God Knew That I Needed You

Tuesday, June 18, 2024


We had planned last night to go to Vancouver this morning - before the morning phone call. Holland received a call from a man in Seattle giving him a quote for the repairs to Independence … none of that sounded right (quote or location), so we drove straight to Vancouver to find out what was going on.

Holland worked in construction for decades; he would know pricing on materials.

The drive went smoothly and convo was enjoyable.

I waited in Betsy while Holland paid a visit to the Office.

Repair quote sounds pretty low, so to Vancouver we go …
$21,000.00 is the quote for full inspection and repairs …
Vancouver-WA from Woodland-WA; 19 min (17.5 mi) via I-5 S
RV Pro; #418 NE Repass Rd Ste A1, Vancouver, WA
Holland making sure all the boxes were checked & match the repair quote.
I watched clouds while I waited … fat, fluffy, heavy, & low floating clouds ;-)

When he came back to Betsy, he said they had done a thorough inspection, and the quotes were right - so, now all we are waiting for is the Insurance inspector to check Independence out and submit his quotes. Independence will be repaired, not totaled.

Holland says the repair quote was correct.
It's a numbers game of waiting until everyone involved in the {fix} has had a look & an opinion.
Both the RV Repair Shop & the Insurance Rep's are winners; we want to get a good deal, too.

On another note, Holland is working on marriage repairs also; it's been 14 days without alcohol or Vicodin - the withdrawals are strong, but so has he been. My Taurus swan man did not like reading the posts his feisty Capricorn posted about his behavior: he said, "I do not appreciate what you posted for everyone to read." I replied, "I do not like living through what I posted for people to read." 

Things started changing yesterday afternoon.

We will be here in Woodland, until the 21st, then possibly in Kalama for a few weeks. After that, we don't know where we will be … but we know we will be working things out together - the hardest hurdles are being cleared, and everything else looks promising :-)

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