God Knew That I Needed You

Thursday, November 30, 2023


Today I took the packages I wrapped the other night, to the UPS Store.

13 minutes from our front door.


On a city roadway - not a freeway, but wider than any 'regular road' I've ever driven. It was a little intimidating, but Elohim was faithful to infuse my spirit with "peace that passes all understanding" :-)

Holland would have joined me, but I need to know how to navigate these addresses on my own. I want him to know that when I strike out on my own (as I'll have to eventually - grocery shopping, clothes shopping, ect.), I'll get from A to B without getting lost.

So, Holland and Bleu stayed home … and I learned to blend with frog-hopping traffic, without suffering a migraine headache.

Going to the UPS Store today for shipping.
A 7-lane roadway … and I'm peaceful while driving it; Elohim really worked a miracle with me on this ;-)

I got a text from Pam showing me the tree she has this year, replacing the big one she usually puts up - and that text inspired me to design something for our Yuma Holiday Season~2023 :-)

Pam's tree.

Packages stamped and sent off, I drove home to pick Holland and Bleu up, for a trip to Wal*Mart; and as I drove I thought how comfortable I was driving this extra-large 'highway' in Yuma: I also thought of how comfortable I am considering Yuma my new hometown (city, actually - and I'm okay with that!). I've always avoided cities, and never ever thought I'd be comfortable living in one, but I really do feel that I could be very happy living here, in Yuma-AZ.

I like the laid-back atmosphere. I like the gentle, swaying palm trees. I like the weather. I like the excitement of starting a new life, in a new place; I like the adventure a new life embraces.

Holland was surprised - but happy too - when I mentioned that to him, at home. He likes Arizona: and I know we'll be spending at least six months here, every year - longer stays are totally doable :-)

We spent big at Wal*Mart: correction - I spent big. But in my defense, it's the holiday season ;-)

We got the groceries went for … and a "few extra's": a perking coffee pot we've been looking for in every Wal*Mart, from coast to coast. A coffee grinder to grind the beans we bought a few weeks ago, that will smell and taste wonderful using that perking coffee pot, tomorrow morning. I also bought 2 skeins of yarn to use for the holiday project I have imagined completed; I'm in the process now of designing it as I work it into being (no, I'm not telling - you will know when it's completed ;-)). And I saw a heated massaging pad and a heated massaging foot bath tub, that I bought on the spur-of-the-moment for Holland; the heated pad will help relax his aching back … and it will also keep him warm into the wee early morning hours, when he's being a night owl; and the heated foot bath will also add comfort. And I grabbed some holiday trims to liven up our living quarters this holiday season - we don't do the santa thing or the tree thing, but pretty lights for my birthday month will go up … and the other holiday trims will be used to trim my current project, underway. On our way home, we stopped and grabbed a chinese supper to eat at home.

We did spend big today.

But it is the holiday season: and the big items that came home with us were reasonably priced, and can be used all year/every year as long as they last.

We spent big this holiday season, but we keep an eye on the bottom line, and aren't seriously hurting money-wise. We can afford to add a little comfort to our lives, at this stage of our lives :-)

A 'holiday' something for Holland.
'East Asian Buffet' Supper; more American than Asian, but still good.
A perking coffee pot that we can use outdoors, too ;-)
Coffee grinder.
Trims for this 2023 holiday season …
Elmo & Patsy - 'Percy the Puny Poinsettia' 1979 song:  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jisjx9r_mmM)
Seasonal project underway.


While it is true that the ultra-religious sector of society put Yeshua on the Cross … it is not true that they "killed Him": Yeshua's MAIN PURPOSE to visit Earth the first time, WAS to face hatred, persecution, and go to Calvary.

But even though the ultra-religious sector put Yeshua on the Cross, they COULD NOT KEEP a good man down 😉

Yeshua faced Death - and paid the penalty; BUT HE ROSE AGAIN ON THE 3rd DAY 😁👏😘

He still fights religiosity WITH His own (The Church = Bride of Christ) AGAINST those (IN and OUT of church buildings) who oppose The Truth which is Him, and Elohim's Word.

Religiosity kills.

Yeshua gives Life 🤝❤️


Charlie Chaplin lived 88 years. He left us 4 statements:

(1) Nothing is forever in this world, not even our problems.

(2) I love walking in the rain because no one can see my tears.

(3) The most lost day in life is the day we don't laugh.

(4) Six best doctors in the world...:

1. The sun

2. Rest

3. Exercise

4. Diet

5. Self-respect

6. Friends

Stick to them at all stages of your life and enjoy a healthy life...

If you see the moon, you will see the beauty of God...

If you see the sun, you will see the power of God...

If you see a mirror, you will see God's best creation. So believe it.

We are all tourists, God is our travel agent who has already identified our routes, bookings and destinations... trust him and enjoy life.

Life is just a journey! Therefore, live today!

