God Knew That I Needed You

Sunday, January 19, 2025


Bob & I were married 4 months into our relationship (he was talking marriage and kids in 2 months time): our marriage lasted 44 years - it ended when the Grim Reaper came calling.

Holland and I were married a little under a month following our 1st Coffee Date: he was talking marriage right off the bat … but, we'd known each other 18 months before that first date - and he'd been waiting for me, 33 years, to arrive on the scene 😍. He figured he'd waited long enough 😉

Marrying men want to get married; they don't want to wait … too much can happen in a year - 2 years - 3 years. Men who want to set up house to "see if we're compatible", are never going to get married to the woman they are shacking up with: they don't have to, they already have her in their corral. They just want a secured bed mate while they keep shopping for the illusive 'perfect woman'.

Illusions aren't reality.

A marrying man; proposal 6 mos or less …
Marriage is the 'getting to know' phase - that's where marital growth & unity takes root; where loyalties are forged.
Clint & Lisa Black - “When I Said I Do”
A procrastinator is not a marrying man.

I never stepped out with anyone I didn't consider marital material, so when both men proposed early in the Game, I didn't mind. I didn't mind because I am not a stupid person - I know that people put their best foot forward and show only the best sides of themselves when stepping out … it isn't until they get married and start showing ALL of themselves 😳🤬😭💔 that wrinkles show up and need to get ironed out 🙏✌️ to make the picture perfect 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨😉

We're still hanging tough❤️‍🩹

We both made a commitment 💘; loyalty is important to both of us. Loyalty is not always an easy, paved, road. There are a lot of obstacles, rocky roadways, and heavy loads involved in loyalties.

The first 7 years with Bob were hard ones due to alcohol and drug addiction. It wasn't until 1981 that Bob sobered up and won the victory over addictions; that was the year our marriage really became the one we'd hoped for when we pledged our lives to each other in 1974.

Holland and I, have admittedly, had a rough 2 years. But love was never the issue between us … and the issues are 1 by 1 being dealt with. We both have every confidence that should Elohim bless us with 20 more years, we'll sail through them - enjoying the marriage we both came into this union believing we could have together 😘

Blake Shelton - 'God Gave Me You' lyrics: 

2024's VICTORY happened in Woodland-WA - started with a major blow out over Vicodin addiction; and wrapped up, here in AZ, with Holland saying "No" to drugs in any form. MAJOR, major 👏👏 I'm so proud of him 😘

And, Elohim has new Friends - TRUE friends - waiting for him: he just has to be open to those new friends with new Life concepts. It will happen 🙏☝️

Marriage means new friendships - new boundaries. Commitment to your spouse. We're still wading our way through this one, but I think Holland is beginning to realize Past {friendships} do not serve him beneficially in the Present. A New Life requires a New Mindset.

Elohim has been very favorable to me the majority of my Life. He has twice blessed me with good men than have been for the most part, good for me. I am a strong-minded woman with a strong will to match - I need a strong man to keep me grounded. I've been highly favored with the choices Elohim made for me in that regard.

A strong man is a marrying man.

Clint Black - "Something That We Do" song: 

A marrying man knows what he wants - and he'll do what he needs to do to keep it 😉


  1. Good wisdom here. I feel bad for so many younger folks who have believed the lie that you have to "test drive" so much to see if your marriage will work. Good relationships don't all develop on the same timeline, of course, but it's best to start out with a mindset oriented to God's design for covenant commitments. Congratulations on your milestones, and the victory won over addiction! Visiting from ST&F today.

    1. Hi Kym & thank you - glad to see you popped in today :-D

      Yes; it is best to start marriage with a 3-cord strength, oriented to Elohim's design for covenant commitments.

  2. Wise words! My husband and I got engaged at 6 months - and 42 years later, here we are! When our sons started dating, we encouraged them to be intentional, to not continue in a relationship when they realize it is not a "forever" relationship. It has been so beautiful watch how each son courted his "forever girls."

    1. Thank you - everyone should enter into dating with a "Forever Mate" in mind. MPO I married young the first time (17 yo), and our marriage lasted 44 years. Good years. I married late in life, this time (66 yo) … and I won't lie: these past 2 years have been a challenge as Holland had been a bachelor for 3 decades - it was hard for him to "answer" to anyone, for anything. But he's "got the hang of it" now, and going forward is much easier ;-) I don't regret either marriage; they are both good men.

      I still say quick marriages are the best way to go … and they last the longest, too.
