God Knew That I Needed You

Monday, June 24, 2024

Doctrine Matters~Olive Tree Ministries

Doctrine matters!

If one believes that "the Bible is the Word of God!" - then they have to believe that every word in The Word is accurate and matters. Cherry picking verses, sentences, paragraphs, and chapters to twist into a personal opinion is just plain wrong :-(

When I hear someone who claims to be a Christian say, "Well, I don't believe God meant that" … and then on to change the entire structure of what God is actually wanting to convey, in order to pander to political or personal agenda's under the guise of "the Will of God", I have to wonder if that person is as "saved' as they believe themselves to be.

E.v.e.r.y.s.i.n.g.l.e.w.o.r.d. in The Word is given by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, which makes it absolutely undeniable.

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