Tomorrow may not be.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023


My friend Crystal, and my husband Holland are cousins; and they both knew Lynn Chestnut, and were familiar with his crazy antics.

Crystal posted a video she found showing Lynn being mauled by a frustrated buck - as usual when I hear these stories of Lynn being told, I start laughing just think of the sheer stupidity it takes to live on the edge of edginess. I also thought to myself, "this is the same time as last year that Crystal is sharing this story with me"; so, I went online and found the post on my 'East of Eden' Blog :-)

This is my Blog Post from last year … at this time, this year:

PAINFUL LAUGHTER - Nov. 28, 2022: (https://jeastofeden.blogspot.com/2022/11/painful-laughter.html)

Below is the original video I found online, that the Chestnut's shot for a TV spot … Holland says the elk, shown in the background, is the elk named Stomper - that Lynn saddled and rode:

Lynn and Rosemary Chestnut's deer mauling video: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khKrd1RNy2U)

And these are my videos I made while Holland was telling me again about the Lynn Chestnut escapades; the stories always crack me up ;-)

Lynn Chestnut Elk story.
Saddling an elk.
Riding an elk for personal entertainment; and TV {fame}.
'Stomper the Elk'; Lynn Chestnut private wildlife rodeo.
'Don't stop filming!'
Lynn sold the elk for a monied kill (sorry about the ending - Bleu was active).

Tuesday, November 28, 2023


November 27th: Holland got his Christmas Gift early :-)

I mentioned the other day that Holland doesn't do christmas … but he has had a wish for a long time (to get the RV and 4x washed and waxed); and has been trying to find a way to make that hope become a reality.

This morning, Elohim intervened, and granted Holland his wish ;-)

We didn't even have time to change out of our PJ's …

5th wheel power-washed and waxed: a direct answered prayer: happening "in the  moment".
Washed top to bottom; and slide out's, too.
Rinsed before waxed 
Bleu hiding on the upper floor landing - he's not sure what to think of all the activity.
They even washed & waxed the 4x.

The house had to be closed tightly - it got kinda hot and stuffy … so the guys sported their red bandana's ;-)

 Both are looking pretty spiffy - Holland very happy with the outside busy work ;-)
Bleu finally came down off the upper floor ;-)

While the house and truck was drying, Holland whipped up one of his specialty juices (recipe pulled together 'on the fly'):

Holland creating one of his tasty juices …
He just can't stop 'stirring things up'; LOL
Holland's own juiced smoothie recipe; Pomelo & Banana combo.

An hour later, the hand waxing began:

Waxing is underway …
Bleu doesn't know which window to keep an eye on.
He was curious - but he also knows House Rules. LOL
Elohim hears us … and He always delivers if our requests won't handicap us.
They agreed to come back next month to wash & detail the 4x - at a very good price; $49!


Monday, November 27, 2023

SUNDAY FUNDAY~Fisher's Landing, Yuma-AZ

November 26th: Bleu was feisty this morning; he needed to get out of the house (and away from the resort lot) to run wild.

I think he has caught my wanderlust bug ;-)

Holland really didn't want to come; but I wanted him to come - so, he came. I have periodic asthma attacks that can be severe at times, and Holland has COPD which can flare up pretty severe at times - he ignores it, but it makes me nervous to leave him alone while I'm galivanting all over the region, sight-seeing solo lobo: being together at all times is really necessary. Especially at our ages (Holland is 62 - I will be 67 the end of December).

Others think we're too co-dependent … and that's kinda true; but it's not a clingy kind of dependency, it's more of a life-saving dependency should one of us need the other's administrations (inhaler handling, drive to ER if necessary, taking care of the dog, ect.)

Our bored teen needs to run free for a while … Bleu patiently waiting for Daddy ;-)

Holland mentioned Friday that he wanted to get some things at Wal*Mart; he didn't go because of the Black Friday madness, but I figured once we were out and about, and Bleu had satisfied his need to run free; we could stop at Wal*Mart and grab some mailing boxes and wrapping paper as well as the items Holland wanted to grab. I have some holiday things I want to mail off to my gal pals in WA State; I had planned on doing this before we left WA, so I've been saving $$$ to do this. Holland does not do the 'christmas thing', so we do not have a tiny christmas tree set up: but I do want to string lights, and mail off my packages.

I don't 'do christmas' either (on this, we both agree); but I do make some holiday concessions. December is my Birth Month, and I like to string lights, and reach out and touch Friends, who light up my life all year long :-)

There isn't any place local (that we know of) where we can take our energetic boy … so, I thought I'd revisit a place Bleu and I have been to before. Holland hasn't ever been there, and I wanted to show it to him.

And I wanted it to be a surprise, so I didn't tell Holland where we were going ;-)

All I said was that we'd be going off the highway, and into the desert. He asked, "We aren't going to Quartzsite, are we?" I laughed, and said, "No - we aren't going that far; but it will be at least a 40-minute drive. Bleu needs the run … and I want to show you something."

