God Knew That I Needed You

Saturday, July 13, 2024


There was a lot of swift activity happening today.

Around noon, we went for another exploration drive around Woodland :-)

Holland suggested we drive towards the Austin Point County Park - then onto the trestle bridge again: he wanted to drive under the bridge this time.

I was game: dirt roads suit me just fine :-)

Bypassing the main part of the County Park, we found a little out-of-the-way beachfront; and explored that sliver of sand until sand ran out where the river was making an inroad - then, we sat for a bit watching the gentle lapping waves, and listening to Tom Petty, and Journey, tunes on the radio.

Tugboat on the Mighty Columbia River; Woodland-WA
A semi-hidden sliver of beachfront; a new place to visit, for both of us ;-)
There may have been 8 people total … 5 adults, 3 children, and 3 dogs here;  with us.
St. Helen's Waterfront-OR, directly across the river.
Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers - 'Mary Jane's Last Dance' song:

The atmosphere was peaceful - outside, and inside, Betsy's cab.

Back on the main dike highway, the summer scent of drying field hay on the breeze made us both smile with past country day remembrances - we both grew up in the country. A little further down the highway, Holland found the road under the bridge, he wanted to explore.

Betsy didn't move too swiftly up the incline … but swift flitting dragonflies, and swift darting dark-bodied swifts raced back and forth across the windshield.

I was totally in my element :-)

Exploring the dike road that runs beneath the trestle 'Ghost Bridge'; Woodland-WA
Journey - 'Don't Stop Believing' song
I like doing stuff like this exploration - I'm a redneck woman, all the way ;-)
Swift moving fun in the sun.

The dike road was not well maintained, but it was an enjoyable country drive. However, it dead-ended with another little County Park and boat ramp.

This was also new to Holland who has fished up and down the Columbia River.

I was tickled pink that we had made new memories during today's outing - memories that don't involve the Past (either of our Pasts) in any way, shape, or form.

Today's adventures belong solely to US, and we are building our Life together on new stepping stones :-)

When we got back to the motel room, Holland received a text … we'll be driving to Kelso tomorrow to visit with his nephew Jake. We'll be hauling our laundry with us too - and take care of that business at the laundromat before we leave Kelso; it needs to be done, and Monday forward is going to be busy, busy, busy.

After Holland put his phone down, he made a large Supper salad … but eating it immediately was side-lined when a news briefing caught both our attentions as he was scrolling through the TV channels: 

Bloodied Trump rushed off stage after shots fired at rally:

Eyewitness: The crowd 'went nuts' when Trump pumped his fist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8I6KtSgkPw

It wasn't surprising.

I had been saying for months that something like this would happen as the Presidential Election Date got closer: the obamanites failed at outing President Trump the entire 4 years he and his family were in The White House - they failed at the kangaroo court {convictions} they bored us with since biden's miserable coup … the only alternative the obamanite DC cartel has left to get rid of Trump once and for all, is to permanently end President Trump's life.

But, as usual, they failed. A.g.a.i.n.

And as usual, all the hateful social talking heads - hateful liar barak hussein obama, hateful dementia-boy biden, hateful hellery, and hateful cokehead dubbya … all took to the mic and social media outlets to vomit their hypocritical concern for the man they have vociferously gone after steadily for eight years straight: actively calling for his death, threatening to rape his wife, kidnap his teenage son … and bomb the White House.

The only people making threats have been the obamanites.

The only thing these wicked people are sorry about, is that their plot did not succeed with a swift moving bullet to the head.

The obamanite DC cartel are rabid dogs: totally untrustworthy and viscously motivated. They probably set this whole thing in motion to effectively keep biden in a {safe room, as before during his basement campaign four years ago}, so there will be no more disastrous addle-minded Presidential Debates: the obamanites have been looking for an out to keep biden out of the spotlight. And assassination plot isn't too far fetched to be considered when dealing with those poisonous yapping dogs who will stop at nothing to destroy anyone in their destructive path.

Obamanite hatespeak fallout - I'M VERY ANGRY RIGHT NOW; America is better than this! 5.30 PM tonight.

They are desperately overplaying their hand: but The People are not fooled … and only the hand of God stopped the bullet that clipped President Trump's ear, from entering his head, as intended.

barak hussain obama and his crooked DC cartel are not going to win this battle: Trump will swiftly be back up and running, stronger than ever because of the threat of death hanging over his head, now.

And I am righteously angry.

I am angry because America is better than this!

America - despite all the third-world tactics the obamanites have done their best to implant throughout America and our seats of high power - is not a third-world country.

America … and the world at large, needs President Trump.

The political insanity stemming from DC's obamanite cartel needs to be swiftly halted: President Trump is the man to do just that - and that is why the obamanites hate him and want to see him dead.

I'm pretty sure this very topic will be on everyone's lips tomorrow, while visiting in Kelso.

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