God Knew That I Needed You

Thursday, June 20, 2024


The Insurance fella called this morning to get info from Holland so the repair claim can get filed … our rent here will be up this weekend, so after Holland shut his phone down, we drove to Kalama to check new digs out, there (we are going to 'stick'): repair work on Independence will take several weeks to complete once it gets underway.

We went-we saw-Kalama is not a {done deal}; and wanting to avoid the backed up traffic on I-5, Holland opted to drive back to Woodland on the backroad … so, up and over Green Mountain Road we went :-)

We saw this cool antique truck, as we were leaving Woodland.
Seriously backed up traffic from Kalama to Woodland e.v.e.r.y.d.a.y (pictures taken last week): road construction on the Woodland overpass makes freeway traffic a hair-pulling event.

I like the Green Mountain country drive. I've been missing it. I didn't take any pictures this trip, but I sure did enjoy the drive ;-)

Green Mountain Road-WA from Kalama-WA; 12 min (6.3 mi) via Cloverdale Rd
Woodland-WA from Green Mountain Road-WA; 11 min (4.9 mi) via Green Mountain Rd

I like the movie, 'The Notebook', and I watched it last night: this morning I mentioned to Holland about this part of the movie (clip below), and he laughed and said, "Yeah, that's us alright … we fight." We are working things out in our personal life - the withdrawals are hard, but Holland is bending and working hard at repair on our marriage to keep US.

I understand why Holland has done and said the things said and done; addictions cause otherwise good people to engage in bad decisions. But Elohim is on our side, and we know we will make it to the other side of this storm.

'The Notebook' Fight Scene: 

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