God Knew That I Needed You

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


Last night I finished reading the 2nd novel I had bought at an estate sale last Friday - they were both good reads.

This morning I woke up and knew I'd be tracking down more books at some point during the day: if we are going to be here for a lengthy stay before Independence is returned back to us, I'm going to need books. My Clive Cussler novels are in storage. Somewhere.

I need books.

So, after I drank two cups of coffee and dressed for the day, I said to Holland, "I need more books, so I need to make a book run to the nearest Goodwill to grab some: which is closer - Battle Ground-WA, or Scappoose-OR?" He replied, "Battle Ground; it's only 20 minutes from here. Scappoose is way further … and you would have to go through Portland, the back way." I do not want to drive through Portland. Not even for books. I said I'd drive to Battle Ground (I like that drive), but I'd drive the backroad out of Woodland (it's longer, but less stressful than freeway traffic).

When I had come out of the bathroom dressed and ready to hit the road, Holland was waiting for me - and said he'd drive me.

That works for me. I wouldn't mind the company - the weather forecast promised blue skies and plenty of sunshine: we both, could use both.

And it works for him. I was right in assuming we'd be taking the freeway (and that was okay, too - I've never been to Battleground via freeway; it was a new experience). And I smiled to myself because his readiness to make a book run with me was in part because he noticed that when I get lost in a good storyline - I stay lost … and quiet. Very quiet. Quiet works very well for Holland ;-)

And he knows I hate being hemmed in by four walls.

The drive was nice.

The drive was sunny.

The drive was filled with music, gentle speak, and laughter.

I'm glad he drove me there because the parking lot was pretty tight for Betsy - a smaller vehicle wouldn't have any trouble … but we refer to Betsy as "Beast Betsy" for a reason - she is long and wide. If I had gone alone, I probably wouldn't have even tried - and come back empty-handed.

Battle Ground-WA from Woodland-WA; 21 min (16.1 mi) via I-5 S and WA-502
Holland prefers the freeway; I still got a shot of Mt. St. Helens … and saw Mt, Adams, too, later on ;-)
Main roadway to - and thru - Battle Ground.
Actions speak louder than words … Holland is a man of few words; action is his love language.

When I made my selections, and got back in the truck, Holland asked, "Did you find what you wanted? Did you have enough money? Do you need more money?" I replied, "Yes - I found four books that appear promising; I do not need any more money; and I still have $6 left of what I went into the store with … hey, you know what? How about a drive to Scappoose - it would be a nice drive, and I could snag a few more books." Then I howled with laughter at his expression: I already knew what his answer would be, but I couldn't resist a little teasing ;-)

I get a bang out of yanking Holland's chain - and he asks for it by asking leading queries. LOL

I don't mind not going to Scappoose-OR; today is the second time in two days that Holland has ferried me to places that mean something to me - yesterday, he helped me find a place I plan to visit this weekend … and if I like the atmosphere, I will continue to frequent it as long as we are hunkered down here, in Woodland-WA:

He drove me here yesterday to check out the parking lot … I wanted to make sure I can maneuver Beast Betsy without worrying that I will back into someone's vehicle, or scrape down the side of someone's vehicle trying to pull in, or out, of a parking spot. If the parking would be too tight, I would have passed on visitation.
I need this for me … and I'll field the inevitable questions of "are you married? Where's your husband?" with grace.

When we got back to the motel, I put my books on my nightstand; and selected tonight's read …

I feel like reading a sci-fi tonight ;-)

These do actually taste kinda like movie theatre buttered popcorn …

Holland is going to spend his time tonight (and every night while hunkering here, with spotty internet), watching TV and appreciating my quiet time love for books: I can almost hear his mind running 'Oh Happy Days' through it's brain coils :-)

Monday, June 24, 2024

Doctrine Matters~Olive Tree Ministries

Doctrine matters!

If one believes that "the Bible is the Word of God!" - then they have to believe that every word in The Word is accurate and matters. Cherry picking verses, sentences, paragraphs, and chapters to twist into a personal opinion is just plain wrong :-(

When I hear someone who claims to be a Christian say, "Well, I don't believe God meant that" … and then on to change the entire structure of what God is actually wanting to convey, in order to pander to political or personal agenda's under the guise of "the Will of God", I have to wonder if that person is as "saved' as they believe themselves to be.

