God Knew That I Needed You

Saturday, October 5, 2024

TIME OUT; Ocean Park-WA

So …

As soon as I got on FB this morning, my entire newsfeed was filled with one disaster report after another - followed with DC's lack of response: which got my back up.

I shared a few reels while firing off my thoughts on the situations.

Then, hubby woke up and shared his newsfeed and opinions.

I got so worked up over the of lack masculine balls, and the angering weak-spined women that claim to be Americans while standing idly by and allowing DC to rape the minds of Americans, and withhold aid to Americans in serious need … that I could feel my heart rate accelerate to an unhealthy level: I have to pull back and disengage.

From everything coming at me from every angle: news reports, people, opinions, justified anger.

I can't take anymore bullshit today.

I'm going to spend the rest of this Day, relaxing my body and mind; and smelling the roses along the Walk of Life instead of dealing with the thorns that tear at me from all sides.

I'm cocooning myself in a determined ‘Island of Rest’ mindset.

And I praying.

Significantly, for a specific purpose.

For US: we have big decisions to make, going into the foreseeable future.

For President Trump, who the demonrats are intent on murdering because they cannot beat him in the 2024 Presidential Election process.

For the upcoming Election Day – quickly arriving: only 30 short days, away.

For our great Nation – quickly eroding away as the perverted obamanite madness sweeps across the States ... and the world, in general.

I pray that Elohim’s Will would be accomplished (whatever His Will may BE): I do not have to understand - or agree with it; I just have to accept it, and roll with the outcome.

I pray that cooler heads would prevail during this time of National/global crisis - including my own head.


MY FB Post today: The entire obamanite coup has been one failure after another, when it comes to actual, legit, Americans.

There is no money for struggling Americans, because DC is busy playing skin color games, prioritizing mental illness fantasies, engaging in political power grabs, instigating & supporting foreign wars, sheltering terrorists while penalizing patriots and ally countries, and weakening states by closing down police maintenance.


Wake up. Shake off the lethargy. TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK, and start putting Americans FIRST.

America, despite the obamanite lunacy determined to undermine and destroy the great nation, IS STILL where the eyes of the world go when freedom is desired.


RESET DC … instead of allowing obamanite morons to reset The People.

I seriously doubt the integrity of anyone - and that includes those on my FB Friends List, or Blog Friends - who support the demonrat party. Willful ignorance is arrogance, that borders on hateful behavior. MPO

Mayorkas' claim that FEMA is 'tremendously prepared' comes back to haunt him amid Helene aftermath:


Friday, October 4, 2024

LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE; Long Beach Peninsula-WA

It rained from 4 AM (I know this because I was still up at 4 ;-)), until I got up around noon (lovin' the freedoms of retired life!); the gray clouds started lifting somewhere around 1'noon - but the temperatures today will remain in the mid-50's until sunset.

We are really ready for the sunshine we're headed for, in a few days.

I'm not sure if we'll be coming back to WA State once we leave it for Yuma-AZ … but if we do, this RV Park is a nice little place to set down; but the owner yesterday said they have it up for sale since this past Spring, and there may be a new owner next year - which will mean, new parking fees :-(

While drinking my morning coffee and waiting for Holland to wake up, I watched this 2 Be Better Podcast; I like these podcast discussions:

Reconnect With Your Love l 2 Be Better Podcast S2 E8:  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKxOxe1H6iI)

We were supposed to go into Longview this morning, but we both stayed up all night long last night, because we are so amped with excitement about our trip South - so, instead of driving into Longview, we got up late and got out of the house late: taking a leisurely loop drive into Ilwaco and back ... and dropping in at David's, to give him the two books I forgot to give him last evening; we ended up spending two hours shooting the breeze, then we all decided to go out for Supper - so, we drove to Chen's Chinese Restaurant in Long Beach, and had an enjoyable time of table convo, hijinks laughter, and boomeranging love bouncing back and forth between us. I'm so lucky to have the love of these two fellas, lighting up my life and warming my heart :-)

We've shared some of the thoughts we've been kicking around, with David … and he's given us some good points to think on, also. It was a good two hours, spent among friends.

Storm blowing in, off the ocean; Long Beach-WA.
Holland & I both had the House Special Chow Mein.
I ordered the 'Screaming Orgasm' (it sounded interesting, and I was curious); which had everyone laughing, including the head waitress.
I am sure the movie clip of 'When Harry Met Sally' was running through everyone's thoughts, at that point ;-)
Movie CLIP - I'll Have What She's Having (1989) HD: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNEX0fbGePg)
The 'Screaming Orgasm' looks like a White Russian; I asked what was in screaming orgasm, and asked that white rum be substituted for the vodka; amaretto, & kahlĂșa are also in the drink; it was a very strong drink -  David said he could understand why it was labeled as 'screaming'.
House Special Chow Mein; half of it came home with me, to be eaten later on.
My cookie's message.
Holland's cookie message; both messages {fit} where we are in the moment ;-)

I am liking that Holland and David are friends - It's important to me that they get along, because they are both important people to me. I like that they speak the same language, because Holland needs that - he can only engage with girl talk with me for so long, before mentally he's left the room and is ready to change the topic to guns, cars, and macho man BS … David and Holland understand each other. They connect on "important" topics ;-)

And I'm okay with sitting the man talk out, and letting my thoughts go introspective.

