God Knew That I Needed You

Thursday, July 11, 2024


July 10th: I was up before Holland this morning, so I tackled skin protective measures first thing:

Covering the button shank metal & protecting my skin against allergy rash.
Weighing the glued patch for adherence.

Then when Holland woke up and was awake enough to accompany me on another {'skin' related} venture, off we went :-)

About 5 years ago, I drafted and printed a medical paper concerning my life decisions should I end up in the hospital during a crisis, or fatal situation: I have a standing DNR Order on file at the Peace Health Hospital in Longview-WA.

I live with life-threatening issues.

I am comfortable in my skin.

But I am also aware that at some point my spirit will step out of my skin - and my new husband will be faced with medical dilemmas - Holland knows what my wishes are … and I don't want him to have to wrangle with doctors, nurses, or ER personnel to have my decisions carried out.

DNR Update …

Since remarrying I have been trying to get my Life Decisions updated, but have not been able to until this afternoon. Holland noted that online information about the local Scan & Print Business can also give a Notary Stamp: BONUS :-)

I keep this paper in my purse at all times; and Holland knows where it is,  if he has to fetch it in an emergency situation.

Basically all the general information remained - the only change that was modified before heading to the local Scan & Print Office was that Holland is now the only Contact Person mentioned. He knows my wishes, and will honor them if and when the time comes to do so (I have talked extensively to him about my wishes). The previous contacts were Bob's siblings, and my granddaughter; these people are no longer in my life on a steady basis, and it is pertinent to the present that changes be made, so that my new husband is placed first and foremost in crucial decisions that will directly affect both of us.

Especially since the asthma flareups, and angina episodes have been so concerning over the past months.

I do not want Holland to go through the hellish nightmare I went through with Bob when doctors, kids, his mother and his sisters wanted to overstep his DNR wishes: I want Holland to do as I wish - and this paper will help him do that.

There will be no ER forcefulness; no doctor override; and no familial kidnap plans to bully and ignore spousal authority.

And a Notary Stamp to make it {Official}.

This update was an important undertaking.

I'm glad this was finally taken care of, this afternoon :-)

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