God Knew That I Needed You

Saturday, October 5, 2024

TIME OUT; Ocean Park-WA

So …

As soon as I got on FB this morning, my entire newsfeed was filled with one disaster report after another - followed with DC's lack of response: which got my back up.

I shared a few reels while firing off my thoughts on the situations.

Then, hubby woke up and shared his newsfeed and opinions.

I got so worked up over the of lack masculine balls, and the angering weak-spined women that claim to be Americans while standing idly by and allowing DC to rape the minds of Americans, and withhold aid to Americans in serious need … that I could feel my heart rate accelerate to an unhealthy level: I have to pull back and disengage.

From everything coming at me from every angle: news reports, people, opinions, justified anger.

I can't take anymore bullshit today.

I'm going to spend the rest of this Day, relaxing my body and mind; and smelling the roses along the Walk of Life instead of dealing with the thorns that tear at me from all sides.

I'm cocooning myself in a determined ‘Island of Rest’ mindset.

And I praying.

Significantly, for a specific purpose.

For US: we have big decisions to make, going into the foreseeable future.

For President Trump, who the demonrats are intent on murdering because they cannot beat him in the 2024 Presidential Election process.

For the upcoming Election Day – quickly arriving: only 30 short days, away.

For our great Nation – quickly eroding away as the perverted obamanite madness sweeps across the States ... and the world, in general.

I pray that Elohim’s Will would be accomplished (whatever His Will may BE): I do not have to understand - or agree with it; I just have to accept it, and roll with the outcome.

I pray that cooler heads would prevail during this time of National/global crisis - including my own head.


MY FB Post today: The entire obamanite coup has been one failure after another, when it comes to actual, legit, Americans.

There is no money for struggling Americans, because DC is busy playing skin color games, prioritizing mental illness fantasies, engaging in political power grabs, instigating & supporting foreign wars, sheltering terrorists while penalizing patriots and ally countries, and weakening states by closing down police maintenance.


Wake up. Shake off the lethargy. TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK, and start putting Americans FIRST.

America, despite the obamanite lunacy determined to undermine and destroy the great nation, IS STILL where the eyes of the world go when freedom is desired.


RESET DC … instead of allowing obamanite morons to reset The People.

I seriously doubt the integrity of anyone - and that includes those on my FB Friends List, or Blog Friends - who support the demonrat party. Willful ignorance is arrogance, that borders on hateful behavior. MPO

Mayorkas' claim that FEMA is 'tremendously prepared' comes back to haunt him amid Helene aftermath:


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