Elohim is good, and showers me with continual blessing.

Dave sent a Clive Cussler Novel home with me; I've not read this one.


We've been wrapping things up here, in WA; we are planning on being on the road South, by this time next week.

We've also been kicking some ideas around about where we'd like this chapter of our life to play out - and we're excited about the possibilities: I'm not going to say too much about it now, but I'll post about it when it's all set in place and unfolding ;-)

Getting ready to leave in a few days; Ocean Park-WA.

Tomorrow, we'll be driving to Longview to pick up Holland's blood pressure prescription, then hopping over to Kelso to visit there … before picking up our mail in Rainier-OR, on our way home through Astoria.

I like loop drives :-)

Last night I worked up a couple pairs of matching tiny tube socks to be paired with the preemie sacques and hats I recently finished up: these little things are a pleasure to knit - and they will be pleasurable things to those receiving them when they are needed.

1 -2 lb. preemie tube sock; the cutest thing! This is an old internet pattern.
2- 4 lb. preemie tube socks; I made the same color pair for a 1 -2 lb. preemie.

This afternoon, I started work on another striped sacque, while watching an old October-themed movie for this month, with Sam Elliot in it:

2-4 lb. preemie design; 'The Frogs' movie w-Sam Elliott.

Sam Elliott, Ray Milland - 'Frogs' (1972) Thriller Movie:  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEuJfp4V0wg)

… when a call from David jingled my phone; I was glad to get that call - we have been hoping to visit with David before leaving WA. The call was a direct answer to prayer :-)

So, I put the handwork aside, shut down my laptop, and we left Ocean Park-WA for Long Beach-WA.

Sun going down over the ocean; Ocean Park-WA
Long Beach-WA from Ocean Park-WA; 13 min (9.7 mi) via WA-103 S Pacific Way

It was a good 2 hour visit; laughter, love, and friendly vibes bounced off the walls, and warmed our hearts.

On the way back home, Holland turned down towards the beach - I'd never been to the beach at night; this was a new experience. The ocean was loud - and sounded kinda ominous with blackness surrounding us on all side, after the beach traffic left the sand, and turned towards the main highway.

Night drive on the beach, on our way home from David's.

When we got home, we relaxed for a bit before turning in: Holland checked weather and road conditions for the route he is planning - and I watched another oldie YouTube movie, while I got back to work on that little preemie sleep sack that I had put aside, earlier.

Cozy evening.
Harry Connick Jr. - 'A Wink & A Smile' lyrics:  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iUyvt3-sUw)

This chapter of our story is a very nice one; I like it when Holland aims a wink and a smile my way - these are little things, but little things go a long way in making home life enjoyable, and dreams possible ;-)

Thursday, October 3, 2024


32 Days until showdown time …

God help us if barak hussein obama secures another empty-headed puppet coup: with hyena cackling, itchy-twitchy harris.

My Urgent Warning To All Americans~Tulsi Gabbard: 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024


While sipping my early morning coffee, and working on another preemie item; I gave a listen to another 2 Be Better short reel: it touches on strong women throughout History, as well as life and death contemplations.

Preemie Tube Socks.

I can identify.

On the message in it's entirety.

I am a strong woman.

We both are dealing with individual life & death situations.

And that's why I don't let my physical limitations rob me of enjoying Life to the max - I want to do as much as I can with the timeframe I have left, to savor Life, before it is gone.

We've got Bucket Lists … and things are getting checked off ;-)

Deep Conversations About Life & Death~2 Be Better Short Reel:  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3r8l4N0hoP8)

I had this conversation with Holland early on: I never was suicidal (and have very little empathy for those who are - no apologies), but I do have life-threatening issues I deal with, that will eventually cause my body to cease functioning on Earth - it's important that he knows my end-of-life decisions. The conversation was hard for Holland to hear on several levels (1) we are newlyweds (2) he has not worked through his own grief process, yet (3) he loves me; has loved me for a long time, and doesn't want to hear about death topics … but he did hear it, and agreed with me, saying he would honor my decision when the time came that he needs to do that.

On the other hand, I knew that there had been many deaths in his family that had been hard for him to deal with (because he talks about those people, to me, so he doesn't forget them); one of those deaths happened just months before the two of us met. I did not know that, until recently. I knew that Tami had died … but I didn't know that her death was so recent.