E.v.e.r.y.s.i.n.g.l.e.w.o.r.d. in The Word is given by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, which makes it absolutely undeniable.


I know a lot of you are wondering why Holland & I stay together … you're not alone: we wonder the same thing most of the time.

Here's the thing - we KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that Elohim brought us together; there was no other way it could have happened.

But here's the kicker: it's hard to maintain a relationship with an addict … and Holland is an adrenaline addict - he needs the hype of constant family drama, the swells & crashes of Vicodin and alcohol, the challenge of fights, and the bullshit chest-thumping macho-man behavior. I don't need, or want, any of that in my life (or our life, together).

It's equally hard for an adrenaline addict to maintain a relationship with a 100% sold-out-Jesus Freak who just wants to live a peaceful laid-back Life without all the addiction hype. Hail Mary passes don't cut the mustard with sold-out.

When two totally opposite worlds collide, there is loudness. There is damage. There is a "what the hell just happened" fallout that is hard to recover from.

I know Holland reads my Page when we aren't talking because he makes comments that tell me that he had been reading my Page 😉

Most of what I post is so my Prayer Warrior compadres know what to pray about so the prayers are specifically pro-active. Most of what I post is also what I want my husband to understand when he turns his ears off and turns his unruly mouth on.

Love is hard; the first seven years of my marriage to Bob were extremely difficult … primarily for the very same reasons as this marriage; but after Bob got saved and turned his life around, the majority of the remaining years before his death were good and solid. I believe this marriage will be good and solid too, once the kinks are worked out.

Complicated love with Mr. Complication is a whole new challenge. And I am slowly beginning to understand that Elohim will very deliberately drop into our lives what we have so carefully and determinedly avoided all of our lives. I have studiously avoided addicts of every shape and form - but NOW Elohim is forcing me to deal with the avoidances. It's not easy, and we both lose our tempers and want to chuck the whole kit and caboodle when the heat is on; but there are also tender times … and THAT is what the seeds of love will take root in, and thrive with.

I don't know how to lie about, or cover up hurtful times, so I truthfully state that my heart is staggering under the constant rain of continual bullshit (the fights always center around his jim jones cult-like family members, & his need to play Jesus in their lives instead of leaving them to seriously find the REAL Jesus and REAL salvation; & his equally shady {friends}) at this point we aren't even kind or gentle towards each other (my mouth can get unruly, too - the hurt cuts both ways when a fight erupts); BUT, on an up note, yesterday I pulled myself away from the verbal battling and spent the majority of yesterday sitting in Betsy where I finished reading one of my estate sale novels -and started reading another, before I decided to walk half a mile to the Safeway store up the street to grab some crispy fried chicken for my solo lobo supper: I was happy to notice that my left ankle was strong without any numbness felt, & my left leg swung easily without feeling heavy: THANK YU'ALL FOR YOUR PRAYERS - this latest piriformis muscle snafu is healing 😁

A page turner; it kept interest til the last  page :-)
I'll finish this book today - but I am not cheating by reading the last page beforehand ;-)

On my way back from my Safeway walk, I heard a familiar horn honk as I passed by; and looked up to see that Holland had come to fetch me home. For all his angry talk of divorce in the grip of Vicodin & alcohol withdrawals, he is not willing to let this love go by.

This was an era when marriages were arranged by parents, and the people getting married were kinda forced into the situation; often love did not take root until deep into an {ify} union. The advice seems pertinent in this marriage also, that was arranged by Elohim (our Father) … and is going through a real rough patch at the moment. Holland and I weren't forced - but our marriage definitely WAS "arranged" ;-)

And that's a start to love seeds thriving after a colliding world's impact ❤️

Elle King - 'Love Go By' song: 

My relationship with Mr. Complication has always been been complicated, but I know that whatever happens in my Life was planned by Elohim; so I am not overly concerned about the outcome - I know it will be solid gold once the dross is taken care of 😉

Saturday, June 22, 2024


June 21st: Today started early; we were up and out the door a little after 8 AM … and back again a bit past 9 AM; Holland wanted to make sure the repairs tally covered everything needing to be tended to, before the insurance agreement was settled on all ends - he was satisfied, so hopefully this thing will get started and finished in a reasonable timeframe.