We caught sight of the stationary balloon in the sky, over Yuma. Holland thought it was the Goodyear Blimp, but I mentioned that it never moves: not even at the snail-pace-crawl blimps move through the sky. It's weird.

Sky Balloon; we've seen this thing in the Arizona sky as long as we've been hunkered down in Yuma-AZ

By the time we got to Fisher's Landing, he had settled into the drive and was liking being there, too.

The breeze whisking across the BLM landscape was stirring up a couple of little dust devils, so Holland stayed in the truck while Bleu and I frisked about in the desert sand for a while.

The cost for boondocking (dry docking: no water (haul your own in, and move RV every 2 weeks to dump black tanks/no electricity: solar energy or generator - which has to be off by 10 P.M.) is $10 per day = per person is ridiculous  ($600 - $620 for a couple … and if they charge the dog too, $900 - $930); we can park at a mediocre RV Park with water and electricity, for less & don't mind spending a little more for Resort perks.

Boondocking is not "free camping"; boondocking is basically just giving the 1-finger salute to {the man}: you end up paying through the nose not to pay a Park fee, and the 'no rules' mindset kinds flies out the window when your neighbor is being an ass, and acting like a dog; at that point the rules everyone wants to avoid, come into play. There are some pretty sketchy people out there; and you don't want them for neighbors.

So, we have our generators, and we are fully contained … but our {wilderness experience} at Quartzsite (where we spent more than we hoped to save) is, I'm thinking, more than likely our last - unless we really have no other choice. The scenery was beautiful and freeing for Bleu - but like I said, there are some sketchy people out there. Plus, it was hard on Holland, as he was mainly doing all the heavy lifting (heavy, full water cans; heavy, full propane tanks; and hauling gas for-/oiling up the Beast generator). Holland is on disability for a work related back/neck injury, as well as COPD complications. And with my asthma and my life-long heart arrhythmia, there isn't a whole lot of lifting, and dust sucking I can do either, without draining my strength and energy.

Plus, this 44-ft. 5th Wheel RV is just about the size of a shotgun-galley kitchen studio apartment: hooking it up/disengaging, and hauling it can get intense at times - and Holland has been fielding all that: all I've been doing is tearing it down to move it from one place to another - setting the stabilizer jack legos, and tire chocks in place - and setting it up again, once we park: again, Holland has been doing all the heavy lifting stuff. So, we are staying in RV Parks & Resorts (that have room for our size RV) for the majority of our America Tour Journey ;-)

We want to enjoy our life while we still have a life to enjoy. If that means spending a little more parking $$$ … and making time for longer set-down times than anticipated, between touring moves; so be it. We have a comfortable combined income, which helps us enjoy a comfortable life on the road. We aren't living large ... but we are living a good life; and seeing places in America most people can only dream of :-)

Today we were enjoying ourselves, with Bleu, at Fisher's Landing.

Sky at Fisher's  Landing~Yuma-AZ

While Bleu and I were playing 'Fetch!', and wrestling in the desert; Holland had been scanning the area with his eyes, and saw a balloon in the distance. So, curious as we were, we drove on down the highway to see what it was; and took a few pictures of it (and I researched at home, later).

Balloon in the desert … The "Eye in the Sky" is a huge white blimp roughly 40 miles northeast of Yuma, Arizona.
Part of the US's Tethered Aerostat Radar System network:

Hovering, while tethered by a single cable15,000 feet in the sky northeast of Yuma Proving Ground's headquarters area, is the helium-filled fabric aerostat balloon. This amazing piece of technology keeps its state-of-the-art eye focused on one thing: low-flying airplanes. Each aerostat can lift 2,200 lbs. of sensors to a height of 12,000 feet, and can detect targets out to 230 miles; providing low-level, downward-looking radar coverage. The aerostat can stay aloft for months.

The Yuma blimp is one of eight or so Tethered Aerostat Radar System (TARS) program sites, from Arizona to Florida, operated by the federal government to monitor the US border with Mexico. At each site an unmanned blimp is held aloft, two miles up, tethered by a nylon cord spooled in a winch.

Finished gawking at the desert balloon, we backtracked past the BLM site, and checked out downtown Fisher's Landing. There wasn't a lot to see, but the river area was a nice relaxing sit, before we turned the 4x towards Home ;-)

Fisher's Landing Boat Launch.
Fisher's Landing Resort: 
Yuma desert is ready for Christmas ;-)
Now we know what this thing in the sky is …

We stopped at Wal*Mart on the way home, and picked up what we both had on the List … and Bleu enjoyed many "Oh! I love your dog!" between pettings. Bleu is gathering quite a fan club among the various Wal*Mart stores as we tour America ;-)

When we got home, Holland made a tasty steamed kielbasa-veggie meal with a side of toasted garlic bread; and I wrapped packages to be mailed off (nothing extravagant - each one under $10) & the Angel Blanket Box, included.

Getting ready to send packages out; they'll know who it is from ;-)