Basically, he is still grieving. And I understand how grieving works. I also understand better now, the stressful first year of our marriage; and how the lingering effects of grief continue to ripple through our lives, long after the Grim Reaper has collected.

That said, my grieving was hard when Bob's spirit left Earth, and my Life. I was at loose ends waiting for my {Call Home}; it took me a long time learning to adjust my sails to allow enjoyment of the solo loboing that had been forced on me. And then … Holland entered my life, melding his life with mine: and suddenly I was wanting the Call Home to wait a little longer ;-)

Elohim was gifting me with an extension period, in blessing me with a new lease on a Life I assumed has been played out when Bob took his last breath this side of Heaven. I still had a part to play in the game of Life, before it was wrapped up. My life had a purpose again.

Decades ago, Elohim had made a particular promise; confirming it by three witnesses, over the span of time.

And Holland had been waiting for that fulfillment (perhaps not 'faithfully' as he had had girlfriends during that waiting period), but he steadfastly held marriage off - and was a confirmed bachelor (no girlfriends at all for a significant period of time) for quite a while, while he waited for the promise to unfold: the promise began to grab both of our attentions in the Fall of 2022. Yeshua was gently wiping the scales off my heart's eyes as October of 2022 played out - and when November rolled around, Holland gathered his courage and boldly made his move; decades of waiting was quickly closing ;-)

Second text from Holland; 11-4-'22.

Yeshua was breathing hope into my bruised and withered heart … and Holland was reviving it with the hope he had doggedly hung onto:

"He who finds a wife finds a good thing. And obtains favor from the Lord"~Proverbs 18:22 = importance of marriage, and the blessing a wife can be for a man.

"Houses and riches are an inheritance from from fathers, but a prudent wife is from the Lord"~Proverbs 19:14

One of Holland's first sentences to me when we started dating, was, "I thought I had missed you somewhere along the line - I was getting on in years, and was just about ready to give up on the promise, when you finally showed up. We are going to get married - you'll get used to the idea of me."

Two people, with three-fourths of their lives behind them, now had reason to fully live again. To share our lives with a special person - a person who enriches our life as no other can. To have our personhood validated in an environment of unconditional love. To know that as our life slowly ebbs to a close, we will not fade out alone - we can step into the next phase of Life with joy, instead of loneliness or regret. Knowing that the faithfulness of Elohim's concern for us has always been with us and held our Life in His hands with loving tenderness.

Autumn love had come into my life, again - this time, in the Autumn season of our life cycle; we are no longer young … but we have youthful spirits, and that is another blessing showered on us from our Father.

Where Autumn colors had faded to gray, and had become a season to avoid since 2018 - Autumn was once again bursting with color, and has once again become a season of happiness (I have read this to Holland before posting, because I want him to know what his presence in my life means; I want there to be no doubt in his mind).

Dusty Springfield & Tom Jones - 'Baby, Baby' song:  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moATRHUlwgY) 

I am by nature, a very restless person: when I've used up time in one region … I'm ready to move on; gypsying is self-indulgent - thankfully, Elohim gifted me with good men. And I am grateful for all the outpouring of love. My husbands (Bob, in the Past - Holland, in the Present) are the only people that could/can settle me down long enough to let grass grow under my gypsy feet; and both of them came to understand that my gypsy bone needs to be entertained periodically. Bob drove me to far-flung PNW mountains when my feet got itchy - Holland drives me to far-flung States to satisfy my wanderlust ;-)

And maybe, if it fits Elohim's Plan for our Life, we will set roots in Yuma-AZ and build a Life there, that past memories cannot rattle … and a middle ground where road gypsy travel will spread out, from - the goal is to visit the East Coast States in the near future.

We both like Yuma. We both feel comfortable with Yuma's grid layout.

We have goals that go beyond wishes.

Admittedly, there is also scorched earth there, from last year's marriage burnout … but, burnt soil can also be utilized to promote healthy new growth - and that's our outlook, going into the Future, hand-in-hand ;-)

We have already traveled some hard and rocky land - spiritually and emotionally, as well as physical crappy roads we ventured Independence down.

Things can only get better from here on out ;-)

Our lives are fuller, now; richer for having braved the deep waters of love. We rode the unstable waves of Life's turbulent seas, and washed up on emotional shores drained and disoriented. When the storms of life came in like a flood, we fought our way through 21 States … then, at the last moment, snapped to attention and threw a life-saving ring buoy out, and breathed life back into a gasping situation.

We remembered; and spoke the promise aloud - reaffirming Elohim's faithfulness, seeing life through the lens of love, again.

Having deep conversations, because our Life is deep.

Because He never gave up on US … we will not, either.

Our home is not built on silt or sand - it is being built on solid ground, held by The Rock that shelters our souls.