God Knew That I Needed You

Sunday, September 15, 2024


North Americans are not "an experiment" - we are A FREE PEOPLE.

Texas Republican says ‘whoever wins’ 2024 election, the public must ‘support the president’: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/texas-republican-says-whoever-wins-2024-election-the-public-must-support-the-president/ar-AA1qCeff?rc=1&ocid=winp1taskbar&cvid=41914585b13d44addf4eb39a0087402b&ei=10

Uh … NO!

What makes North America different than any other country on the face of the Earth, is that Americans, in general, DO NOT HAVE TO {do} what the government tells us we {must} do 🤬

NORTH AMERICA vs Kingdoms, Queendoms, & other 3rd World Countries …

North Americans are FREE TO DECIDE what works best for them, and their family.

Choices are a RIGHT of North America's FREE People - they cannot be demanded by DC, to fit their agenda.

DC does NOT get to decide how I vote, think, feel … or say.

If an obamanite demonrat stages another coup to steal the North American Presidential Election in 2024, Americans do not have to "accept" that.

If the obamanite demonrats create a war, or another killer virus, in order to place that laughing hyenna harris jackel in biden's stead … North Americans do not have to "accept" that.

If the DC career politicians create a "we know better than you society" to push forward their agendas, and force demands of acceptance across the board: North Americans do not have to "accept" that.

America is not a 3rd world country run by dictators yet, nd by the grace of Almighty God, we never will be. North Americans do not have to "accept" tyranny, in any way, shape, or form.

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