/10/flavel-house-astoria/)

Other than that heart gripping-adrenaline infusion, the drive to Woodland was relaxing and enjoyable. The chilly, wet, cloudy weather was left behind … and the warmth of sunny, blue-skied Spring weather enveloped us: it felt wonderful :-)

When we reached Woodland, we drove up the Old Lewis River Road (new experience for me; Holland fished this river) to reach our destination, and Holland did great in carefully jockeying Betsy back and forth in the tight area (walkie-talkie convo wasn't working, so I pitched mine in the open window and strolled around the grounds because I couldn't watch anymore - it was a very tight and stressful situation) to carefully back looong Independence into a shady, forested slot along the Lewis River in Woodland-WA

Once Independence was in place and set up, I started putting things in place inside, and Holland got the internet going then we both took a nap to relax our tired bodies (didn't get much sleep last night = too much on our minds), and stressed minds (complex decisions, a near head-on collision, and a very tight parking slot).

Mt. St. Helens; Port of Longview-WA in forefront - crossing the Lewis & Clark Bridge from OR into WA
Port of Longview
Holland registering us …
Lewis River RV Park & Country Store;
#3125 Lewis River Rd, Woodland, WA 98674
Carefully tucked among the towering Firs …
My back steps are literally at the edge of the upper level bank; I will not be utilizing these.
The view of the Lewis River from our front door ;-)

Tomorrow, I think I will try to loosen up my left leg muscles with a walk around the Park: it will feel good to walk among the scentual barked giants, again ;-)

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