We both wore shorts and light shirts because the afternoon's predicted weather temperature was to reach 85-degrees.

On our way back to Woodland, Holland called my attention to a vehicles we were approaching - he jokingly said, "Look Baby - the Beverly Hillbillies." I laughed and he chuckled when I said, "It looks like a modern version of the old west snake oil peddler's wagon - look, it even has a chandelier dangling form the back end!" … then we both howled with laughter as we passed the heavy laden vehicle, because the entire hood was covered with antlers of every size and species: and those were interspaced with mounted plastic human-like skulls of varying sizes.

It was a rat rod nightmare ;-)

Salmon Creek-WA from Woodland-WA; 16 min (14.5 mi) via I-5 S
We got a laugh out of this …

When Holland parked, he asked if there was something else I wanted to do, and I said, "Yeah - but I don't think you'll want to do it with me." Holland hasn't been feeling well as he deals with withdrawals. He asked me what it was, and I said it seemed a waste to waste such a beautiful sunny day, so, I was thinking maybe we could drive to Willow Grove where he could enjoy the cool river breeze and watch the water craft … and I could walk the short walking trail there. He said he'd stay behind, but I could take the truck and, "be gone all day if you want to, because it's gonna be hotter than Hell here; visit some of your friends."

So, I did :-)

Washington State heat is miserable because the humidity is so stinking high … and Holland is cold all the time: so, things worked out well for both of us ;-)

I enjoyed my much needed walk at Willow Grove Park, and … I got my garage sale fix & bought 3 books & 2 necklaces (all three happenstances are direct answers to prayer); I got my hair tidied (and enjoyed the familiar back roads); I mentally patted myself on the back several times this afternoon when I skillfully backed Beast Betsy into tight parking spaces (backing her out is kinda scary 'cause she's long and wide) to make leaving the parking spaces less stressful; I survived the on-going freeway traffic jam (which included a wreck because of the road construction mess) without a claustrophobic meltdown; and I ate a chinese meal (also a direct answer to prayer) :-)

It was a busy {relaxing} day … and I loved every minute of it :-)

Willow Grove Park, Longview-WA from Woodland-WA; 35 min (28.7 mi) via I-5 N and WA-432 W
I wanted to squeeze every opportunity out of this sunny day ;-)
I want to be an agile 'old woman' ;-)
I watched a young mother try to teach her 3 yo son how to fly a kite.
I spotted this beautifully maintained vintage hot rod - full metal body; not plastic, like cars are today. CHROME! I miss chrome … 1969 Malibu.

Luke Combs - 'Fast Car' song: 

A daring little survivor all alone in the center of the rocky trail - a reminder of Life's story.
The brittle symphony of breeze rattled, sun-dried cottonwood tree leaves.
And happy, chirping & trilling bird song riding sunbeams.
This tree's bark is completely peeled away - naturally.
I need to start being more consciously diligent about walking - no matter what; or where.
I also scheduled a hair trim with the hair salon I like, in Castle Rock-WA
A welcome sign as I left the Park … I bought 3 books & 2 necklaces, here ;-)
Castle Rock-WA from Willow Grove-WA; 26 min (16.7 mi) via Delameter Rd
Kalama-WA from Castle Rock-WA; 20 min (19.9 mi) via I-5 S
The Lucky Dragon Chinese Restaurant, in Kalama-WA
Ferrying Supper home tonight …
Woodland-WA from Kalama-WA; 15 min (9.0 mi) via I-5 S
This 15 minute strip of freeway looks like 6 AM & 5 PM Seattle commute traffic - it's only 4 PM, here.
There is a wreck ahead; a 15 min. drive morphed into a half hour ordeal.
An inch at a time … all the way from Kalama to Woodland. Seriously. o.n.e.i.n.c.h.a.t.a.t.i.m.e.