God Knew That I Needed You

Thursday, November 30, 2023


Today I took the packages I wrapped the other night, to the UPS Store.

13 minutes from our front door.


On a city roadway - not a freeway, but wider than any 'regular road' I've ever driven. It was a little intimidating, but Elohim was faithful to infuse my spirit with "peace that passes all understanding" :-)

Holland would have joined me, but I need to know how to navigate these addresses on my own. I want him to know that when I strike out on my own (as I'll have to eventually - grocery shopping, clothes shopping, ect.), I'll get from A to B without getting lost.

So, Holland and Bleu stayed home … and I learned to blend with frog-hopping traffic, without suffering a migraine headache.

Going to the UPS Store today for shipping.
A 7-lane roadway … and I'm peaceful while driving it; Elohim really worked a miracle with me on this ;-)

I got a text from Pam showing me the tree she has this year, replacing the big one she usually puts up - and that text inspired me to design something for our Yuma Holiday Season~2023 :-)

Pam's tree.

Packages stamped and sent off, I drove home to pick Holland and Bleu up, for a trip to Wal*Mart; and as I drove I thought how comfortable I was driving this extra-large 'highway' in Yuma: I also thought of how comfortable I am considering Yuma my new hometown (city, actually - and I'm okay with that!). I've always avoided cities, and never ever thought I'd be comfortable living in one, but I really do feel that I could be very happy living here, in Yuma-AZ.

I like the laid-back atmosphere. I like the gentle, swaying palm trees. I like the weather. I like the excitement of starting a new life, in a new place; I like the adventure a new life embraces.

Holland was surprised - but happy too - when I mentioned that to him, at home. He likes Arizona: and I know we'll be spending at least six months here, every year - longer stays are totally doable :-)

We spent big at Wal*Mart: correction - I spent big. But in my defense, it's the holiday season ;-)

We got the groceries went for … and a "few extra's": a perking coffee pot we've been looking for in every Wal*Mart, from coast to coast. A coffee grinder to grind the beans we bought a few weeks ago, that will smell and taste wonderful using that perking coffee pot, tomorrow morning. I also bought 2 skeins of yarn to use for the holiday project I have imagined completed; I'm in the process now of designing it as I work it into being (no, I'm not telling - you will know when it's completed ;-)). And I saw a heated massaging pad and a heated massaging foot bath tub, that I bought on the spur-of-the-moment for Holland; the heated pad will help relax his aching back … and it will also keep him warm into the wee early morning hours, when he's being a night owl; and the heated foot bath will also add comfort. And I grabbed some holiday trims to liven up our living quarters this holiday season - we don't do the santa thing or the tree thing, but pretty lights for my birthday month will go up … and the other holiday trims will be used to trim my current project, underway. On our way home, we stopped and grabbed a chinese supper to eat at home.

We did spend big today.

But it is the holiday season: and the big items that came home with us were reasonably priced, and can be used all year/every year as long as they last.

We spent big this holiday season, but we keep an eye on the bottom line, and aren't seriously hurting money-wise. We can afford to add a little comfort to our lives, at this stage of our lives :-)

A 'holiday' something for Holland.
'East Asian Buffet' Supper; more American than Asian, but still good.
A perking coffee pot that we can use outdoors, too ;-)
Coffee grinder.
Trims for this 2023 holiday season …
Elmo & Patsy - 'Percy the Puny Poinsettia' 1979 song:  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jisjx9r_mmM)
Seasonal project underway.

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